Let me start by saying that until very recently procedural was the paradigm of choice for about 100% of my programming activity, and I was a complete stranger to C++ and OOP concepts. Since a few weeks ago, I have been studying C++ and today I decided to take some random procedural code and translate it to object oriented design as an exercise. The code in question was an implementation of the classical game Tetris for Windows console.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <Windows.h>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#define XPADDING 34
#define YPADDING 5
// Screen buffer class
class Screen
Screen(int, int);
const int screenWidth;
const int screenHeight;
wchar_t *screen;
HANDLE hConsole;
DWORD dwBytesWritten;
Screen::Screen(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
: screenWidth(screenWidth), screenHeight(screenHeight)
screen = new wchar_t[screenWidth * screenHeight];
for (int i = 0; i < screenWidth * screenHeight; i++) screen[i] = L' ';
dwBytesWritten = 0;
// Tetromino Class
class Tetromino
Tetromino(wstring, int, int, int);
int y;
int x;
int rotation;
wstring layout;
int rotate(int, int);
Tetromino::Tetromino(wstring layout, int startingX, int startingY, int startingRotation)
: layout(layout), y(startingY), x(startingX), rotation(startingRotation)
int Tetromino::rotate(int x, int y)
* Rotates piece layout
* string based on given angle
* 'rotation'
switch (rotation % 4) {
case 0: return y * 4 + x; // 0 degress
case 1: return 12 + y - (x * 4); // 90 degress
case 2: return 15 - (y * 4) - x; // 180 degress
case 3: return 3 - y + (x * 4); // 270 degress
return 0;
// Playing Field Class
class PlayingField
PlayingField(int, int);
const int fieldWidth;
const int fieldHeight;
unsigned char *pField;
bool doesPieceFit(Tetromino*, int, int, int);
PlayingField::PlayingField(int fieldWidth, int fieldHeight)
: fieldWidth(fieldWidth), fieldHeight(fieldHeight), pField(nullptr)
// Creating play field buffer
pField = new unsigned char[fieldHeight * fieldWidth];
for (int x = 0; x < fieldWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < fieldHeight; y++)
// 0 characters are spaces and 9 are borders
pField[y * fieldWidth + x] = (x == 0 || x == fieldWidth - 1 || y == fieldHeight - 1) ? 9 : 0;
bool PlayingField::doesPieceFit(Tetromino *tetromino, int rotation, int x, int y)
for (int px = 0; px < 4; px++)
for (int py = 0; py < 4; py++) {
int pi = tetromino->rotate(px, py);
int fi = (y + py) * fieldWidth + (x + px);
if (x + px >= 0 && x + px < fieldWidth)
if (y + py >= 0 && y + py < fieldHeight)
// if cell value != 0, it's occupied
if (tetromino->layout[pi] == L'X' && pField[fi] != 0)
return false;
return true;
// Game class
class Tetris
Tetris(Screen*, PlayingField*, int);
bool gameOver;
int score;
void draw();
void checkLines();
void computeNextState();
void lockPieceOnField();
void processInput();
void synchronizeMovement();
int lines;
int speed;
int nextPiece;
int pieceCount;
int currentPiece;
int speedCounter;
bool key[4];
bool forceDown;
bool rotateHold;
Screen *screenBuffer;
Tetromino *tetromino[7];
PlayingField *playingField;
vector<int> fullLines;
Tetris::Tetris(Screen *screenBuffer, PlayingField *playingField, int speed)
: speed(speed), screenBuffer(screenBuffer), playingField(playingField)
// Set game initial state
score = 0;
lines = 0;
pieceCount = 0;
speedCounter = 0;
gameOver = false;
forceDown = false;
nextPiece = rand() % 7;
currentPiece = rand() % 7;
// Generate pieces
int startingPieceX = playingField->fieldWidth / 2;
tetromino[0] = new Tetromino(L"..X...X...X...X.", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[1] = new Tetromino(L"..X..XX...X.....", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[2] = new Tetromino(L".....XX..XX.....", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[3] = new Tetromino(L"..X..XX..X......", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[4] = new Tetromino(L".X...XX...X.....", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[5] = new Tetromino(L".X...X...XX.....", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
