I didn't find an implementation on CR of the circular doubly linked list, using generators. Hence, I tried it myself.
The class
represents a circular doubly linked list, only referencing thehead
node. Thetail
node is derived ashead.previous
. Thelength
of the list is evaluated from iterating the nodes. Adding, removing and peeking from either side of the list takes \$O(1)\$ time complexity, while it takes \$O(N)\$ time complexity in the middle.
- Is this class usable, does it comply to collection standards and conventions?
- Are the class, method, property names stating clearly what they do?
- Is the use of comments optimal, too verbose or still insufficient?
- I don't have much experience with generators and iterators. Is this idiomatic Javascript?
A deck chains nodes to form a collection.
// A node is a value container, linked to its previous and next node.
// Because of its circular nature, previous and next will never be null.
// A head's previous node is the tail and the tail's next node is the head.
// A sole node has a self reference both previous as next.
class Node {
// Constructor specifying the contained value.
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.previous = this.next = this;
// The specified node gets inserted after this node.
// @returns this node.
append(node) {
node.next = this.next;
node.previous = this;
this.next.previous = node;
this.next = node;
return this;
// The specified node gets inserted before this node.
// @returns this node.
prepend(node) {
node.previous = this.previous;
node.next = this;
this.previous.next = node;
this.previous = node;
return this;
// This node removes itself from its siblings, but keeps
// the references in case it gets restored.
// The value remains untouched.
// @returns this node.
cloack() {
this.previous.next = this.next;
this.next.previous = this.previous;
return this;
// This node removes itself fomr its siblings, and clears
// all references to its siblings.
// The value gets reset to null.
// @returns this node.
remove() {
this.previous = this.next = this;
this.value = null;
return this;
The deck itself with its head node.
// A deck is a collection of values with support to add and remove
// values at both sides as well as in the middle.
// Because its a doubly linkes list, adding and removing values at
// the sides has O(1) time complexity, while in middle O(n).
// Because of its circular nature, only the head is stored, the tail
// can be derived by taking head.previous.
class Deck {
// Constructor optionally specifying the initial values.
constructor(values = null) {
this.head = null;
if (values !== null) {
for (const value of values) {
// Inserts a value at the tail.
// @returns this deck.
push(value) {
const node = new Node(value);
if (this.empty()) {
this.head = node;
} else {
return this;
// Inserts a value at the head.
// @returns this deck.
unshift(value) {
const node = new Node(value);
if (this.any()) {
this.head = node;
return this;
// Inserts a value at the specified index.
// @returns a boolean indicating success; no success when out of bounds.
insertAt(index, value) {
const node = new Node(value);
if (index === 0) {
return true;
} else {
const previous = this.entryAt(index - 1);
if (previous) previous.node.append(node);
return previous !== null;
// Removes the value at the tail.
// @returns the value at the tail; or undefined when empty.
pop() {
if (this.empty()) return undefined;
const tail = this.tail;
const becomesEmpty = this.head === tail;
const value = tail.value;
if (becomesEmpty) this.head = null;
return value;
// Removes the value at the head.
// @returns the value at the head; or undefined when empty.
shift() {
if (this.empty()) return undefined;
const newHead = this.head.next === this.head ? null : this.head.next;
const value = this.head.value;
this.head = newHead;
return value;
// Removes the value at the specified index.
// @returns the value at the specified index; or undefined when out of bounds.
removeAt(index) {
if (index === 0) {
return this.shift();
} else {
const entry = this.entryAt(index);
if (entry === null) return undefined;
const value = entry.node.value;
return value;
// Removes the first occurence of the specified value.
// @returns a boolean indicating whether a value was removed.
remove(value) {
var entry = this.entry(value);
if (entry === null) return false;
if (this.head === entry.node) {
} else {
return true;
// Removes all values from the deck.
// @returns this deck.
clear() {
for (const node of this.nodes()) {
this.head = null;
return this;
// Checks whether the specified value is contained.
// @returns a boolean indicating whether the specified value is contained.
contains(value) {
return this.indexOf(value) > -1;
// Gets the index of the first occurence of the specified value.
// @returns the index of the first occurence; or -1 when not found.
indexOf(value) {
var entry = this.entry(value);
return entry === null ? -1 : entry.index;
// Gets the value at the head.
