I have written C++ code using trie and min-heap to find the k most frequent words. I want to review my code.
using namespace std ;
//structure of the node of trie
struct TrieNode
bool IsEnd ; // If this node is end node
int HeapIndex ; // To store the index of this word in heap.
TrieNode * children [ 26 ] ; // To store its children.
int frequency ; // To store the frequency of word ending at this
TrieNode () // Constructure .
HeapIndex = -1 ;
IsEnd = false ;
frequency = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i ++ )
children [ i ]= NULL ;
struct HeapNode
string word ; // To store the word.
int frequency ; // to store the frequency of word.
TrieNode* TN ; // To store the last Triendnode of this word.
HeapNode ()
frequency = 0 ;
word = "" ;
class Trie {
TrieNode * root ;
root = new TrieNode() ;
TrieNode* insert( string word)
TrieNode * temp = root ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < word.length() ; i ++ )
if ( temp -> children [ word [ i ] - 'a' ] == NULL )
TrieNode * node = new TrieNode() ;
temp -> children [ word [ i ] - 'a' ] = node ;
temp = temp -> children [ word [ i ] - 'a' ] ;
temp -> frequency = 1 ;
temp -> IsEnd = 1 ;
return temp ;
TrieNode* search(string word)
TrieNode * temp = root ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < word.length() ; i ++ )
if ( temp -> children [ word [ i ] - 'a' ]== NULL )
return NULL ;
temp = temp -> children [ word [ i ] - 'a' ] ;
if ( temp -> IsEnd )
return temp ;
return NULL ;
class MinHeap
int capacity , count ;
HeapNode * arr ;
public :
MinHeap ( int capacity )
this -> capacity = capacity ;
count = 0 ;
arr = new HeapNode [ capacity ] ;
void Display ()
for ( int i = 0 ; i < capacity ; i ++ )
cout << arr [ i ] .word << ":" << arr [ i ] .frequency << endl ; ;
void MinHeapify ( int idx )
int left = 2 * idx + 1 ;
int right = 2 * idx + 2 ;
int minidx = idx ;
if ( left < count and arr[ left ] .frequency < arr [ minidx ] .frequency )
minidx = left ;
if ( right < count and arr[ right ] .frequency < arr [ minidx ] .frequency )
minidx = right ;
if ( minidx != idx )
arr [ idx ] .TN -> HeapIndex = minidx ;
arr [ minidx ] .TN -> HeapIndex = idx ;
swap ( arr [ idx ] , arr [ minidx ] ) ;
MinHeapify ( minidx ) ;
void Build ( int idx )
int n = count - 1 ;
for ( int i = ( n - 1 ) / 2 ; i >= 0 ; i -- )
MinHeapify ( i ) ;
void insert ( TrieNode * TN , string word )
if ( TN -> HeapIndex != -1 ) //When word is already present in the heap.
//cout << 1 << endl ;
arr [ TN -> HeapIndex ] .frequency ++ ;
MinHeapify ( TN -> HeapIndex ) ;
else if ( count < capacity ) // When heap size is less than k
//cout << 2 << endl ;
arr [ count ]. word = word ;
arr [ count ]. frequency = 1 ;
arr [ count ] . TN = TN ;
TN -> HeapIndex = count ;
count ++ ;
Build ( count ) ;
else if ( TN -> frequency > arr [ 0 ] . frequency )
//cout << 3 << endl ;
arr [ 0 ] .TN -> HeapIndex = -1 ;
arr [ 0 ] . word = word ;
arr [ 0 ] . frequency = TN -> frequency ;
arr [ 0 ] . TN = TN ;
TN -> HeapIndex = 0 ;
MinHeapify ( 0 ) ;
void TopKFrequentWords ( string FileName , int k )
MinHeap MH ( k ) ;
Trie T ;
fstream file;
file.open ( FileName.c_str() ) ;
string word ;
while ( file >> word )
TrieNode * TN = T.search ( word ) ;
if ( !TN )
//cout << word << "**" << endl ;
TN = T.insert ( word ) ;
//cout << word << "&&&&" << endl ;
TN -> frequency ++ ;
MH.insert ( TN , word ) ;
MH.Display() ;
int main()
int k ;
cin >> k ;
string FileName ;
cin >> FileName ;
TopKFrequentWords ( FileName , k ) ;
I want to know how will I accommodate frequency for words like beautiful and ful having same suffix.
and pasting the code between them. \$\endgroup\$how will I accommodate frequency for words like beautiful and ful having same suffix
as specified, for all the specification not presented. \$\endgroup\$