I'm doing my first big unity project and I'm really unsure about my current code I use for my level generation.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I'm very new to c# and I'm not at all aware of all of my options with MonoBehaviour and such.
On the editor side of unity I have Prefabs that have sprite renderers with unique sprites, a Colors script that can also be found below and optionally an edge collider. I also have a 2100x2100 map of pixels that are assigned a tile according to color in the script.
In the Colors script there is at least one color for foreground and optionally colors for background
Main Script:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class LevelGenerator : MonoBehaviour
public Player player; // The player script
public Texture2D map; // map of the 1-color tiles to be deciphered
public GameObject[] gameobjects; // tile gameobjects with sprite renderers, Colors script featuring foreground and backgrounds colors and a bool for constant background. Optionally also an edge collider2D
private Vector2Int playerPos; // player's position int
private Vector2 _playerPos; // player's position float
private const int radius = 8; // radius of generation
private Dictionary<GameObject, Pair> prefabs; // prefabs to be populated with gameobjects and their foreground and background colors as pairs
private Dictionary<Vector2, List<GameObject>> posDictionary; // Dictionary of all active tile positions in the level
private Dictionary<Vector2, List<GameObject>> tilePosDictionary; // Dictionary of all active tile positions in the level
private Dictionary<Color, List<KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair>>> colorDictionary; // Dictionary of all colors and the gameobjects associated with them
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
prefabs = new Dictionary<GameObject, Pair>();
posDictionary = new Dictionary<Vector2, List<GameObject>>();
tilePosDictionary = new Dictionary<Vector2, List<GameObject>>();
colorDictionary = new Dictionary<Color, List<KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair>>>();
AssignPrefabs(); // populate prefabs dictionary
playerPos = new Vector2Int((int)Mathf.Round(player.transform.position.x), (int)Mathf.Round(player.transform.position.y)) + new Vector2Int(map.width / 2, map.height / 2); // center map to player
_playerPos = (Vector2)player.transform.position + new Vector2(map.width / 2, map.height / 2);
private void AssignPrefabs()
foreach (GameObject go in gameobjects)
prefabs.Add(go, new Pair(go.GetComponent<Colors>().colors, go.GetComponent<Colors>().backgrounds));
void Update()
_playerPos = (Vector2)player.transform.position + new Vector2(map.width / 2, map.height / 2);
float movementDelta = (playerPos - _playerPos).magnitude;
if (movementDelta >= 1)
playerPos = new Vector2Int((int)Mathf.Round(player.transform.position.x), (int)Mathf.Round(player.transform.position.y)) + new Vector2Int(map.width / 2, map.height / 2);
void GenerateLevel()
CheckBounds(); // create bounds around player and remove any additional tiles from level
for (int y = playerPos.y - radius; y < playerPos.y + radius; y++)
for (int x = playerPos.x - radius; x < playerPos.x + radius; x++)
if (!Generated(new Vector2(x, y)))
if (tilePosDictionary.ContainsKey(new Vector2(x, y))) // check if it has already been created
foreach (GameObject go in tilePosDictionary[new Vector2(x, y)])
GenerateTile(x, y);
private void CheckBounds()
Bounds b = new Bounds(new Vector3(playerPos.x - 0.5f, playerPos.y - 0.5f), new Vector3(radius * 2, radius * 2, 0));
List<Vector2> toDestroy = new List<Vector2>();
foreach (Vector2 pos in posDictionary.Keys)
if (!tilePosDictionary.ContainsKey(pos))
tilePosDictionary.Add(pos, posDictionary[pos]);
if (!b.Contains(pos))
foreach (GameObject prefab in posDictionary[pos])
foreach (Vector2 pos in toDestroy)
bool Generated(Vector2 pos)
if (posDictionary.ContainsKey(pos)) // if it is in current active tiles
return true;
return false;
void GenerateTile(int x, int y)
Color pixelColor = map.GetPixel(x, y); // store current pixel's color
if (pixelColor.a == 0) // skip if transparent
posDictionary[new Vector2(x, y)] = new List<GameObject>();
KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair> foreground = new KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair>();
GameObject background = null;
if (colorDictionary.Keys.Contains(pixelColor)) // if it's color has already been encountered
foreach (var prefab in colorDictionary[pixelColor]) // store at least the foreground object
if (foreground.Key == null)
foreground = prefab;
background = prefab.Key;
if (foreground.Key == null) // if earlier didn't do the trick
colorDictionary[pixelColor] = new List<KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair>>();
foreach (var prefab in prefabs)
foreach (Color color in prefab.Value.item1) // iterate foreground colors of each prefab
if (color == pixelColor) // if it matches the pixel color
foreground = prefab;
foreground.Key.GetComponent<Colors>().constbg = false; // wont set by default so set here
if (foreground.Key != null) // if a foreground object is located
if (background == null)
background = GetBackground(foreground, new Vector2(x, y)); // final attempt to get background
if (colorDictionary[pixelColor].Count == 0) // if there are no elements in the color dictionary for the pixel color
colorDictionary[pixelColor].Add(foreground); // always same foreground for color (...)
if (foreground.Key.GetComponent<Colors>().constbg || background == null) // if background is constant such as constbg and null
colorDictionary[pixelColor].Add(new KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair>(background, null));
Vector2 position = new Vector2(x - map.width / 2, y - map.height / 2); // offset to center map to center of scene
var tmp = Instantiate(foreground.Key, position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
posDictionary[new Vector2(x, y)].Add(tmp);
if (background != null) // if there is a background to be instantiated
tmp = Instantiate(background, position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
posDictionary[new Vector2(x, y)].Add(tmp);
private GameObject GetBackground(KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair> prefab, Vector2 pos)
// different methods will be added later
return CheckAround(pos, prefab); // get the most encountered tile out of possible background colors
private GameObject CheckAround(Vector2 pos, KeyValuePair<GameObject, Pair> prefab)
if (!prefab.Key.GetComponent<Colors>().constbg) // dont attempt again if the background is constant
if (prefab.Value.item2.Length == 0)
prefab.Key.GetComponent<Colors>().constbg = true;
return null;
else if (prefab.Value.item2.Length == 1)
prefab.Key.GetComponent<Colors>().constbg = true; // null and single backgrounds will be constant
return prefab.Value.item2[0];
else // if there are multiple possible backgrounds
int[] score = new int[prefab.Value.item2.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) // create a 3x3 excluding middle tile (the current)
if (i == 4) continue;
int xi = (i % 3) - 1;
int yi = (i / 3) - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < prefab.Value.item2.Length; j++)
foreach (Color col in prefab.Value.item2[j].GetComponent<Colors>().colors)
if (col == map.GetPixel((int)pos.x + xi, (int)pos.y + yi))
return prefab.Value.item2[Array.IndexOf(score, score.Max())]; // return the tile that was encountered most often
return null;
public class Pair // custom mutable Pair class
public Color[] item1;
public GameObject[] item2;
public Pair(Color[] item1, GameObject[] item2)
this.item1 = item1;
this.item2 = item2;
using UnityEngine;
public class Colors : MonoBehaviour
public Color[] colors;
public GameObject[] backgrounds;
public bool constbg = false;