So I implemented drivers for I2C and USART using interrupts with some guidelines online, and was wondering if I can get some suggestions from a design point of view even though the code works (tried at 9600 and 115200 baud rate), but I do get a hardfault upon using two different baud rates at RX/TX. One reason could be I'm using \r
as an indication to disable the interrupts, and in case of different baud rates, it might not even disable the interrupts since the received byte is different than what was sent. So I'm not sure if I should be concerned with it.
The program:
- runs a loop where it listens for the bytes over UART after the control bits are enabled
- triggers ISR for each byte received while storing it into a respective linear buffer, until
is received, indicating the end of message - disables the control bits so it's no longer acting on any new bytes
- parses the data in the linear buffer till
, and does some stuff based on what we receive. One of the things that the program does is read the value off the temperature sensor over I2C and serial it out!
My thoughts:
- I am not sure if I'm making the right usage of interrupts (or maybe I am) cause what I do is enable the peripheral control bits, and then sort of wait for the ISR to be fired (that's application-specific I guess), while storing each byte into the buffer till we get
. - I am using a linear buffer instead of a preferred circular buffer cause I thought it wouldn't make much of a difference for this application. I am sort of using it a circular buffer (maybe I'm wrong) by restarting the index for storing data into RX buffer to 0; so every time there's a new data, it gets appended from the start. In case of a circular buffer, I'd continue storing data continuously and it would eventually wrap around overriding the old data which has already been parsed by then.
- To make this application more generic, I might need to remove the device address member from the struct and instead pass it to respective I2C HAL functions.
I have included the relevant parts of the code. Feel free to leave a comment if there's any confusion.
typedef struct {
uint32_t I2C_SCLSpeed;
uint8_t I2C_DeviceAddress;
uint8_t I2C_AckControl;
uint16_t I2C_FMDutyCycle;
} I2C_Config_t;
I2C_State HAL_I2C_StartInterrupt(I2C_State expectedState, uint8_t txSize, uint8_t rxSize)
if (I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_INIT)
// set transaction state
I2C_handle_p->I2C_State = expectedState;
// set respective buffer sizes
I2C_handle_p->txBufferLength = txSize;
I2C_handle_p->rxBufferLength = rxSize;
// generate start condition
// enable i2c control bits
return I2C_handle_p->I2C_State;
void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler (void)
uint8_t eventInterrupt = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->CR2 & I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN) >> I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN_Pos;
uint8_t bufferInterrupt = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->CR2 & I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN) >> I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN_Pos;
uint8_t temp; // stores register values
if (eventInterrupt)
// validate the completion of START condition
temp = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) >> I2C_SR1_SB_Pos;
if (temp)
if (I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_TX_BUSY)
I2C_WriteSlaveAddress(I2C_handle_p, WRITE); // write slave address along with write bit
else if (I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_RX_BUSY)
I2C_WriteSlaveAddress(I2C_handle_p, READ); // write slave address along with read bit
temp = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR) >> I2C_SR1_ADDR_Pos;
if (temp)
I2C_ClearADDRFlag(I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx); // clear address flag
if (bufferInterrupt)
// TXing
temp = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE) >> I2C_SR1_TXE_Pos;
if (temp && I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_TX_BUSY)
// RXing
temp = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) >> I2C_SR1_RXNE_Pos;
temp = (I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) >> I2C_SR1_BTF_Pos;
if (temp)
if (I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_TX_BUSY) // TXE=1, BTF=1
if (!I2C_handle_p->txBufferLength) // if there are no more TX bytes to be sent
else if (I2C_handle_p->I2C_State == I2C_RX_BUSY) // RXNE=1, BTF=1, LEN=0 --> STOP
if (I2C_handle_p->rxBufferLength == 2)
I2C_handle_p->pRxBuffer[I2C_handle_p->rxStartIndex++] = (uint8_t) I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->DR; // read second last byte
I2C_handle_p->pRxBuffer[I2C_handle_p->rxStartIndex++] = (uint8_t) I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->DR; // read last byte
void I2C_TXE_Interrupt (void)
if (I2C_handle_p->txBufferLength)
I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->DR = (*I2C_handle_p->txBuffer)++;
static void I2C_StopTransmission(void)
// disable control bits
I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~(1 << I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN_Pos);
I2C_handle_p->pI2Cx->CR2 &= ~(1 << I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN_Pos);
// restore struct
I2C_handle_p->I2C_State = I2C_READY;
I2C_handle_p->rxStartIndex = 0;
typedef struct {
USART_Config_t USART_Config;
USART_State USART_State;
char *txBuffer;
char *rxBuffer;
uint8_t txLength;
uint8_t rxLength;
uint8_t rxSize;
uint8_t dmaTransfer;
uint8_t dmaReception;
DMA_Handle_t *dmaRx;
DMA_Handle_t *dmaTx;
} USART_Handle_t;
void StartSerial (USART_Handle_t *usart, char *usart_rxBuffer, uint8_t rxBufferSize, I2C_Handle_t *I2C_Handle)
char tempBuffer[rxBufferSize];
memset(tempBuffer, 0, rxBufferSize);
ParseSerialData(usart, tempBuffer, usart_rxBuffer);
bool status = ExecuteSerialData(usart, tempBuffer, I2C_Handle);
if (!status) // break if "q" is entered
// clear out the buffers -- probably don't need it!
