Asking for a review of this neural network code.
I have officially finished my first neural net that works properly (by my standards right now). But I know there is more than likely some details I am missing or getting wrong that might be affecting the quality of the nets intelligence. I plan on making this a library soon (hence the options for different types of optimization, regularization and activation. I am not too worried about optimal performance but suggestions on improving performance would be much appreciated! I am not proficient in the use of pointers so I did avoid using them, but if I have to, I will.
It is quite a lot of code, but if anyone could just take a quick review, it would really help me in just understanding more. I am 4 months into coding now so Im still very new. (started with c++).
So to clarify, I just want to know if anyone can spot any dire problems that will go unnoticed by the untrained eye, or just small improvements I could make. Very motivated to learn so any criticism welcome!
so heres the code:
(If anyone finds this helpful for learning, more than welcome to use it)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
double Relu(double &val)
if (val < 0.0) return 0.01 * (exp(val) - 1.0);
else return val;
double Reluderiv(double &val)
if (val < 0.0) return Relu(val) + 0.01;
else return 1.0;
double tanhderiv(double& val)
return 1.0 - (tanh(val) * tanh(val));
double randdist(double x, double y)
return sqrt(2.0 / (x + y));
int randomt(int x, int y)
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(x, y);
return round(dist(mt));
double randomd(double x, double y)
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(x, y);
return dist(mt);
class INneuron
double val{};
double VDW{};
double SDW{};
double VDB{};
double SDB{};
std::vector <double> weights{};
std::vector <double> weightderivs{};
std::vector <double> emavals{};
std::vector <double> adamvals{};
class HIDneuron
double preactval{};
double actval{};
double actvalPD{};
double preactvalPD{};
double VDW{};
double SDW{};
double VDB{};
double SDB{};
std::vector <double> weights{};
std::vector <double> weightderivs{};
std::vector <double> emavals{};
std::vector <double> adamvals{};
double bias{};
double biasderiv{};
double biasema{};
double biasadam{};
class OUTneuron
double preactval{};
double actval{};
double preactvalPD{};
double bias{};
double biasderiv{};
double VDB{};
double SDB{};
double biasema{};
double biasadam{};
class Net
Net(int netdimensions, int hidlayers, int hidneurons, int outneurons, int inneurons, double lambda, double alpha) :
NETDIMENSIONS(netdimensions), HIDLAYERS(hidlayers), HIDNEURONS(hidneurons), OUTNEURONS(outneurons), INNEURONS(inneurons), Lambda(lambda), Alpha(alpha) {}
void defineoptimizer(const std::string& optimizer);
void defineregularizer(const std::string& regularizer);
void defineactivation(const std::string& activation);
void definedescenttype(const std::string& descenttypeS);
bool Feedforward(const std::vector <double>& invec);
void Backprop(const std::vector <double>& targets);
void Updateweights();
void printvalues(double totalloss);
void Initweights();
void softmax();
double regularize(double weight);
double lossfunc(const std::vector <double>& target);
void calcema(const size_t& Layernum, const size_t& neuron, const size_t& weight, const std::string& layer, const std::string& BorW);
void calcadam(const size_t& Layernum, const size_t& neuron,const size_t& weight, const std::string& layer, const std::string& BorW);
double iter{};
INneuron Inn;
HIDneuron Hidn;
OUTneuron Outn;
std::vector <std::vector <HIDneuron>> Hidlayers{};
std::vector <INneuron> Inlayer{};
std::vector <OUTneuron> Outlayer{};
size_t HIDLAYERS{};
size_t HIDNEURONS{};
