I previously submitted my code for a HugeInt class here. That version lacked a long division implementation.
I have now implemented (long) division using Donald Knuth's algorithm D, following the code that appeared in Hacker's Delight fairly closely. Since the algorithm relies on some a priori non-obvious facts and its implementation details are sometimes subtle (signed/unsigned implicit conversions, for example), I have annotated the code in unsigned_divide()
quite heavily. (I would appreciate opinion on whether I have done too much, perhaps interrupting "algorithmic flow".) I have checked the new function unsigned_divide()
quite extensively, and it seems to work correctly, but there are a lot of integers!
I would appreciate a review of the code (given below) with a view to improving its performance and to see if there is perhaps a special/edge case I have overlooked (apart from division by 0, which is purposefully not checked). I include below simple driver code for testing division specifically.
The full code can be found at https://github.com/Richard-Mace/huge-integer-class and contains a few minor improvements since the last iteration (based on many good suggestions I received here), and some pruning of redundant functions.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Code from HugeInt.cpp: (header file below)
* friend binary operator /
* Return the quotient of two HugeInt numbers. Uses utility function
* unsigned_divide, which employs Donald Knuth's long division algorithm. See
* comments on implicit conversion before
* HugeInt operator+(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&) above, which are
* applicable here also.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
HugeInt operator/(const HugeInt& a, const HugeInt& b) {
if (a < 0) {
if (b < 0) {
return unsigned_divide(-a, -b, nullptr);
else {
return -unsigned_divide(-a, b, nullptr);
else {
if (b < 0) {
return -unsigned_divide(a, -b, nullptr);
else {
return unsigned_divide(a, b, nullptr);
* friend binary operator %
* Return the remainder from the division of two HugeInt numbers. Uses utility
* function unsigned_divide. Adheres to the C/C++ convention that the sign of
* the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend. See comments on
* implicit conversion before HugeInt operator+(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&)
* above, which are applicable here also.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
HugeInt operator%(const HugeInt& a, const HugeInt& b) {
HugeInt remainder;
if (a < 0) {
if (b < 0) {
unsigned_divide(-a, -b, &remainder);
return -remainder;
else {
unsigned_divide(-a, b, &remainder);
return -remainder;
else {
if (b < 0) {
unsigned_divide(a, -b, &remainder);
return remainder;
else {
unsigned_divide(a, b, &remainder);
return remainder;
* unsigned_divide: (private utility function)
* Unsigned division of a by b giving quotient q = [a/b] and remainder r, such
* that
* a = q * b + r, where 0 <= r < b.
* Dividend a is assumed non-negative (a >= 0) and divisor b is positive
* definite (b > 0). If the number of base-2^32 digits in b is 1, then short
* division is used. Otherwise Donald Knuth's Algorithm D is used.
* The implementation of Knuth's algorithm here is very similar to that which
* appears in the book Hacker's Delight by Henry S. Warren, but borrows some
* ideas from janmr's blog entry (to which credit is duly given):
* https://janmr.com/blog/2014/04/basic-multiple-precision-long-division/
* If remainder is not a nullptr, then the remainder r is returned in space
* allocated by the caller.
* WARNING: no checks on the validity of a and b are made for performance
* reasons.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
HugeInt unsigned_divide(const HugeInt& a, const HugeInt& b,
HugeInt* const remainder)
HugeInt dividend{a};
HugeInt divisor{b};
// Determine the number of base-2^32 digits in dividend and divisor.
int n{HugeInt::numDigits_};
for ( ; n > 0 && divisor.digits_[n - 1] == 0; --n);
int m{HugeInt::numDigits_};
for ( ; m > 0 && dividend.digits_[m - 1] == 0; --m);
// Technically, m can equal 0 here, if 'a' (the dividend) = 0. This is no
// problem as it will be caught and handled by CASE 1 below.
// CASE 1: m < n => quotient = 0; remainder = dividend.
HugeInt quotient;
if (m < n) {
if (remainder != nullptr) {
if (*remainder != 0) {
*remainder == 0LL;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
remainder->digits_[i] = dividend.digits_[i];
return quotient;
// CASE 2: Divisor has only one base-2^32 digit (n = 1). Do a short
// division and return.
if (n < 2) {
std::uint64_t partial{0};
for (int i = m - 1 ; i >= 0; --i) {
partial = HugeInt::base_ * partial
+ static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[i]);
quotient.digits_[i] =
static_cast<std::uint32_t>(partial / divisor.digits_[0]);
partial %= divisor.digits_[0];
if (remainder != nullptr) {
if (*remainder != 0) {
*remainder == 0LL;
remainder->digits_[0] = partial;
return quotient;
// CASE 3: m >= n and the number of digits, n, in the divisor is >= 2.
