Last week I posted a previous version of this code. I improved the program and worked on it for a few days and I would love to get reviews, feedback and tips so I could learn more and more from you guys.
So here is the program:
#ifndef CONFIG_MAN_H
#define CONFIG_MAN_H
int check_file_existence(const char *);
int create_config_file(const char *, const char*);
int write_config_unit(const char *, const char *, const char *);
char *read_config_unit(const char *, const char *);
int check_unit_existence(const char *, char *);
int read_reg_syntax(char *, char *, int);
int read_list_syntax(char *, char *, int);
*This header contains all required functions to manage configuration files.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "config_man.h"
*The function will check if the given file in the
*file path exists. It retruns 1 for yes and 0 for no.
int check_file_existence(const char *file_path) {
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(file_path, "r");
if(fp == NULL) { //if file doesnt exists
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured due to missing configurations file.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
*A function to create a configuration file with the given path.
*Then it'll write a comentted discription and instruction for this file.
int create_config_file(const char *file_path, const char *description) {
FILE *fp;
const char *config_instruct = {
"# [Instructions] #\n"
"# Please it's very important to make sure there are 3 charact- #\n"
"# ers between the unit name and its configurations. #\n"
"# For example: #\n"
"# #\n"
"# UnitName = configurations #\n"
"# #\n"
"# As you can see there are 3 characters between the unit name #\n"
"# and the configurations (2 spaces and an equal sign). Be awa- #\n"
"# re that each new line terminates the unit's configurations. #\n"
"# If the unit's configurations are too long you can put it in- #\n"
"# side a pair of braces and make it a list. For example: #\n"
"# #\n"
"# VeryLongUnit = { #\n"
"# config_1 #\n"
"# config_2 #\n"
"# config_3 #\n"
"# config_4 #\n"
"# } <- Don't forget to close the list #\n"
"# #\n"
"# Be aware that '}' terminates the list. #\n"
"# Note: Please if you want to use indention for the list, only #\n"
"# use tabs, becuase they are ignored while reading a list. #\n"
"# It's also good to note that in case the unit is a commands #\n"
"# unit and this command requires root privileges, you can just #\n"
"# prepend 'sudo' to it like this: #\n"
"# #\n"
"# CommandsUnit = sudo root_command #\n"
"# #\n"
"# Lastly as you can see hashes ('#') are ignored. #\n"
"# By the way, sorry for the hard syntax I really tried to make #\n"
"# as easy as I can and that's the result. I hope you like it :)#\n"
fp = fopen(file_path, "w");
if(fp == NULL) { //Check if error occurred
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred while creating: %s.\n", file_path);
return -1;
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", description);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", config_instruct);
return 0;
*This function takes a unit name and a description then it'll
*write the description to it so youll know how to configure it.
int write_config_unit(const char *file_path, const char *unit_name, const char *unit_desc) {
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(file_path, "a");
if(fp == NULL) {//Check if error occurred
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred while writing to: %s\n", file_path);
return -1;
fprintf(fp, "%s = %s\n\n", unit_name, unit_desc);
return 0;
*This function will read all the config file, it'll
*ignore every commented line (with '#'), it will search
*for the desired unit's confgis. If the unit exists it will
*return a pointer to it, otherwise it will return NULL.
char *read_config_unit(const char *file_path, const char *unit_name) {
FILE *fp;
char unit_buffer[600]; //Buffer for the unit name and its configs
char *configs_beginning; //Pointer to the targeted unit's configs beginning
char *read_configs; //Array for the read configs
unsigned int config_status = 0; //1 = list, 0 = one line configurations
int status;
fp = fopen(file_path, "r");
if(fp == NULL) { //Check if error occurred
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred reading: %s\n", file_path);
return NULL;
read_configs = (char *) calloc(801, sizeof(char));
if(read_configs==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred while allocating memory.\n");
return NULL;
//Loop in the file's content
while(fgets(unit_buffer, sizeof(unit_buffer), fp) != NULL) {
//If the beginning of a line is commented or empty
if(*unit_buffer=='#' || *unit_buffer=='\n' || *unit_buffer=='\0')
continue; //Ignore and read next line
if(config_status) { //If list was found
if((status=read_list_syntax(unit_buffer, read_configs, 801)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "An overflow was detected while reading unit: %s.\n", unit_name);
return NULL;
else if(status) //If reading list
continue; //read the next line of the list
return read_configs;
else {
status=check_unit_existence(unit_name, unit_buffer);
if(status) //If unit wasnt found in line
continue; //Read the next one
/*The address of the beginning of the unit's configurations =
beginning of the line + len of the unit name + 3 bytes (2 spaces and '=' sign)*/
configs_beginning = unit_buffer + strlen(unit_name) + 3;
if(*(configs_beginning) == '{') { //If unit configs is beginning of a list
config_status = 1;
else {
if(read_reg_syntax(configs_beginning, read_configs, 801) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "An overflow was detected while reading unit: %s.\n", unit_name);
return NULL;
return read_configs;
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while searching for unit: %s.\n", unit_name);
return NULL;
*This function reads the regular configurations syntax,
*Then passes it to the config_buffer. If there was a buffer
*overflow the function will return -1, otherwise 0.