size_t OUTNEURONS{};
size_t INNEURONS{};
double Lambda{};
double Alpha{};
double loss{};
int optimizerformula{};
int regularizertype{};
int activationtype{};
void Net::defineoptimizer(const std::string& optimizer)
if (optimizer == "ExpAvrg")
optimizerformula = 1;
else if (optimizer == "SGD")
optimizerformula = 2;
else if (optimizer == "Adam")
optimizerformula = 3;
else {
std::cout << "no optimizer matching description" << '\n';
void Net::defineactivation(const std::string& activation)
if (activation == "Relu")activationtype = 1;
else if (activation == "Tanh") activationtype = 2;
else {
std::cout << "no activation determined" << '\n'; abort();
void Net::defineregularizer(const std::string& regularizer)
if (regularizer == "L1")
regularizertype = 1;
else if (regularizer == "L2")
regularizertype = 2;
else std::cout << "no regularizer determined" << '\n';
void Net::definedescenttype(const std::string& descenttypeS)
if (descenttypeS == "SGD")
descenttype = 1;
else if (descenttypeS == "MiniBatch")
descenttype = 2;
else std::cout << "No descenttype chose, default SGD set" << '\n';
double Net::regularize(double weight)
if (regularizertype == 1)
double absval{ weight };
if (absval > 0.0) return 1.0;
else if (absval < 0.0) return -1.0;
else if (absval == 0.0) return 0.0;
else return 2;
else if (regularizertype == 2)
double absval{};
if (weight < 0.0) absval = weight * -1.0;
else absval = weight;
return (2.0 * absval);
else { std::cout << "no regularizer recognized" << '\n'; abort(); }
void Net::softmax()
double sum{};
for (size_t Osize = 0; Osize < Outlayer.size(); Osize++)
sum += exp(Outlayer[Osize].preactval);
for (size_t Osize = 0; Osize < Outlayer.size(); Osize++)
Outlayer[Osize].actval = exp(Outlayer[Osize].preactval) / sum;
void Net::Initweights()
unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
std::default_random_engine generator(seed);
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0);
for (size_t WD = 0; WD < HIDLAYERS + 1; WD++)
if (WD == 0)
for (size_t WL = 0; WL < INNEURONS; WL++)
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Inlayer.back().emavals.reserve(HIDNEURONS); }
else if (optimizerformula == 3) { Inlayer.back().adamvals.reserve(HIDNEURONS); }
for (size_t WK = 0; WK < HIDNEURONS; WK++)
double val = distribution(generator) * randdist(INNEURONS, HIDNEURONS);
if (optimizerformula == 1){ Inlayer.back().emavals.push_back(0.0); }
else if (optimizerformula == 3){ Inlayer.back().adamvals.push_back(0.0); }
if (optimizerformula == 3)
Inlayer.back().SDB = 0.0;
Inlayer.back().VDB = 0.0;
Inlayer.back().SDW = 0.0;
Inlayer.back().VDW = 0.0;
else if (WD < HIDLAYERS && WD != 0)
Hidlayers.push_back(std::vector <HIDneuron>());
for (size_t WL = 0; WL < HIDNEURONS; WL++)
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().emavals.reserve(HIDNEURONS); }
for (size_t WK = 0; WK < HIDNEURONS; WK++)
double val = distribution(generator) * randdist(HIDNEURONS, HIDNEURONS);
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().emavals.push_back(0.0); }
else if (optimizerformula == 3) { Hidlayers.back().back().adamvals.push_back(0.0); }
Hidlayers.back().back().bias = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().biasderiv = 0.0;
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().biasema = 0.0; }
else if (optimizerformula == 3) {
Hidlayers.back().back().biasadam = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().VDB = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().SDB = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().SDW = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().VDW = 0.0;
else if (WD == HIDLAYERS)
Hidlayers.push_back(std::vector <HIDneuron>());
for (size_t WL = 0; WL < HIDNEURONS; WL++)