tetromino[6] = new Tetromino(L"..X...X..XX.....", startingPieceX, 0, 0);
rotateHold = true;
void Tetris::synchronizeMovement()
// Timing game ticks
forceDown = (speed == speedCounter);
void Tetris::processInput()
// x27 = right arrow key
// x25 = left arrow key
// x28 = down arrow key
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
key[k] = (0x8000 & GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned char) ("\x27\x25\x28Z"[k]))) != 0;
// Handling input
Tetromino *currentTetromino = tetromino[currentPiece];
currentTetromino->x += (key[0] && playingField->doesPieceFit(currentTetromino, currentTetromino->rotation, currentTetromino->x + 1, currentTetromino->y)) ? 1 : 0;
currentTetromino->x -= (key[1] && playingField->doesPieceFit(currentTetromino, currentTetromino->rotation, currentTetromino->x - 1, currentTetromino->y)) ? 1 : 0;
currentTetromino->y += (key[2] && playingField->doesPieceFit(currentTetromino, currentTetromino->rotation, currentTetromino->x, currentTetromino->y + 1)) ? 1 : 0;
if (key[3]) {
currentTetromino->rotation += (rotateHold && playingField->doesPieceFit(currentTetromino, currentTetromino->rotation + 1, currentTetromino->x, currentTetromino->y)) ? 1 : 0;
rotateHold = false;
} else {
rotateHold = true;
void Tetris::computeNextState()
if (forceDown) {
Tetromino *currentTetromino = tetromino[currentPiece];
if (playingField->doesPieceFit(currentTetromino, currentTetromino->rotation, currentTetromino->x, currentTetromino->y + 1)) {
} else {
// Set up new piece
currentPiece = nextPiece;
nextPiece = rand() % 7;
tetromino[currentPiece]->rotation = 0;
tetromino[currentPiece]->y = 0;
tetromino[currentPiece]->x = playingField->fieldWidth / 2;
// Increse game speed every 10 tics
if (pieceCount % 10 == 0)
if (speed >= 10) speed--;
score += 25;
if (!fullLines.empty()) score += (1 << fullLines.size()) * 100;
// Game over if it doesn't fit
gameOver = !playingField->doesPieceFit(tetromino[currentPiece], tetromino[currentPiece]->rotation, tetromino[currentPiece]->x, tetromino[currentPiece]->y);
speedCounter = 0;
void Tetris::lockPieceOnField()
Tetromino *currentTetromino = tetromino[currentPiece];
for (int px = 0; px < 4; px++)
for (int py = 0; py < 4; py++)
if (currentTetromino->layout[currentTetromino->rotate(px, py)] == L'X')
// nCurrentPiece + 1 because 0 means empty spots in the playing field
playingField->pField[(currentTetromino->y + py) * playingField->fieldWidth + (currentTetromino->x + px)] = currentPiece + 1;
void Tetris::checkLines()
Tetromino *currentTetromino = tetromino[currentPiece];
for (int py = 0; py < 4; py++) {
if (currentTetromino->y + py < playingField->fieldHeight - 1) {
bool bLine = true;
for (int px = 1; px < playingField->fieldWidth; px++)
// if any cell is empty, line isn't complete
bLine &= (playingField->pField[(currentTetromino->y + py) * playingField->fieldWidth + px]) != 0;
if (bLine) {
// draw '=' symbols
for (int px = 1; px < playingField->fieldWidth - 1; px++)
playingField->pField[(currentTetromino->y + py) * playingField->fieldWidth + px] = 8;
fullLines.push_back(currentTetromino->y + py);
void Tetris::draw()
// Draw playing field
for (int x = 0; x < playingField->fieldWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < playingField->fieldHeight; y++)
//mapping playing field (' ', 1,..., 9) to Screen characters (' ', A,...,#)
screenBuffer->screen[(y + YPADDING) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + (x + XPADDING)] = L" ABCDEFG=#"[playingField->pField[y * playingField->fieldWidth + x]];
// Draw pieces
for (int px = 0; px < 4; px++)
for (int py = 0; py < 4; py++) {
if (tetromino[currentPiece]->layout[tetromino[currentPiece]->rotate(px, py)] == L'X')
// Drawing current piece ( n + ASCII code of character 'A') 0 -> A, 1 - > B, ...