int read_reg_syntax(char *config_beginning, char *configs_buffer, int buffer_size) {
int i = 0;
switch(config_beginning[i]) {
case '\n':
if(i+1 > buffer_size)
return -1;
configs_buffer[i] = '\0'; //teminate line
return 0; //exit
case '\0': //Line is terminated
return 0; //exit
//Check for overflow
if(i+1 > buffer_size)
return -1;
//insert char into the configs_buffer
configs_buffer[i] = config_beginning[i];
*This function will read the syntax of a list, if finished reading itll
*return 0, if still reading it will return 1 to read the next line, if
*overflow occured -1 is returned.
int read_list_syntax(char *line_beginning, char *configs_buffer, int buffer_size) {
int char_cnt, i;
char_cnt = strlen(configs_buffer); //number of characters in configs_buffer
i = 0;
while(1) { //Loop and read line until reaching '\n' or ';'
switch(line_beginning[i]) {
case '}': //If end of list
configs_buffer[char_cnt] = '\0'; //terminate line
return 0; //Finished reading list
case '\t': //Ignore indention
case '\n':
//Make sure there is no overflow
if(char_cnt+1 > buffer_size)
return -1;
configs_buffer[char_cnt] = line_beginning[i];
return 1; //Read next line
//Make sure there is no overflow
if(char_cnt+1 > buffer_size)
return -1;
configs_buffer[char_cnt] = line_beginning[i];
*This function takes a unit name and pointer to the beginning
*of the unit's line and it then it finds the unit's name which is
*the first word then it checks if the founded unit and the passed
*one are equal and the same.
*0 = equal, 1 = not equal, -1 error.
int check_unit_existence(const char *unit_name, char *line_begin) {
unsigned int i;
int unit_name_len = strlen(unit_name);
char unit_to_check[unit_name_len]; //Array for the unit name that needs to be checked
for(i=0; i<unit_name_len+1; i++) {
if(line_begin[i]==' ' || line_begin[i]=='\t' || line_begin[i]=='\n') {
unit_to_check[i] = '\0';
unit_to_check[i] = line_begin[i];
if(strcmp(unit_name, unit_to_check) == 0)
return 0;
else //Not equal
return 1;
#ifndef SYS_BACKUP_H
#define SYS_BACKUP_H
typedef struct {
int day;
int month;
int year;
} date;
int rm_dir(const char *);
void get_date(date *);
char *make_backup_dir(const char *, date);
char *split_configs(char *, unsigned int *);
int exec_command(const char *, char **);
char *get_name(const char *);
void clean_line(char *);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "sys_backup.h"
*Recursive function to delete directories.
*Returns -1 for failure, 1 if cant open dir, otherwise 0.
int rm_dir(const char *dir_path) {
DIR *dr;
struct dirent *dp;
struct stat statbuf;
unsigned int original_path_len, new_path_len;
char *new_path;
original_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
if((dr=opendir(dir_path)) == NULL) { //If failed opening dir
if(errno==ENOENT) { //If dir doesnt exists
fprintf(stderr, "Directory doesn't exists: %s\n", dir_path);
return 1;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while opening directory: %s\n", dir_path);
return -1;
//Loop in dir's content
while((dp=readdir(dr))!=NULL) {
//Ignore '.' and '..' directories
if (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".")==0 || strcmp(dp->d_name, "..")==0)
new_path_len = original_path_len + strlen(dp->d_name) + 2; //2 = '\0' and '/'
new_path = (char *) malloc(new_path_len);
if(new_path == NULL) {
return -1;
sprintf(new_path, "%s/%s", dir_path, dp->d_name);
//Get object status
if(stat(new_path, &statbuf)==0) {
if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { //If object is a directory
if(rm_dir(new_path)==-1) { //Delete it
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while removing directory: %s\n", new_path);
return -1;
else {
if(unlink(new_path)==-1) { //Delte file
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while removing file: %s\n", new_path);
return -1;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "An unknown error occured.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
*This function will get the date of today, and it'll insert it to the passed date array.