usart->rxBuffer = usart_rxBuffer;
memset(usart_rxBuffer, 0, sizeof(rxBufferSize));
memset(tempBuffer, 0, sizeof(tempBuffer));
// reset the USART state
usart->USART_State = USART_INIT;
void ReceiveSerialData(USART_Handle_t *usart)
void ParseSerialData(USART_Handle_t *usart, char *tempBuffer, char *rxBuffer)
char *start = rxBuffer;
char *end = strstr(rxBuffer, "\r");
uint8_t bytes = end - start;
memcpy(tempBuffer, start, bytes);
bool ExecuteSerialData(USART_Handle_t *usart, const char *str1, I2C_Handle_t *I2C_Handle)
if (!strcmp(str1, "temp"))
uint16_t temp = GetTemperature(I2C_Handle);
SendSerialData(usart, "Current temperature: %d\n", temp);
else if (!strcmp(str1, "q"))
SendSerialData(usart, "Ending serial\n");
return false;
return true;
void I2C_Initilization(I2C_Config_t *I2C_Config, I2C_TypeDef *i2cPeripheral)
I2C1_handle.pI2Cx = i2cPeripheral;
I2C1_handle.I2C_Config = *I2C_Config;
void USART_Init (void)
USART2_handle.pUSARTx = USART2;
USART2_handle.USART_Config.USART_baudRate = USART_BAUD_9600;
USART2_handle.USART_Config.USART_stopBits = USART_STOP;
USART2_handle.USART_Config.USART_wordLength = USART_8_DATA_BITS;
USART2_handle.rxBuffer = usart_rxBuffer;
USART2_handle.rxLength = rxLength;
USART2_handle.rxSize = rxLength;
USART2_handle.dmaTransfer = DMA_TX_DISABLE;
USART2_handle.dmaReception = DMA_RX_DISABLE;
int main(void)
/* Configure the system clock */
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
/* Initialize I2C config struct */
I2C_Config_t i2c_config = {
I2C_AckControl: I2C_ACK_ENABLE,
I2C_DeviceAddress: MCP9808_ADDRESS,
I2C_FMDutyCycle: I2C_FM_DUTY_2
I2C_Initilization(&i2c_config, I2C1);
/* Initialize USART struct */
StartSerial (&USART2_handle, usart_rxBuffer, usart_rxLength, &I2C1_handle);
while (1);
// static variables
static uint8_t txBuffer[1] = {MCP9808_REG_AMBIENT_TEMP_REG};
static uint8_t rxBuffer[BYTES_TO_READ];
static uint8_t txSize = sizeof(txBuffer)/sizeof(txBuffer[0]);
static uint8_t rxSize = BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION;
uint16_t GetTemperature(I2C_Handle_t *I2C_Handle)
uint16_t temperature;
temperature = ReadTemperature(I2C_Handle);
return temperature;
uint16_t ReadTemperature(I2C_Handle_t *I2C_handle)
I2C_handle->txBuffer = txBuffer;
I2C_handle->pRxBuffer = rxBuffer;
I2C_handle->rxBufferSize = rxSize;
// Start I2C transaction
while (HAL_I2C_StartInterrupt(I2C_TX_BUSY, txSize, rxSize) != I2C_READY);
I2C_handle->I2C_State = I2C_INIT;
// read the data from the sensor
for (int i = 0; i < I2C_handle->rxBufferSize/2; i++)
I2C_handle->I2C_State = I2C_INIT;
while (HAL_I2C_StartInterrupt(I2C_RX_BUSY, txSize, rxSize) != I2C_READY);
uint16_t temperature = ProcessData(I2C_handle->pRxBuffer);
return temperature;
to the question. As it stands the question could be closed due tolack of context
. \$\endgroup\$I2C_Config_t