Preliminary rant:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException : The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Oh. My.
So I finally got fed up with how default exception information is beyond useless.
For a part of the project I will mostly no longer use the this[TKey key]
property to access my Dictionary
ies but will use a custom extension method that actually tries to tell me WTF went wrong.
Preliminary rationale:
The system I have has a large "integration testing" suite in addition to more easily debuggable Unit Tests, and if things go southwards, it is hard to grok what went wrong, if all you have is a rather unspecific stack trace and a message telling you:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException : The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I would note that this system heavily relies on (string) mappings, where some kind of configuration error can easily trigger such errors in unexpected places.
Especially, there are quite a lot of places in the code, where different dictionaries will be consulted in the same code part / line, making the stacktrace basically worthless to pinpoint the exact problem. Think:
var attributeValue = model[Config.PartX].attributes[Config.Attribute42];
I will also note that I started out with hand coding the TryGetValue
stuff, but this got unreadable pretty fast, so I'm looking forward to trying a slightly less specific, but more hopefully usable, approach.
"Key Not Found" Exception shall contain information pertaining to:
- local name of dictionary
- number of items in dictionary
- value of the key
The information shall be recorded by the logging framework (NLog) without further fiddling.
I feel I have to explicitly note this: The potential leaking of
value information is beyond irrelevant for this system. Please do not comment wrt. this aspect.
If applicable, all my snippets basically fall under in the unlikely event anybody would like to copy this.
namespace MY.Project
public static class DictionaryHelper
/// <summary>
/// Same as `TValue this[TKey key] { get; }`, but with a better exception message
/// containing the dictionary "name" (needs to be provided), number of entries and key value
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Value if found, throws KeyNotFoundException otherwise</returns>
public static TValue GetExistingValue<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, string nameOfDict, TKey key)
if (!dict.TryGetValue(key, out var val))
throw CreateKeyNotFoundException(dict, nameOfDict, dict.Count, key);
return val;
/// <see cref="GetExistingValue"/> for `IDictionary` above.
public static TValue GetExistingValue<TKey, TValue>(this IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, string nameOfDict, TKey key)
if (!dict.TryGetValue(key, out var val))
throw CreateKeyNotFoundException(dict, nameOfDict, dict.Count, key);
return val;
/// <summary>
/// Provide separate explicit overload for the `Dictionary` class because this class implements both
/// the IDict and IReadOnlyDict interface, making the overload ambiguous otherwise
/// </summary>
public static TValue GetExistingValue<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, string nameOfDict, TKey key)
return GetExistingValue((IDictionary<TKey, TValue>)dict, nameOfDict, key);
private static KeyNotFoundException CreateKeyNotFoundException<T, TCount, TKey>(T dict, string nameOfDict, TCount count, TKey key)
return new KeyNotFoundException(
$"{nameOfDict} ({dict.GetType()}) (with #{count} entries) does not contain key <{key}>!"
Beyond general feedback:
- Is there any sane name for this extension method?
- Would you make this an extension method?
- Is there any other good way to capture the name of the dictionary variable?
- Order of parameters? How to prevent messing up order of
string nameOfDict
ifTKey == string