I've done a little bit of programming in the past, mostly just dabbling. After a long time of not touching an IDE, I am getting back into it, with Visual Studio. I just threw this quick project together to make sure I remember how to use classes and objects before I start playing with bigger projects.
I would love a quick critique to make sure there arent any glaring poor practices that could develop into bad habbits in the future.
I know the standard way to solve this problem is just time = distance/(velA+velB), but what would the point of using objects be if i didnt have the objects do something and change their status in someway?
What do you think, looks good?
The goal for this practice program is to solve the common math word problem below using classes and objects.
I feel that using iterations rather than the basic math formula to solve, although clearly less efficient, would be more true to thinking in terms of objects.
Train A, traveling X miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away.
At the same time Train B, traveling Y mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford.
When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Train
Train(int, int);
int getLocation();
void update();
int location, velocity;
Train::Train(int loc, int vel) //to initialize the train object and set its location and velocity
location = loc;
velocity = vel;
int Train::getLocation() // returns the location of the train object
return location;
void Train::update() // updates the train object for one iteration
location += velocity;
int main()
int velA, velB, distance; //to take the values from the user input
int time; // to keep track of the number of iterations
// time is declared here so it can be used outside of the for loop
cout << "Enter velocity of the train from Westford:\n";
cin >> velA;
cout << "\n\nEnter velocity of the train from Eastford:\n";
cin >> velB;
cout << "\n\nEnter the distance between Westford and Eastford:\n";
cin >> distance;
//initialize each train
Train trainA(0, velA);
Train trainB(distance, 0 - velB); //location of trainB is distance because the distance between an x coordinate at 0 and another x coordinate is equal to the second x coordinate
//the velocity of trainB is the negative of velB because it is traveling in the opposite direction of trainA
//run the sim
for (time = 0; trainA.getLocation() < trainB.getLocation(); time++)
cout << "\n\nThe Trains pass eachother after " << time << " hours."
<< "\nAt that time, the Westford train is " << trainA.getLocation() << " miles from Westford\n"
<< "and the Eastford train is " << distance - trainB.getLocation() << " miles from Eastford.\n\n";
return 0;