// Proceed with long division using Donald Knuth's Algorithm D.
// Determine power-of-two normalisation factor, d = 2^shifts, necessary for
// d * divisor.digits[n-1] >= base_ / 2.
int shifts{0};
std::uint32_t vn{divisor.digits_[n - 1]};
while (vn < (HugeInt::base_ >> 1)) {
vn <<= 1;
// Scale the divisor and dividend by factor d, using shifts for efficiency.
// This scaling does not affect the quotient, but it ensures that
// q_k <= qhat <= q_k + 2 (see later).
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
divisor.digits_[i] = (divisor.digits_[i] << shifts) |
(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(divisor.digits_[i - 1]) >> (32 - shifts));
divisor.digits_[0] = divisor.digits_[0] << shifts;
// Prepend a (m+1)'th zero-value digit to the dividend, then shift.
dividend.digits_[m] =
static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[m - 1]) >> (32 - shifts);
for (int i = m - 1; i > 0; --i) {
dividend.digits_[i] = (dividend.digits_[i] << shifts) |
(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[i - 1]) >> (32 - shifts));
dividend.digits_[0] = dividend.digits_[0] << shifts;
// Do the long division using the primary school algorithm, estimating
// partial quotients with a two most significant digit approximation for
// the dividend and a single most significant digit approximation for the
// divisor.
for (int k = m - n; k >= 0; --k) {
std::uint64_t rhat = dividend.digits_[k + n] * HugeInt::base_
+ static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[k + n - 1]);
std::uint64_t qhat = rhat / divisor.digits_[n - 1];
rhat %= divisor.digits_[n - 1];
// Digit q_k estimated by qhat must satisfy 0 <= q_k <= base_ - 1.
// If too large, decrement and adjust remainder rhat accordingly.
if (qhat == HugeInt::base_) {
qhat -= 1;
rhat += divisor.digits_[n - 1];
// Compare with a "second order" approximation to the partial quotient.
// If this comparison indicates that qhat overestimates, decrement,
// adjust remainder rhat and repeat.
while (rhat < HugeInt::base_ && (qhat * divisor.digits_[n - 2]
> HugeInt::base_ * rhat + dividend.digits_[k + n - 2])) {
qhat -= 1;
rhat += divisor.digits_[n - 1];
// We have an estimate qhat for the true digit q_k that satisfies
// q_k <= qhat <= q_k + 1. Calculate the corresponding remainder
// (a_{k+n} ... a_{k}) - qhat * (b_{n-1}...b_{0}) for this partial
// quotient, storing the result in digits a_{k+n}... a_{k} of the
// dividend. Care is taken with the carries. The overwritten digits
// accrue, and eventually become, the complete remainder.
std::int64_t carry{0}; // signed; carry > 0, borrow < 0
std::int64_t widedigit; // signed
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::uint64_t product = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(qhat)
* static_cast<std::uint64_t>(divisor.digits_[i]);
widedigit = (dividend.digits_[k + i] + carry)
- (product & 0xffffffffLL);
dividend.digits_[k + i] = widedigit; // assigns 2^32-complement
// if widedigit < 0
carry = (widedigit >> 32) - (product >> 32);
widedigit = dividend.digits_[k + n] + carry;
dividend.digits_[k + n] = widedigit; // 2^32-complement if
// widedigit < 0
// Accept and store the tentative quotient digit.
quotient.digits_[k] = qhat;
// However, since q_k <= qhat <= q_k + 1, either we have the correct
// digit, or we need to decrement. To resolve this, check if there was
// a borrow on determining the final k + n digit of the remainder. If
// no, we have q_k = qhat and we are done. Otherwise, qhat = q_k + 1,
// and we need to decrement and add the divisor to digits k + n ... k
// of the dividend (now the remainder).
if (widedigit < 0) {
quotient.digits_[k] -= 1;
widedigit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
widedigit += static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[k + i])
+ divisor.digits_[i];
dividend.digits_[k + i] = widedigit;
widedigit >>= 32;
dividend.digits_[k + n] += carry;
} /* end main loop over k */
// We are done. Return the remainder?
if (remainder != nullptr) {
if (*remainder != 0) {
*remainder == 0LL;
// Denormalise dividend, which now contains the full remainder
// (stored in n - 1 digits).
