its a practice project from "Automate the Boring stuff with Python" book. i am an intermediate level Python programmer and i tried to solve this problem with less code as possible. This code will not take any wrong date into consideration eg: 29-02-2002 will not be selected because 2002 is not a leap year and only leap years have 29th of feb. i did not add code to also detect dates with months written in words, i could do that too but i want to keep things simple for now and i also did not use pyperclip module to detect dates from copied text to clipboard because i dont want to confuse any beginner who also want to learn from watching my code. I want master programmers to review my code and if their is another way possible to detect dates then please post your solutions. Also i would appreciate any advice and positive criticism, so i know where i am standing right now and what i need to improve. Thanks. Code is as follows:
import re
def date_detector(text):
date_pattern = re.compile('''
([12][0-9]|3[0-1]|0?[1-9]) # to detect days from 1 to 31
([./-]) # to detect different separations
(1[0-2]|0?[1-9]) # to detect number of months
([./-]) # to detect different seperations
(2?1?[0-9][0-9][0-9]) # to detect number of years from 1000-2999 years
''', re.VERBOSE)
days = []
months = []
years = []
dates = []
for date in date_pattern.findall(text):
for num in range(len(days)):
# appending dates in a list that dont need any filtering to detect wrong dates
if months[num] not in (2, 4, 6, 9, 11):
dates.append([days[num], months[num], years[num]])
# detecting those dates with months that have only 30 days
elif days[num] < 31 and months[num] in (4, 6, 9, 11):
dates.append([days[num], months[num], years[num]])
# filtering leap years with Feb months that have 29 days
elif months[num] == 2 and days[num] == 29:
if years[num] % 4 == 0:
if years[num] % 100 == 0:
if years[num] % 400 == 0:
dates.append([days[num], months[num], years[num]])
dates.append([days[num], months[num], years[num]])
# appending Feb dates that have less than 29 days
elif months[num] == 2 and days[num] < 29:
dates.append([days[num], months[num], years[num]])
if len(dates) > 0:
for date in dates:
data = '30-06-2012, 31-12-2012, 15-02-2002, 29-02-2004, 29-02-2002, 31-02-2004, 31-06-2012'