I have been learning C++ for 3 months now. I decided to make something by myself, so I've made this little integer-based TIC TAC TOE console game.
I need some advice on how to improve my code for better structure and and better readability.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int arr[9]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; //Global values of the GAME BOARD for Every move solt
void gameboard(int x); // function for taking the turn of the player and OVERWRITE the player's value i.e [69 for player 1 or 96 for player 2] to the GLOBAL gameboard array as a slot ie [ arr[turn value of the player] ]
void turn(int *player); // function for checking and validating player's move and pass that to to the game board function
void check_win(int player); // function for checking if a player has own or the game has drawn
void initial_board(); //function for printig the initial GAME BOARD before any players turn
void game_over(); //function for endgame condition
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int a=10,b=11; // player 1 == 69 and player 2 == 96
initial_board(); // printing the initail GAME BOARD for all the empty slots availabe for turn
while(true){ //initiating an infinite loop untill a player has own the game or the game has drawn
turn(&a); // executing the function for PLAYER 1's TURN [69]
turn(&b); // executing the function for PLAYER 2's TURN [96]
return 0;
void gameboard(int x,int player){ // pass cohice as x and p as player
cout<<" TIC TAC TOE\t\n\n";
cout<<" Player 1: 10 -- Player 2: 11\n\n";
arr[x]=player; // overwrite the element of the array that is the turn input or choice to the player value[example: if (choice is 1 and player valuse is 69) then arr[1]=69 ]
for(int i=0;i<9;i++){ // display the game board
if(i%3==0&&i!=0){ // formatting condition
cout<<" | "<<arr[i]<<" | "; // formatting
check_win(player); // finally check for win and draw conditions and exit if any of them satisfies
void turn(int *player){ // [*player] pass by ref for either player 1 [69] or player 2 [96],,though it can be using pass by valuse as well
int choice,p; // input choice variable for turn and p variable for player value and passing that to the game_board function
p= *player; // pass the value of player ie 69 or 96 to p variable
cout<<"\n"<<" "<<p<<" it is your Turn!!";
cin>>choice; // input turn as choice
if(choice > 8){ // validate if choice is over 8 or not
cout<<"Out of range: Try again-->";
}while(choice > 8); // end validation and go for next validation
for(int i=0; i<9; i++) // iterate the global slot array
if(arr[choice]==10||arr[choice]==11) // check if the turn or choice already exist as player values ie[69 or 96] in the global array
do{ // if so then,retake the move because taht is already preasant in the board
cout<<"invalid move!!";
cout<<"place your turn!!";
cin>>choice; // input turn as choice(if choice is under 8) again until it does not exists in the global GAMEVOARD array as player value
if(choice > 8){ //another check for choice over 8. if so,then repeaat input untill its under 8 and doesnt exists in the global gameboard array as player value
cout<<"Out of range: Try again-->";
}while(choice > 8);
break; // if all the validation condition satisfies then breakout of the loop nad the input[choice] as final value
gameboard(choice,p); // pass the final turn input ie choice to the gameboard function and pass the player value as p
/// Need to modify win conditions later ////
void check_win(int player){ //pass the player value as player
if(arr[1]+arr[2]+arr[0]==3*10||arr[1]+arr[2]+arr[0]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[3]+arr[4]+arr[5]==3*10||arr[3]+arr[4]+arr[5]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[6]+arr[7]+arr[8]==3*10||arr[6]+arr[7]+arr[8]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[0]+arr[4]+arr[8]==3*10||arr[0]+arr[4]+arr[8]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[2]+arr[4]+arr[6]==3*10||arr[2]+arr[4]+arr[6]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[0]+arr[3]+arr[6]==3*10||arr[0]+arr[3]+arr[6]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[1]+arr[4]+arr[7]==3*10||arr[1]+arr[7]+arr[7]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[2]+arr[5]+arr[8]==3*10||arr[2]+arr[5]+arr[8]==3*11){ //win condition outputs the winner player's name for all
cout<<"\n\n\n"<<" player "<<player<<" has won the game.Congratulations!!!"<<endl;
}else if(arr[0] != 0 && arr[1] != 1 && arr[2] != 2 && arr[3] != 3 && arr[4] != 4 && arr[5] != 5 && arr[6] != 6 && arr[7] != 7 && arr[8] != 8){
cout<<"\n\n\n THE GEME IS DRAWN!!!!!!"; // draw condition
void initial_board(){
cout<<" TIC TAC TOE\t\n\n";
cout<<" Player 1: 10 -- Player 2: 11\n\n";
for(int i=0;i<9;i++){ // iterating the global array to show all the slots
if(i%3==0&&i!=0){ // formatting the slots
cout<<" | "<<arr[i]<<" | "; // printing the slot values as slots
cout<<"\n"; //formatting
void game_over(){ // function for ending the game
cout<<" \n\n :The Game is over:\n\n";
######### END OF PROJECT #########