I've written the following code to check if a value in a data frame changes. I'm looking at the last 5 values. If there was no change at all I want my code to return 1, if a single one (or multiple) of the last 5 are different to the value that is being checked return 0. Finally I want the returned values in a new column in my data frame.
Here's my code so far. It works but I think there is a nicer (and more clean) way to do it.
mydata <- data.frame("id" = 1:100, "ta" = c(sample(x = c(-5:20), size = 94, replace = T), rep(1,6))) # include a repetition to check if code works
nums <- mydata$id # create a dummy for iteration
qc_dummy <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(nums)) # create a dummy vector for the values computed in the for loop
for(i in 1:length(nums)) {
qc_dummy[[i]] <- ifelse(mydata[nums[i], 2] - mydata[nums[i-1], 2] == 0,
ifelse(mydata[nums[i], 2] - mydata[nums[i-2], 2] == 0,
ifelse(mydata[nums[i], 2] - mydata[nums[i-3], 2] == 0,
ifelse(mydata[nums[i], 2] - mydata[nums[i-4], 2] == 0,
ifelse(mydata[nums[i], 2] - mydata[nums[i-5], 2] == 0, 1, 0) ,0), 0) ,0) ,0)
mydata$qc1 <- as.vector(c(0,unlist(qc_dummy))) # first value of list is skipped by unlist (logi(0)) -> add 0