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
remainder->digits_[i] = (dividend.digits_[i] >> shifts) |
(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dividend.digits_[i + 1])
<< (32 - shifts));
remainder->digits_[n - 1] = dividend.digits_[n - 1] >> shifts;
return quotient;
* HugeInt.h
* Definition of the huge integer class
* Richard Mace, February, 2020
* Huge integers are represented as N-digit arrays of uint32_t types, where
* each uint32_t value represents a base-2^32 digit. By default N = 300, which
* corresponds to a maximum of 2890 decimal digits. Each uint32_t contains
* a single base-2^32 digit in the range 0 <= digit <= 2^32 - 1. If `index'
* represents the index of the array of uint32_t digits[N],
* i.e., 0 <= index <= N - 1, and 'value' represents the power of 2^32
* corresponding to the radix 2^32 digit at 'index', then we have the following
* correspondence:
* index |...... | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* value |...... | (2^32)^4 | (2^32)^3 | (2^32)^2 | (2^32)^1 | (2^32)^0 |
* The physical layout of the uint32_t array in memory is:
* uint32_t digits[N] = {digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3], ... }
* which means that the units (2^32)^0 appear first in memory, while the power
* (2^32)^(N-1) appears last. This LITTLE ENDIAN storage represents the
* number in memory in the REVERSE order of the way we write decimal numbers,
* but is convenient.
* Negative integers are represented by their radix complement. With the
* base 2^32 implementation here, we represent negative integers by their base
* 2^32 complement. With this convention the range of
* non-negative integers is:
* 0 <= x <= (2^32)^N/2 - 1
* The range of base 2^32 integers CORRESPONDING to negative values in the
* base 2^32 complement scheme is:
* (2^32)^N/2 <= x <= (2^32)^N - 1
* So -1 corresponds to (2^32)^N - 1, -2 corresponds to (2^32)^N - 2, and so on.
* The complete range of integers represented by a HugeInt using radix
* complement is:
* -(2^32)^N/2 <= x <= (2^32)^N/2 - 1
#ifndef HUGEINT_H
#define HUGEINT_H
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
namespace iota {
class HugeInt {
HugeInt() = default;
HugeInt(long long int); // conversion constructor from long long int
explicit HugeInt(const char* const); // conversion constructor from C string
HugeInt(const HugeInt&); // copy/conversion constructor
// assignment operator
const HugeInt& operator=(const HugeInt&);
// unary minus operator
HugeInt operator-() const;
// conversion to long double
explicit operator long double() const;
// basic arithmetic
friend HugeInt operator+(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend HugeInt operator-(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend HugeInt operator*(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend HugeInt operator/(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend HugeInt operator%(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
// increment and decrement operators
HugeInt& operator+=(const HugeInt&);
HugeInt& operator-=(const HugeInt&);
HugeInt& operator*=(const HugeInt&);
HugeInt& operator/=(const HugeInt&);
HugeInt& operator%=(const HugeInt&);
HugeInt& operator++(); // prefix
HugeInt operator++(int); // postfix
HugeInt& operator--(); // prefix
HugeInt operator--(int); // postfix
// relational operators
friend bool operator==(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend bool operator!=(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend bool operator<(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend bool operator>(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend bool operator<=(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
friend bool operator>=(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&);
// input/output
std::string toRawString() const;
std::string toDecimalString() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const HugeInt&);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, HugeInt&);
// informational
int numDecimalDigits() const;
static HugeInt getMinimum();
static HugeInt getMaximum();
static const std::size_t numDigits_{300}; // max. no. base 2^32 digits
static const std::uint64_t base_{1ULL << 32}; // 2^32, for convenience
std::uint32_t digits_[numDigits_]{0}; // base 2^32 digits
// private utility functions
bool isZero() const;
bool isNegative() const;
HugeInt& radixComplement();
HugeInt shortMultiply(std::uint32_t) const;
HugeInt shortDivide(std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t* const) const;
friend HugeInt unsigned_divide(const HugeInt&, const HugeInt&,
HugeInt* const);
HugeInt& shiftLeftDigits(int);
} /* namespace iota */
#endif /* HUGEINT_H */
Some rough test code:
* Some simple tests of the HugeInt division algorithm.