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().emavals.reserve(OUTNEURONS); }
for (size_t WK = 0; WK < OUTNEURONS; WK++)
double val = distribution(generator) * randdist(HIDNEURONS, OUTNEURONS);
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().emavals.push_back(0.0); }
else if (optimizerformula == 3) { Hidlayers.back().back().adamvals.push_back(0.0); }
Hidlayers.back().back().bias = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().biasderiv = 0.0;
if (optimizerformula == 1) { Hidlayers.back().back().biasema = 0.0; }
else if (optimizerformula == 3) {
Hidlayers.back().back().biasadam = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().VDB = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().SDB = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().SDW = 0.0;
Hidlayers.back().back().VDW = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < OUTNEURONS; i++)
Outlayer.back().bias = 0.0;
Outlayer.back().biasderiv = 0.0;
if (optimizerformula ==1)
Outlayer.back().biasema = 0.0;
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
Outlayer.back().SDB = 0.0;
Outlayer.back().VDB = 0.0;
bool Net::Feedforward(const std::vector <double>& invec)
bool success = 1;
for (size_t I = 0; I < Inlayer.size(); I++)
Inlayer[I].val = invec[I];
for (size_t h = 0; h < Hidlayers[0].size(); h++)
double preval = Hidlayers[0][h].bias;
for (size_t I = 0; I < Inlayer.size(); I++)
preval += Inlayer[I].val * Inlayer[I].weights[h];
Hidlayers[0][h].preactval = preval;
if (activationtype == 1)
Hidlayers[0][h].actval = Relu(preval);
else if (activationtype == 2)
Hidlayers[0][h].actval = tanh(preval);
if (isnan(Hidlayers[0][h].actval)) { std::cout << "isnan at Hidlayers[0][" << h << "].actval"; success = 0; }
else success = 1;
for (size_t H = 1; H < Hidlayers.size(); H++)
size_t prevh = H - 1;
for (size_t h = 0; h < Hidlayers[H].size(); h++)
double preval = Hidlayers[H][h].bias;
for (size_t p = 0; p < Hidlayers[prevh].size(); p++)
preval += Hidlayers[prevh][p].actval * Hidlayers[prevh][p].weights[h];
Hidlayers[H][h].preactval = preval;
if (activationtype == 1)
Hidlayers[H][h].actval = Relu(preval);
else if (activationtype == 2)
Hidlayers[H][h].actval = tanh(preval);
if (isnan(Hidlayers[H][h].actval)) { std::cout << "isnan at Hidlayers["<< H <<"][" << h << "].actval"; success = 0; }
else success = 1;
for (size_t O = 0; O < Outlayer.size(); O++)
size_t lhid = Hidlayers.size() - 1;
double preval = Outlayer[O].bias;
for (size_t h = 0; h < Hidlayers[lhid].size(); h++)
preval += Hidlayers[lhid][h].actval * Hidlayers[lhid][h].weights[O];
Outlayer[O].preactval = preval;
return success;
void Net::calcema(const size_t& Layernum, const size_t& neuron, const size_t& weight, const std::string& layer, const std::string& BorW)
static double Beta{ 0.9 };
if (BorW == "Weight")
if (layer == "Inlayer")
double tempval = (Beta * Inlayer[neuron].emavals[weight]) +((1.0 - Beta) * Inlayer[neuron].weightderivs[weight]);
Inlayer[neuron].emavals[weight] = tempval;
else if (layer == "Hidlayers")
double tempval = (Beta * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].emavals[weight]) +((1.0 - Beta) * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].weightderivs[weight]);
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].emavals[weight] = tempval;
else if (BorW == "Bias")
if (layer == "Hidlayers")
double tempval = (Beta * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasema) +((1.0 - Beta) * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasderiv);
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasema = tempval;
else if (layer == "Outlayer")
double tempval = (Beta * Outlayer[neuron].biasema) + ((1.0 - Beta) * Outlayer[neuron].biasderiv);
Outlayer[neuron].biasema = tempval;