void get_date(date *date_struct) {
long int sec_since_epoch;
struct tm current_time, *time_ptr;
sec_since_epoch = time(0);
time_ptr = ¤t_time; //Set time pointer to the current_time struct
localtime_r(&sec_since_epoch, time_ptr);
//Pass today's date to the date struct
date_struct->day = time_ptr->tm_mday;
date_struct->month = time_ptr->tm_mon + 1; //+1 because months range from 0 - 11
date_struct->year = time_ptr->tm_year - 100; //-100 because tm_year is number of passed years since 1900
*A function that gets pointer to int array that contains the
*date of today and create a backup dir in the passed path
*passed date. Then it will return the full path of the created dir.
char *make_backup_dir(const char *device_path, date date_struct) {
char dir_name[9];
char *backup_path;
//Convert the date_array to a string so will use it to name the dir in the device path
sprintf(dir_name, "%02d-%02d-%02d",, date_struct.month, date_struct.year);
//Prepare the full backup path
backup_path = (char *) malloc(sizeof(dir_name)+strlen(device_path)+1);
if(backup_path == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while allocating memory.\n");
return NULL;
sprintf(backup_path, "%s%s/", device_path, dir_name);
if(mkdir(backup_path, S_IRWXU)==-1) { //If failed
fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while creating directory: %s\n", backup_path);
return NULL;
printf("Created: %s\n", backup_path);
return backup_path;
*This function is going to split a read list of configurations
*into a separated lines, then return a pointer to it. NULL for
char *split_configs(char *configs, unsigned int *i_in_configs) {
static char line[600];
unsigned int i;
if(configs[*i_in_configs]=='\0') //If the beginning of configs is terminated
return NULL;
memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line)); //Make sure the static array is empty
for(i=0; configs[*i_in_configs]!='\0'; i++) {
if(configs[*i_in_configs]=='\n') {
*i_in_configs = *i_in_configs + 1; //Skip it and break
line[i] = configs[*i_in_configs];
*i_in_configs = *i_in_configs + 1;
return line;
*This function will fork the parent process to create a
*child process then execute commands using one of the exec
*familie's functions. Return -1 for fork failure, 1 for execv()
*failure, otherwise 0.
int exec_command(const char *prog_name, char *commands[]) {
char prog_path[strlen("/usr/bin/")+strlen(prog_name)];
int status;
pid_t pid;
pid_t ret;
sprintf(prog_path, "/usr/bin/%s", prog_name);
pid = fork(); //Create a new child process
if(pid == -1) {//If failed to create new child
fprintf(stderr, "An error occured while creating a child process.\n");
return -1;
else if(pid != 0) { //If child process didnt start
while((ret = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) == -1) { //Wait for child
if(errno != EINTR) { //If the waitpid() error isnt an interrupte signal
fprintf(stderr, "An error occured while waiting for the child process.\n");
return -1;
if(execv(prog_path, commands)==-1) //If command wasnt found
return 1;
return 0;
*This function gets a pointer to a line and then it
*gets the first word in yhr line and return a pointer to it.
char *get_name(const char *line) {
static char name[200];
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<sizeof(name); i++) {
if(line[i]==' ' || line[i]=='\n' || line[i]=='\t') {
name[i] = '\0';
name[i] = line[i];
if(*name=='\0') //If name is empty
return NULL;
return name;
*This function is going to check if the line ends with any space,
*and modify it if it is since the exec_command and make_backup_dir()
*functions are space sensitive.
