The struct
and the prototypes of the functions were given in the question. I am unfortunately aware that this is more C code and less C++ code.
I am looking to compact my functions (specifically ordered_insert
and find_remove
) without removing functionality. For example, at the moment my find_remove
function works if there exists two matching nodes at the start, two matching nodes in the middle or two matching nodes at the end.
For example, could I make more use of head_insert
and tail_insert
in my ordered insert function?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node_ll
int payload;
node_ll* next;//Pointer to the next node
void print_ll (node_ll** list)
node_ll* temp = *list;//Let temp be the address of the node that is the head of the list.
while(temp)// != NULL
cout << temp->payload << endl;//Print out payload of the struct whose address is temp.
temp = temp->next;//Set the address of temp equal to the address stored in next of the struct whose address is temp.
void head_insert(node_ll** list, int pload)
node_ll* temp = new node_ll;//Create a new node, and let temp be the address of that node.
temp->payload = pload;//Set the payload of the struct whose address is temp to pload.
temp->next = *list;//Set the next of the struct whose address is temp to the address of the old head of the list.
*list = temp;//The address of the old head of the list is changed to the address of the struct temp.
void tail_insert(node_ll** list, int pload)
if (*list == NULL)
head_insert(list, pload);
node_ll* temp = new node_ll;
for (temp = *list; temp->next; temp = temp->next);
temp->next = new node_ll;
temp->next->payload = pload;
temp->next->next = NULL;
int head_return (node_ll** list)
if (*list != NULL)
int temp = (*list)->payload;
node_ll* trash = *list;
*list = (*list)->next;
delete trash;
return temp;
return 0;
int tail_return (node_ll** list)
if (*list != NULL)
if ((*list)->next == NULL)
return head_return(list);
node_ll* trash;
for (trash = *list; trash->next->next; trash = trash->next);
int temp = trash->next->payload;
delete trash->next;
trash->next = NULL;
return temp;
return 0;
bool ordered_list(node_ll** list)
if (*list != NULL && (*list)->next != NULL)
node_ll* temp;
for (temp = *list; temp->next; temp = temp->next)
if (temp->payload > temp->next->payload)
return false;
return true;
void ordered_insert(node_ll** list, int pload)
if (ordered_list(list))
if (*list == NULL || (*list)->payload > pload)
head_insert(list, pload);
bool inserted = false;
node_ll* temp;
for (temp = *list; temp->next; temp = temp->next)
if (temp->next->payload > pload && !inserted)
node_ll* next = temp->next;
temp->next = new node_ll;
temp->next->payload = pload;
temp->next->next = next;
inserted = true;
if (!inserted)
tail_insert(list, pload);
void find_remove (node_ll** list, int pload)
if (*list != NULL)
while (*list && (*list)->payload == pload)
if (*list != NULL)
node_ll* temp;
for (temp = *list; temp->next; temp = temp->next)
while (temp->next->next != NULL && temp->next->payload == pload)
node_ll* trash = temp->next;
temp->next = temp->next->next;
if (temp->next == NULL && temp->payload == pload)
int main()
node_ll* alist = NULL;
cout << "Empty list a to start." << endl;
head_insert(&alist, 2);
head_insert(&alist, 4);
head_insert(&alist, 6);
cout << "List a after head insertion of 2,4,6 is: " << endl;
cout << endl;
node_ll* blist = NULL;
cout << "Empty list b to start." << endl;
tail_insert(&blist, 2);
tail_insert(&blist, 4);
tail_insert(&blist, 6);
cout << "List b after tail insertion of 2,4,6 is: " << endl;
cout << endl;
node_ll*clist = NULL;
cout << "Empty list c to start." << endl;
tail_insert(&clist, 2);
tail_insert(&clist, 4);
tail_insert(&clist, 6);
cout << "List c after tail insertion of 2,4,6 is: " << endl;
if (ordered_list(&clist))
cout << "List c is ordered." << endl;
cout << "List c is not ordered." << endl;
ordered_insert(&clist, 1);
ordered_insert(&clist, 3);
ordered_insert(&clist, 7);
cout << "List c after ordered insertion of 1,3,7 is: " << endl;
cout << endl;
node_ll* dlist = NULL;
cout << "Empty list d to start." << endl;
tail_insert(&dlist, 2);
tail_insert(&dlist, 2);
tail_insert(&dlist, 3);
tail_insert(&dlist, 4);
tail_insert(&dlist, 4);
tail_insert(&dlist, 9);
tail_insert(&dlist, 6);
tail_insert(&dlist, 6);
cout << "List d after tail insertion of 2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6 is: " << endl;
if (ordered_list(&dlist))
cout << "List d is ordered." << endl;
cout << "List d is not ordered." << endl;
find_remove(&dlist, 2);
find_remove(&dlist, 4);
find_remove(&dlist, 6);
cout << "List c after find and remove of 2,4,6 is: " << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;