void Net::Backprop(const std::vector <double>& targets)
for (size_t O = 0; O < Outlayer.size(); O++)
double PDval{};
PDval = targets[O] - Outlayer[O].actval;
PDval = PDval * -1.0;
Outlayer[O].preactvalPD = PDval;
for (size_t H = Hidlayers.size(); H > 0; H--)
size_t Top = H;
size_t Current = H - 1;
for (size_t h = 0; h < Hidlayers[Current].size(); h++)
double actPD{};
double PreactPD{};
double biasPD{};
for (size_t hw = 0; hw < Hidlayers[Current][h].weights.size(); hw++)
double PDval{};
if (H == Hidlayers.size())
PDval = Outlayer[hw].preactvalPD * Hidlayers[Current][h].actval;
biasPD = Outlayer[hw].preactvalPD;
if (descenttype == 2)
Outlayer[hw].biasderiv += biasPD;
else Outlayer[hw].biasderiv = biasPD;
actPD += Hidlayers[Current][h].weights[hw] * Outlayer[hw].preactvalPD;
if (optimizerformula == 1)
calcema(0, hw, 0, "Outlayer", "Bias");
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
calcadam(0, hw, 0, "Outlayer", "Bias");
PDval = Hidlayers[Top][h].preactvalPD * Hidlayers[Current][h].actval;
actPD += Hidlayers[Current][h].weights[hw] * Hidlayers[Top][h].preactvalPD;
if (descenttype == 2)
Hidlayers[Current][h].weightderivs[hw] += PDval;
else Hidlayers[Current][h].weightderivs[hw] = PDval;
if (optimizerformula == 1)
calcema(Current, h, hw, "Hidlayer", "Weight");
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
calcadam(Current, h, hw, "Hidlayer", "Weight");
if (H != Hidlayers.size())
biasPD = Hidlayers[Top][h].preactvalPD;
if (descenttype == 2)
Hidlayers[Top][h].biasderiv += biasPD;
else Hidlayers[Top][h].biasderiv = biasPD;
if(optimizerformula == 1)
calcema(Top, h, 0, "Hidlayer", "Bias");
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
calcadam(Top, h, 0, "Hidlayer", "Bias");
Hidlayers[Current][h].actvalPD = actPD;
if (activationtype == 1) {
PreactPD = Hidlayers[Current][h].actvalPD * Reluderiv(Hidlayers[Current][h].preactval);
else if (activationtype == 2)
PreactPD = Hidlayers[Current][h].actvalPD * tanhderiv(Hidlayers[Current][h].preactval);
Hidlayers[Current][h].preactvalPD = PreactPD;
actPD = 0;
for (size_t I = 0; I < Inlayer.size(); I++)
double PDval{};
for (size_t hw = 0; hw < Inlayer[I].weights.size(); hw++)
PDval = Hidlayers[0][hw].preactvalPD * Inlayer[I].val;
double biasPD = Hidlayers[0][hw].preactvalPD;
if (descenttype == 2)
Inlayer[I].weightderivs[hw] += PDval;
Hidlayers[0][hw].biasderiv += biasPD;
Inlayer[I].weightderivs[hw] = PDval;
Hidlayers[0][hw].biasderiv = biasPD;
if (optimizerformula == 1)
calcema(0, hw, 0, "Hidlayer", "Bias");
calcema(0, I, hw, "Inlayer", "Weight");
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
calcadam(0, hw, 0, "Hidlayer", "Bias");
calcadam(0, I, hw, "Inlayer", "Weight");
void Net::Updateweights()
for (size_t I = 0; I < Inlayer.size(); I++)
double PD{};
for (size_t iw = 0; iw < Inlayer[I].weights.size(); iw++)
if (optimizerformula == 2)
PD = (Inlayer[I].weightderivs[iw] * -1.0) - (Lambda * regularize(Inlayer[I].weights[iw]));
Inlayer[I].weights[iw] = Inlayer[I].weights[iw] + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 1)
PD = ((Inlayer[I].weightderivs[iw] + (0.9 * Inlayer[I].emavals[iw])) * -1.0) - (Lambda * regularize(Inlayer[I].weights[iw]));
Inlayer[I].weights[iw] = Inlayer[I].weights[iw] + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
PD = ((Inlayer[I].weightderivs[iw] + (0.9 * Inlayer[I].adamvals[iw])) * -1.0); //- (Lambda * regularize(Inlayer[I].weights[iw]));
Inlayer[I].weights[iw] = Inlayer[I].weights[iw] + (Alpha * PD);
else std::cout << "no optimizer formula chosen" << '\n';
if (descenttype == 2) Inlayer[I].weightderivs[iw] = 0.0;
for (size_t H = 0; H < Hidlayers.size(); H++)
for (size_t h = 0; h < Hidlayers[H].size(); h++)
double PD{};
for (size_t hw = 0; hw < Hidlayers[H][h].weights.size(); hw++)