void clean_line(char *line) {
unsigned int i = 1;
int len = strlen(line);
while(line[len-i] == ' ') { //Clean line from spaces at the end
line[len-i] = '\0';
*This program will make some cleaning that you regularly do
*before the full system backup. And then itll create new dir
*in your storage device with date, to make the system backup in
*it useng rsync. The program will use system() to connect all the
*command line tools together and automate this process. Lastly
*its good to note that tho program reads all the commands and
*your customaized cleaning process from a config file with the
*following path: ~/.config/sys_backup
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "config_man.h" //For config files managment
#include "sys_backup.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const char *config_desc = {
"# This configuration file purposes are to provide to the #\n"
"# sys_backup.c program the right cleaning process and storage #\n"
"# device path, customized to your own needs and preferences. #\n"
const char *units_list[] = {
"DirsToClean", "CleaningCommands", "DevicePath",
"RsyncOpt", "DirsToBackup",
const char *units_desc[] = {
"Dirs path you regularly clean, like some cache dirs",
"\tCommands for cleaning your sysem, like:\n"
"\tsudo pacman -Sc (for deleting uninstalled packages\n"
"\tfrom the cache in arch based distros)\n"
"Yous storage device's path",
"Rsync backup option, for example: -aAXHv",
"Directories to backup",
char *config_path = ".config/sys_backup";
char *home = getenv("HOME");
char config_full_path[strlen(home)+strlen(config_path)+1];
char *configurations, *backup_path, *ptr, *prog_name;
char *command_arg, *commands_list[7];
char new_prog_name[200+strlen("/usr/bin/")];
int opt, status;
unsigned int i, len;
date dir_name;
/*Prepare configurations file's full path*/
sprintf(config_full_path, "%s/%s", home, config_path);
while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":c")) != EOF) {
if(opt == 'c' && argc<3) {
if(create_config_file(config_full_path, config_desc)==-1)
for(i=0; *units_list[i]!='\0'; i++)
if(write_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[i], units_desc[i])==-1)
printf("%s was succesfully generated.\n", config_full_path);
return 0;
else if(argc > 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments were given.\n");
else {
fprintf(stderr, "The argument %s is invalid.\n", argv[1]);
if(check_file_existence(config_full_path) == 0) { //Check if config file exists
fprintf(stderr, "Reminder: you can always generate new one using the -c option.\n");
/*Read the configured units*/
if((configurations=read_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[0])) == NULL) //Unit wasnt found
/*Separate each dir path on its own to delete it*/
i = 0;
while((ptr=split_configs(configurations, &i)) != NULL) {
if(*ptr=='/' && ptr[1]=='\0'){ //If path is stand alone root tree
fprintf(stderr, "Error: you can't remove root tree.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Please make sure that there is no sign of stand alone '/' in your configs.\n");
if((status=rm_dir(ptr)) == -1) {
else if(status) //If cant open dir skip it
printf("Removing: %s\n", ptr);
if((configurations=read_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[1])) == NULL) //Unit wasnt found
/*Separate each cleaning command on its own to execute it*/
i = 0;
memset(commands_list, '\0', sizeof(commands_list)); //Make sure array is empty
while((ptr=split_configs(configurations, &i)) != NULL) {
if((prog_name=get_name(ptr))==NULL) { //If no program name was found
fprintf(stderr, "An unknown error occured\n");
/*Prepare command*/
if(strcmp(prog_name, "sudo") == 0) { //If command starts with sudo
commands_list[0] = "sudo";
prog_name = get_name(ptr+strlen("sudo ")); //Get the name after sudo
sprintf(new_prog_name, "/usr/bin/%s", prog_name);
commands_list[1] = new_prog_name; //Insert it with the full path
command_arg = ptr+strlen("sudo ")+strlen(prog_name) + 1; //skip all the read characters
commands_list[2] = command_arg;
printf("Warning: Executing the command '%s' with root privileges!\n", ptr);
status = exec_command(commands_list[0], commands_list);
if(status==-1) {
else {
command_arg = ptr+strlen(prog_name)+1; //+1 to ommit the space
commands_list[0] = prog_name;
commands_list[1] = command_arg;
status = exec_command(commands_list[0], commands_list);
if(status==-1) {
if((configurations=read_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[2])) == NULL) //Unit wasnt found
get_date(&dir_name); //Get the date of today and pass it to dir_name
if((backup_path=make_backup_dir(configurations, dir_name))==NULL) { //Create backup dir and get its path
/*Prepare Rsync commands*/
memset(commands_list, '\0', sizeof(commands_list)); //Make sure array is empty
if((configurations=read_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[3])) == NULL) {
commands_list[0] = "sudo";
commands_list[1] = "/usr/bin/rsync";
commands_list[2] = configurations;
commands_list[4] = backup_path;
if((configurations=read_config_unit(config_full_path, units_list[4])) == NULL) {
len = 0;
while(1) {
ptr = get_name(configurations+len);
if(ptr != NULL) {
commands_list[3] = ptr;
status = exec_command(commands_list[0], commands_list);
if(status==-1) {
len += strlen(ptr) + 1; //to ommit the already checked names
else {
return 0;
Here is a link to the repo for the ones who would prefer to review it there