* February 2020.
#include "HugeInt.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// Calculate n!
iota::HugeInt factorial_iterative(const iota::HugeInt& n) {
iota::HugeInt result{1LL};
if (n == 0LL) {
return result;
for (iota::HugeInt i = n; i >= 1; --i) {
result *= i;
return result;
// Calculate the n'th Fibonacci number
iota::HugeInt fibonacci_iterative(const iota::HugeInt& n) {
const iota::HugeInt zero;
const iota::HugeInt one{1LL};
if ((n == zero) || (n == one)) {
return n;
iota::HugeInt retval;
iota::HugeInt fib_nm1 = one;
iota::HugeInt fib_nm2 = zero;
for (iota::HugeInt i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
retval = fib_nm1 + fib_nm2;
fib_nm2 = fib_nm1;
fib_nm1 = retval;
return retval;
// Return the nth Fermat number. (n >= 1)
// Fermat(n) = 2^(2n) + 1.
iota::HugeInt fermat_number(long int n) {
long long int exponent = (1LL << n);
iota::HugeInt retval{2LL};
for (long long int i = 1; i < exponent; ++i) {
retval *= 2LL;
return retval + 1LL;
// Check the results of a division by computing
// check = quotient * divisor + remainder
// and verifying that check == dividend.
void check_division(std::string case_name,
iota::HugeInt dividend,
iota::HugeInt divisor)
iota::HugeInt quotient = dividend / divisor;
iota::HugeInt remainder = dividend % divisor;
iota::HugeInt check = quotient * divisor + remainder;
std::cout << "TESTING " << case_name << " -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
std::cout << '\t' << dividend << " / " << divisor << '\n';
std::cout << "\tquotient = " << quotient << '\n';
std::cout << "\tremainder = " << remainder << '\n';
if (check != dividend) {
std::cout << "\nERROR: " << case_name << " failure!\n\n";
else {
std::cout << "\nPASS: " << case_name << " succeeded!\n\n";
int main() {
// zero divisor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
iota::HugeInt dividend;
iota::HugeInt divisor{"123456789098765432101234567890"};
check_division("zero dividend (1)", dividend, divisor);
check_division("zero dividend (2)", dividend, -divisor);
///short division //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dividend = static_cast<iota::HugeInt>("31415926123456789098765432101234567890987654321");
divisor = (1ULL << 32) - 1LL;
check_division("short division (1)", dividend, divisor);
check_division("short division (2)", dividend, -divisor);
check_division("short division (3)", -dividend, divisor);
check_division("short division (4)", -dividend, -divisor);
// long division ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dividend = static_cast<iota::HugeInt>("314159261234567890987654321012345678909876543210987657878726353557575751098");
divisor = static_cast<iota::HugeInt>("9086565656538783989846661928745638291028749009092778710909291");
check_division("long division (1)", dividend, divisor);
check_division("long division (2)", dividend, -divisor);
check_division("long division (3)", -dividend, divisor);
check_division("long division (4)", -dividend, -divisor);
// some fun (use a wide terminal) //////////////////////////////////////////
dividend = factorial_iterative(1000LL);
divisor = fibonacci_iterative(10000LL);
check_division("fun 1 division (1)", dividend, divisor);
check_division("fun 1 division (2)", dividend, -divisor);
check_division("fun 1 division (3)", -dividend, divisor);
check_division("fun 1 division (4)", -dividend, -divisor);
// some more fun
dividend = factorial_iterative(1100LL);
divisor = fibonacci_iterative(13000LL);
check_division("fun 2 division (1)", dividend, divisor);
check_division("fun 2 division (2)", dividend, -divisor);
check_division("fun 2 division (3)", -dividend, divisor);
check_division("fun 2 division (4)", -dividend, -divisor);
// fermat test: This choice of dividend and divisor turns out to be a (very)
// rare case where we have to correct for an over-borrow in unsigned_divide
// by decrementing qhat and giving divisor to the remainder.
dividend = fermat_number(9LL);
divisor = static_cast<iota::HugeInt>("7455602825647884208337395736200454000000170665201");
check_division("special case", dividend, divisor);
return 0;
function that returns a tuple{quotient,remainder}
in a single operation, for code that needs both values. That can save repeating the calculation. It's probably just a thin wrapper aroundunsigned_divide
are. \$\endgroup\$