if (optimizerformula == 2)
PD = (Hidlayers[H][h].weightderivs[hw] * -1.0) - (Lambda * regularize(Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw]));
Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] = Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 1)
PD = ((Hidlayers[H][h].weightderivs[hw] + (0.9 * Hidlayers[H][h].emavals[hw])) * -1.0) - (Lambda * regularize(Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw]));
Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] = Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
PD = ((Hidlayers[H][h].weightderivs[hw] + (0.9 * Hidlayers[H][h].adamvals[hw])) * -1.0);// - (Lambda * regularize(Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw]));
Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] = Hidlayers[H][h].weights[hw] + (Alpha * PD);
else std::cout << "no optimizer formula chosen" << '\n';
if (descenttype == 2) Hidlayers[H][h].weightderivs[hw] = 0.0;
if (optimizerformula == 1)
PD = ((Hidlayers[H][h].biasderiv + (0.9 * Hidlayers[H][h].biasema)) * -1.0);
Hidlayers[H][h].bias = Hidlayers[H][h].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 2)
PD = Hidlayers[H][h].biasderiv * -1.0;
Hidlayers[H][h].bias = Hidlayers[H][h].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
PD = ((Hidlayers[H][h].biasderiv + (0.9 * Hidlayers[H][h].biasadam)) * -1.0);
Hidlayers[H][h].bias = Hidlayers[H][h].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else std::cout << "no optimizer formula chosen" << '\n';
if (descenttype == 2)Hidlayers[H][h].biasderiv = 0;
for (size_t biases = 0; biases < Outlayer.size(); biases++)
if (optimizerformula == 2)
double PD = Outlayer[biases].biasderiv * -1.0;
Outlayer[biases].bias = Outlayer[biases].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 1)
double PD = ((Outlayer[biases].biasderiv + (0.9 * Outlayer[biases].biasema)) * -1.0);
Outlayer[biases].bias = Outlayer[biases].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else if (optimizerformula == 3)
double PD = ((Outlayer[biases].biasderiv + (0.9* Outlayer[biases].biasadam)) * -1.0);
Outlayer[biases].bias = Outlayer[biases].bias + (Alpha * PD);
else std::cout << "no optimizer formula chosen" << '\n';
if (descenttype == 2)Outlayer[biases].biasderiv = 0.0;
void Net::printvalues(double totalloss)
for (size_t Res = 0; Res < Outlayer.size(); Res++)
std::cout << Outlayer[Res].actval << " / ";
std::cout << '\n' << "loss = " << totalloss << '\n';
double Net::lossfunc(const std::vector <double>& target)
int pos{ -1 };
double val{};
for (size_t t = 0; t < target.size(); t++)
pos += 1;
if (target[t] > 0)
val = -log(Outlayer[pos].actval);
return val;
void Net::calcadam(const size_t& Layernum, const size_t& neuron, const size_t& weight, const std::string& layer, const std::string& BorW)
static const double beta1{0.9};
static const double beta2{0.999};
static const double epsilon{0.000000001};
if (layer == "Inlayer")
double Vdw = (beta1 * Inlayer[neuron].VDW) + ((1.0 - beta1) * Inlayer[neuron].weightderivs[weight]);
double Sdw = (beta2 * Inlayer[neuron].SDW) + ((1.0 - beta2) * (Inlayer[neuron].weightderivs[weight] * Inlayer[neuron].weightderivs[weight]));
double VdwC = Vdw / (1.0 - pow(beta1, iter)); //iter value needs attention, cant have pow(beta1, 10000)
double SdwC = Sdw / (1.0 - pow(beta2, iter));
Inlayer[neuron].VDW = VdwC;
Inlayer[neuron].SDW = SdwC;
double resW = (VdwC / (sqrt(SdwC) + epsilon));
Inlayer[neuron].adamvals[weight] = resW;
else if (layer == "Hidlayers")
if (BorW == "Weight")
double Vdw = (beta1 * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].VDW) + ((1.0 - beta1) * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].weightderivs[weight]); //momentum
