For fun, I wrote a script to convert the last four digits (or fewer) of a phone number into a valid word. I wanted to see if my personal phone number could be converted into something like "999-9999-BEAR." I used the unix words file as my dictionary.
I'm wondering how I could make this simpler, since there seems to be a lot of repetition within the function. I'd also like to expand it to consider more digits of the phone number.
I am mostly self taught with Python, so please let me know if I can do anything to make my code prettier!
import pandas as pd
words_df = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Python\Scripts\Data_Playground\unix_words.csv',encoding='latin1')
words_list = words_df['WORDS'].tolist()
phone_dict = {
my_number = '0000009376' # zero example
#my_number = '0000003357' # eels example
def generate_words(phone_number):
winners = []
num = str(phone_number[-4:])
first_letter = ''
second_letter = ''
third_letter = ''
fourth_letter = ''
if '0' in num or '1' in num:
print('Sorry, your phone number contains a "0" and/or a "1" and cannot be converted.')
#print('Starting number: {0}'.format(num))
for i in range(len(phone_dict[num[:1]])):
first_letter = phone_dict[num[:1]][i]
for j in range(len(phone_dict[num[1:2]])):
second_letter = phone_dict[num[1:2]][j]
potential_word = first_letter + second_letter
if potential_word in words_list:
for k in range(len(phone_dict[num[2:3]])):
third_letter = phone_dict[num[2:3]][k]
potential_word = first_letter + second_letter + third_letter
if potential_word in words_list:
for l in range(len(phone_dict[num[3:4]])):
fourth_letter = phone_dict[num[3:4]][l]
potential_word = first_letter + second_letter + third_letter + fourth_letter
if potential_word in words_list:
if len(winners) == 0:
print('\n No Winners. :(')
print('\nWinners! \n')
for winner in winners:
full_winner = my_number[:(len(my_number)-len(winner))] + winner.upper()
formatted_winner = full_winner[:3] + '-' + full_winner[3:6] + '-' + full_winner[6:]