
I've recently discovered patterns and decided to implement Presenter pattern inside a pedagogical project. I spent few days playing around with different implementations, reading some Gem's source code.

However, I'm not sure I'm handling delegation and decoration appropriately. Could anyone give me feedback on my implementation?

Through this example I'll describe BasePresenter and CartPresenter < BasePresenter. You may find it here on GitLab if you prefer.

Here's how I did:


class BasePresenter
  def initialize(object, template)
    @object = object
    @template = template

  # Dynamically defines a method to access @object
  def self.presents(name)
    define_method(name) do

  # Exposes the @template, allowing usage of helper methods (Drapper's way)
  def h


Here's a Presenter (CartPresenter goal is to summarize itself, and associated Product and CartProduct inside a <table>):

class CartPresenter < BasePresenter
  presents :cart

  def display_cart_amount(tag: :div, **opts)
    amount = h.number_to_currency(cart_amount)

    h.content_tag tag, class: opts[:class] do
      h.content_tag :strong, amount

  def cart_amount

Q) At this point we can already see that CartPresenter (as others) needs to embed Model's data into HTML. As it violates the Single Responsibility Principle, do I need something like Decorators to take formatted data from Presenters and warp it inside HTML?


A Presenter may also need to delegate methods to associated Presenters

class CartPresenter < BasePresenter

#   Returns a tuple of 2 presenters <strike>based on product.id</strike>    
  def delegators 
 => [
#        [<ProductPresenter>, <CartProductPresenter>],
#        [<ProductPresenter>, <CartProductPresenter>],
#        ...
#      ]

  def products
#   => <ProductPresenter>
    cart.products.map { |p| ProductPresenter.new(p, @template) }

  def cart_products
#   => <CartProductPresenter>
    cart.cart_products.map { |cp| CartProductPresenter.new(cp, @template)}

Q) I'm violating the SRP again. Would you recommend me to refactor this inside BasePresenter or to create a Delegator abstraction? Also, I used to memoized :products and :cart_products inside instance variable, but it make no sens as function are called once and data they returns is used directly (right?).


Here's how I'm using those delegators:

class CartPresenter < BasePresenter

  # Display table's rows to summarize delegators data (Product/CartProduct)
  def display_summary
    content = delegators.reduce('') do |c, delegators|
      c << summaries_row(delegators)

  def summaries_row(delegators)
    h.content_tag :tr, delegated_summaries(delegators)

  # Each delegators implements ``:summary'' to interface with this method
  def delegated_summaries(delegators)
    content = delegators.reduce('') do |c, delegator|
      c << delegator.summary

Q) .html_safe adds injection vulnerabilities right? I could try to rigorously validate data, but is there a way not to open that breach? As the html_safe's doc says:

It is your responsibility to ensure that the string contains no malicious content. [...] It should never be called on user input.


To instantite the main Presenter inside a Controller, the second way is the best, right? (as @cart is a useless instance variable)

# Carts Controller

#    1st way
      @cart = Cart.includes(:products, :cart_products, :image_attachments, :blobs).user_cart(current_user)
      render 'carts/show', locals: { presenter: CartPresenter.new(@cart, view_context) }

#    2nd
       cart = Cart.includes(:products, :cart_products, :image_attachments, :blobs).user_cart(current_user)
       @presenter = CartPresenter.new cart, view_context

1 Answer 1


At this point we can already see that CartPresenter (as others) needs to embed Model's data into HTML. As it violates the Single Responsibility Principle, do I need something like Decorators to take formatted data from Presenters and warp it inside HTML?

No, HTML belongs in your views. If you need to share HTML, you should create a partial. The presenter pattern wraps methods used in your views in an object to not 'pollute' the presented object and to keep your views more readable. You should not put HTML in your presenter.

In your example, you could have a CartRow (or CartRowPresenter) class and then a _cart_row.html.erb partial.

Q: Also, I used to memoized :products and :cart_products inside instance variable, but it make no sens as function are called once and data they returns is used directly (right?).

Correct, memoization is "optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls". If you don't use the computation result several times, there is no need to memoization.

Q: .html_safe adds injection vulnerabilities right? I could try to rigorously validate data, but is there a way not to open that breach?

As mentioned in my first answer, you should avoid putting HTML in your Presenter (Model, PORO, etc). HTML belongs in your views (and helpers).


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