double Sdw = (beta2 * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].SDW) + ((1.0 - beta2) * (Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].weightderivs[weight] * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].weightderivs[weight])); // rmsprop
double VdwC = Vdw / (1 - pow(beta1, iter)); //corrected
double SdwC = Sdw / (1 - pow(beta2, iter));
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].VDW = VdwC;
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].SDW = SdwC;
double resW = (VdwC / (sqrt(SdwC) + epsilon));
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].adamvals[weight] = resW;
else if (BorW == "Bias")
double Vdb = (beta1 * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].VDB) + ((1.0 - beta1) * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasderiv);
double Sdb = (beta2 * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].SDB) + ((1.0 - beta2) * (Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasderiv * Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasderiv));
double SdbC = Sdb / (1 - pow(beta2, iter));
double VdbC = Vdb / (1 - pow(beta1, iter));
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].VDB = VdbC;
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].SDB = SdbC;
double resB = (VdbC / (sqrt(SdbC) + epsilon));
Hidlayers[Layernum][neuron].biasadam = resB;
else if (layer == "Outlayer")
double Vdb = (beta1 * Outlayer[neuron].VDB) + ((1.0 - beta1) * Outlayer[neuron].biasderiv);
double Sdb = (beta2 * Outlayer[neuron].SDB) + ((1.0 - beta2) * (Outlayer[neuron].biasderiv * Outlayer[neuron].biasderiv));
double SdbC = Sdb / (1 - pow(beta2, iter));
double VdbC = Vdb / (1 - pow(beta1, iter));
Outlayer[neuron].VDB = VdbC;
Outlayer[neuron].SDB = SdbC;
double resB = (VdbC / (sqrt(SdbC) + epsilon));
Outlayer[neuron].biasadam = resB;
int main()
double arrAlpha[100];
double arrLambda[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
arrAlpha[i] = randomd(0.00000, 0.1)/10.0;
arrLambda[i] = randomd(0.00000, 0.09)/10.0;
std::vector <double> innums{};
std::vector <double> outnums{};
std::vector <std::string> INstrings{};
std::vector <std::string> OUTstrings{};
std::string nums{};
std::string in{};
std::string out{};
std::string allin{};
double totalloss{};
double loss{};
double single{};
double batchcount{ 0.0 };
double alphaval{};
double lambdaval{};
std::ifstream file("N.txt");
while (file.is_open())
while (file >> nums)
if (nums == "in:")
std::getline(file, in);
allin += in;
else if (nums == "out:")
std::getline(file, out);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
alphaval = arrAlpha[i];
lambdaval = arrLambda[i];
Net net(0, 1, 4, 3, 4, lambdaval, alphaval); //dimensions / hiddenlayers / hiddenneurons / outneurons / inneurons
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < 50000; epoch++)
net.iter += 1;
int random = randomt(0, 97); // 1300 samples
std::cout << "fetching" << '\n';
std::stringstream in(INstrings[random]);
std::stringstream out(OUTstrings[random]);
while (in >> single)
while (out >> single)
std::cout << "epoch " << epoch << '\n';
std::cout << '\n' << "targets: " << '\n';
for (auto element : outnums) std::cout << element << " / ";
std::cout << '\n';
batchcount += 1.0;
if (!net.Feedforward(innums)) { innums.clear(); outnums.clear(); break; }
loss += net.lossfunc(outnums);
totalloss = loss / batchcount;
if (net.descenttype = 2)
if (net.iter == 124)
net.iter = 0;
else net.Updateweights();
std::ofstream outfiles{ "resultsoverall.txt", std::ios::app };
while (outfiles.is_open())
outfiles << "alphaval: " << alphaval << " / lambdaval: " << lambdaval << "| Loss = " << totalloss << '\n';
outfiles << "iterations: " << batchcount << '\n';
totalloss = 0.0; loss = 0.0; batchcount = 0.0;