I created a simple text-based Tic Tac Toe game in Python using OOP. Currently the computer moves are completely random - I plan to add some sort of algorithm later (no idea how to do that yet though)
Any suggestions about how to improve it are welcome.
from random import randint
from itertools import cycle
class Board:
def __init__(self):
self._board = [["-"]*3 for i in range(3)]
def display(self):
for row in self._board:
for tile in row:
if tile != "-":
tile = tile.symbol
print(tile, end=" ")
def place_symbol(self, player, tile):
"""Try to place the player inside the tile
The important thing here is that it returns None if it fails
row, colmn = tile
if self._board[row][colmn] == "-":
self._board[row][colmn] = player
return True
def check_win(self):
"""Checks all possible winning combinations,
Returns True for a win and False otherwise.
# Store all checks here
checks = set()
# Add rows
for row in self._board:
# Add columns
colmns = zip(self._board[0], self._board[1], self._board[2])
for colmn in colmns:
# Add diagonals
diag1 = (self._board[0][0], self._board[1][1], self._board[2][2])
diag2 = (self._board[0][2], self._board[1][1], self._board[2][0])
checks.update((diag1, diag2))
# Check every option for a win
checks = {True if (len(set(lst)) == 1 and lst[0] != "-") else False for lst in checks}
if True in checks:
return True
return False
def is_full(self):
if "-" not in (self._board[0]+self._board[1]+self._board[2]):
return True
return False
class Player:
def __init__(self, is_human, symbol, name):
self.is_human = is_human
self.symbol = symbol
self.name = name
self.score = 0
def get_player_input(choices, text=''):
while True:
inpt = input(text)
if inpt in choices:
return inpt
print(f"Enter one of the following: {', '.join(choices)}")
def main():
print("Welcome to tic tac toe!")
print("type the appropiate number to choose a game option:")
print("1.player vs player\n2.player vs computer\n3.computer vs computer")
choice = get_player_input(('1', '2', '3'),)
if choice == '1':
player1_name = input("Choose a Name for player 1: ")
player2_name = input("Choose a Name for player 2: ")
player1_is_human = True
player2_is_human = True
elif choice == '2':
player1_name = input("Choose a name: ")
player2_name = "Computer"
player1_is_human = True
player2_is_human = False
elif choice == '3':
player1_name = "Computer 1"
player2_name = "Computer 2"
player1_is_human = False
player2_is_human = False
player1 = Player(player1_is_human, "X", player1_name)
player2 = Player(player2_is_human, "O", player2_name)
players = [player1, player2]
board = Board()
# For player row and colmn input
options = ('1', '2', '3')
for player in cycle(players):
print(f"It's {player.name}'s turn")
# The actual turn of the player
while True:
if player.is_human:
row = int(get_player_input(options, "Enter row number(1-3): ")) - 1
colmn = int(get_player_input(options, "Enter column number(1-3): ")) - 1
row, colmn = randint(0, 2), randint(0, 2)
result = board.place_symbol(player, (row, colmn))
if result is None:
if player.is_human:
print("Enter in a non-full tile")
win = board.check_win()
if win or board.is_full():
if win:
print(f"player {player.name} won")
player.score += 1
print(f"current scores:\nPlayer {players[0].name}: {players[0].score}")
print(f"Player {players[1].name}: {players[1].score}")
elif board.is_full():
print("It's a draw!")
again = input("another game?(y/n)")
if again == "y":
board = Board()
if __name__ == '__main__':