It's a task from a Ruby-course, in which I'm currently enrolled: Ruby Course - Page
Precisely it's one of the assignments for the first week.
Following idea:
Your are given a list in which finished work-tasks are logged.
{work: "item 1", date: "2017-04-26", time: 20},
{work: "item 2", date: "2017-04-27", time: 27},
You shall write a function which computes the daily work-time for the different months. Means: The average daily work-time in April, avg. time in May, ... in June. And so on ...
A data-structure, to work upon, was given. Even the result, which is expected for that data-structure: { "2017-04" => 40, "2017-05" => 14 }
I was able to write a function, which passed all unit-tests. Here it is:
tasks = [
{work: "item 1", date: "2017-04-26", time: 20},
{work: "item 2", date: "2017-04-27", time: 27},
{work: "item 3", date: "2017-04-27", time: 33},
{work: "item 4", date: "2017-05-05", time: 20},
{work: "item 5", date: "2017-05-06", time: 12},
{work: "item 6", date: "2017-05-14", time: 10},
# Expected result : { "2017-04" => 40, "2017-05" => 14 }
def work_per_month(tasks)
days_aggregate = {}
tasks.each do | task |
key = task[:date]
if days_aggregate.key?(key)
days_aggregate[key][0] = days_aggregate[key][0] + task[:time]
arr = []
arr[0] = task[:time]
days_aggregate[key] = arr
months_aggregate = {}
days_aggregate.each do | key, task |
parts = key.split("-")
k = "#{parts[0]}-#{parts[1]}"
if months_aggregate.key?(k)
months_aggregate[k][0] = months_aggregate[k][0] + task[0]
months_aggregate[k][1] = months_aggregate[k][1] + 1
arr = []
arr[0] = task[0]
arr[1] = 1
months_aggregate[k] = arr
avg_hours_month = {}
months_aggregate.each do | key, data |
avg_hours_month[key] = data[0] / data[1]
puts work_per_month(tasks) # Returns {"2017-04"=>40, "2017-05"=>14}
Please take into account that I started Ruby programming just a week ago.
It works and it has passed the tests. But I'm aware that it is clumsy.
Is there are more elegant way to solve the described task?
Without having this sequence of loops?
(20 + 27 + 33) / 3
, not40
. Now, I don't know about elegant, especially for the first week (!), buttasks.group_by {|h| h[:date][0..6]}.reduce({}) {|out, (k, v)| out[k] = v.reduce(0.0) {|sum, h| sum + h[:time] } / v.size; out}
should do it as a one-liner. Not that it should be a one-liner, reason here is just so it fits in a comment box. \$\endgroup\$