Problem description
Scarpi, who owns a restaurant, decided to remodel it with his friends because the interior of the restaurant is too old. The place where the restaurant is located is a very cold area in the snow town, so it is necessary to check the condition of the exterior walls periodically during the interior work.
The structure of the restaurant is completely round and the total circumference of the outer wall is n meters, and some points on the outer wall have vulnerable points which may be damaged in extreme cold. Therefore, we decided to periodically send friends to check whether the vulnerable points of the outer wall were not damaged during the internal construction. However, the inspection time was limited to 1 hour for quick construction. The distance that friends can travel for an hour is different, so try to get at least a few friends to check for vulnerabilities and the rest of the friends to help with the construction. For convenience, the north-facing point of the restaurant is represented by 0, and the location of the vulnerable point is indicated by the distance clockwise from the north-facing point. In addition, friends only move along the outer wall clockwise or counterclockwise from the starting point.
When given as a parameter the length of the outer wall n, an array containing the location of the weak point, and an array dist with the distance each friend can move for 1 hour, return the minimum number of friends that should be sent to check for the weak point. Complete the solution function.
- \$n\$ is a natural number between \$1\$ and \$200\$, inclusive.
- A weakness has a length between \$1\$ and \$15\$, inclusive.
- Two different vulnerabilities are not given the same location.
- The location of the weak point is given in ascending order.
- The weak element is an integer greater than or equal to \$0\$ and less than \$n-1\$.
- The length of dist is \$1\$ or more and \$8\$ or less.
- The elements of dist are natural numbers between \$1\$ and \$100\$, inclusive.
The first link is the website to the description and second link is the challenge site. But I don't think this would be of help since it's in Korean language.
This simulation is given finding the minimum numbers of patrollers, given patroller's coverage and position of the weak points. The weak points are the weak points on the wall that needs to be fixed. The wall is circular, and that's why there exists additional push_back when creating create_dist_btw_wp.
I stored the distances between weakpoints as vector, and tried to test all permutations of the patrollers.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
inline int num_patrolling(vector<int>::const_iterator cit, vector<int>::const_iterator cbegin) {
return int(cit - cbegin) + 1;
vector<int>& create_dist_btw_wp(vector<int>& weak_points, int wall_length) {
vector<int>* result = new vector<int>;
for (int i = 1; i < weak_points.size(); ++i)
result->push_back(weak_points[i] - weak_points[i - 1]);
result->push_back(weak_points[0] + wall_length - weak_points.back());
return *result;
int main() {
int wall_length = 12;
vector<int> weak_points = {1, 5, 6, 10};
vector<int> patrol_dists = {1, 2, 3, 4};
cout <<solution(wall_length, weak_points, patrol_dists) << endl;
return 0;
// wp stands for weakpoints
// weak_points stores dist of wps at wall from 0
int solution(int wall_length, vector<int> weak_points, vector<int> patrol_dists) {
if (weak_points.size() == 1)
return 1;
vector<int> dist_btw_wp = create_dist_btw_wp(weak_points, wall_length);
sort(patrol_dists.begin(), patrol_dists.end());
auto num_wp = weak_points.size();
int ans = 0x3f3f3f3f;
// TODO//
// seems next_permutation is enough and 2 for loops inside
// do_while loop seems overkill.
// Needs to be checked
do {
for (int first_wp_idx = 0; first_wp_idx < num_wp; ++first_wp_idx) {
int end_wp_idx = (first_wp_idx + num_wp - 1) % num_wp;
bool wp_patrolled[20]{};
auto it_patrol_dists = patrol_dists.cbegin();
int patrolled_dist = 0;
for (int cur_wp_idx = first_wp_idx; cur_wp_idx != end_wp_idx; (++cur_wp_idx) %= num_wp)
if (it_patrol_dists == patrol_dists.cend()) break; // can't patrol all
wp_patrolled[cur_wp_idx] = true;
patrolled_dist += dist_btw_wp[cur_wp_idx];
if (patrolled_dist > *it_patrol_dists)
patrolled_dist = 0;
if (it_patrol_dists != patrol_dists.cend())
ans = min(ans, num_patrolling(it_patrol_dists, patrol_dists.cbegin()));
} while (next_permutation(patrol_dists.begin(), patrol_dists.end()));
return ans == 0x3f3f3f3f ? -1 : ans;