screenBuffer->screen[(tetromino[currentPiece]->y + py + YPADDING) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + (tetromino[currentPiece]->x + px + XPADDING)] = currentPiece + 65;
if (tetromino[nextPiece]->layout[tetromino[nextPiece]->rotate(px, py)] == L'X')
// Drawing next piece ( n + ASCII code of character 'A') 0 -> A, 1 - > B, ...
screenBuffer->screen[(YPADDING + 3 + py) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + (XPADDING / 2 + px + 3)] = nextPiece + 65;
screenBuffer->screen[(YPADDING + 3 + py) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + (XPADDING / 2 + px + 3)] = ' ';
swprintf_s(&screenBuffer->screen[YPADDING * screenBuffer->screenWidth + XPADDING / 4], 16, L"SCORE: %8d", score);
swprintf_s(&screenBuffer->screen[(YPADDING + 1) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + XPADDING / 4], 16, L"LINES: %8d", lines);
swprintf_s(&screenBuffer->screen[(YPADDING + 4) * screenBuffer->screenWidth + XPADDING / 4], 13, L"NEXT PIECE: ");
if (!fullLines.empty()) {
WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(screenBuffer->hConsole, screenBuffer->screen, screenBuffer->screenWidth * screenBuffer->screenHeight, {0,0}, &screenBuffer->dwBytesWritten);
for (auto &v : fullLines)
for (int px = 1; px < playingField->fieldWidth - 1; px++) {
for (int py = v; py > 0; py--)
// clear line, moving lines above one unit down
playingField->pField[py * playingField->fieldWidth + px] = playingField->pField[(py - 1) * playingField->fieldWidth + px];
playingField->pField[px] = 0;
// Display Frame
WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(screenBuffer->hConsole, screenBuffer->screen, screenBuffer->screenWidth * screenBuffer->screenHeight, {0,0}, &screenBuffer->dwBytesWritten);
int main(void){
Screen *screenBuffer = new Screen(80, 30);
PlayingField *playingField = new PlayingField(12, 18);
Tetris *tetrisGame = new Tetris(screenBuffer, playingField, 20);
// Main game loop
while (!tetrisGame->gameOver) {
// Timing
// Input
// Logic
//Render Output
cout << "Game Over! Score:" << tetrisGame->score << endl;
return 0;
Some doubts I had while coding:
Overall code logistics. What would be the best (advised) way of interrelating my class objects? Should I pass references around as member variables (the way I did with my
class, it has pointers toscreenBuffer
objects) and make most of the game functionality internal to my objects or make them as independent of one another as possible, bringing all together in my program'smain
function by accessing each object when needed (essentially pulling some of the programs functionality out of my objects)?I'm using the
keyword a lot. It sure clutters the code a little bit. I'll go ahead and not use it at all. I wonder if this is ok.Most of these classes don't have anything private. Should I use structures instead?
I should probably split this code into multiple files, one for each class definition.
. Of course this makes your application implementation defined. \$\endgroup\$new
. You should not need anynew
in the code. Simple values likeScreen screenBuffer(80, 30);
for some other places would improve this code a lot in terms of fixing the memory leaks, making the syntax nicer and the program faster. \$\endgroup\$