// @returns the value at the head; or undefined when empty.
first() {
return this.any() ? this.head.value : undefined;
// Gets the value at the tail.
// @returns the value at the tail; or undefined when empty.
last() {
return this.any() ? this.tail.value : undefined;
// Gets the value at the specified index.
// @returns the value at the specified index; or null when out of bounds.
peek(index) {
const entry = this.entryAt(index);
return entry === null ? null : entry.node.value;
// Gets the entry at the specified index.
// @returns the entry at the specified index; or null when out of bounds.
entryAt(index) {
return (index < 0) ? null : [...this.entries()].find(n => n.index === index) || null;
// Gets the entry matching the first occurence of the specified value.
// @returns the entry matching the first occurence of the specified value;
// or null when out of bounds.
entry(value) {
return [...this.entries()].find(n => n.node.value === value) || null;
// Maps the values given the specified selector.
// @returns the values mapped given the specified selector.
map(selector) {
return this.values.map(selector);
// Finds the first value given the specified condition.
// @returns the first value given the specified condition.
find(condition) {
return this.values.find(condition);
// Filters the values given the specified condition.
// @returns the values filtered given the specified condition.
filter(condition) {
return this.values.filter(condition);
// Reduces the values given the specified aggregator and seed.
// @returns the values reduced given the specified aggregator and seed.
reduce(aggregator, seed) {
return this.values.reduce(aggregator, seed);
// Gets whether at least one value matches the condition.
// @returns a boolean indicating at least one value matches the condition;
// false when empty.
some(condition) {
return this.values.some(condition);
// Gets whether all values matche the condition.
// @returns a boolean indicating all values match the condition;
// true when empty.
every(condition) {
return this.values.every(condition);
// Gets whether the deck contains any values.
// @returns a boolean indicating whether any values are contained.
any() {
return this.head !== null;
// Gets whether the deck is empty.
// @returns a boolean indicating whether the deck is empty.
empty() {
return !this.any();
// Iterates the deck.
// @returns an iterator over the values.
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const node of this.nodes())
yield node.value;
// Iterates the nodes.
// @returns an iterator over the nodes.
*nodes() {
for (const entry of this.entries())
yield entry.node;
// Iterates the entries.
// @returns an iterator over the entries.
*entries() {
if (this.any()) {
let i = 0;
let node = this.head;
do {
yield { index: i++, node: node };
node = node.next;
} while (node !== this.head);
// Gets the number of values.
// @returns the number of values.
get length() {
return this.values.length;
// Gets the values as array.
// @returns the values as array.
get values() {
return Array.from(this);
// Gets the tail.
// @returns the tail.
get tail() {
return this.any() ? this.head.previous : null;
And some unit tests to show the behavior.
function print(deck) {
console.log("// values: " + [...deck]);
console.log("// first: " + deck.first());
console.log("// last: " + deck.last());
console.log("// map: " + deck.map(n => n * 10));
console.log("// filter: " + deck.filter(n => n > 1));
console.log("// reduce: " + deck.reduce((m, n) => m += n, 0));
console.log("// any: " + deck.any());
console.log("// some: " + deck.some(n => n > 1));
console.log("// every: " + deck.every(n => n > 1));
console.log("// --------------------");
var deck = new Deck();
// values:
// first: undefined
// last: undefined
// map:
// filter:
// reduce: 0
// any: false
// some: false
// every: true
// --------------------
deck.insertAt(0, -2);
deck.insertAt(deck.length, 4);
// values: -2,-1,0,1,2,3,4
// first: -2
// last: 4
// map: -20,-10,0,10,20,30,40
// filter: 2,3,4
// reduce: 7
// any: true
// some: true
// every: false
// --------------------
// values: 1,2,3
// first: 1
// last: 3
// map: 10,20,30
// filter: 2,3
// reduce: 6
// any: true
// some: true
// every: false
// --------------------
// values:
// first: undefined
// last: undefined
// map:
// filter:
// reduce: 0
// any: false
// some: false
// every: true
// --------------------
list = new Deck([1,2]); list.tail.next = list.tail; [...list];
will crash the page, will not throw, making it too dangerous to use. You need to protect the Node links. \$\endgroup\$Deck
usually means something like a deck of cards. OTOH "a collection of values with support to add and remove values at both sides" is adeque
(aka Double Ended Queue). \$\endgroup\$