Today I've found /r/dailyprogrammer and I've solved an easy challenge. I'm new to coding and I'm not sure if this is good way to solve this kind of problems. Could you, please, give me some hints? How to make my code more clear and readable? Thanks!
Challange description:
A number is input in computer then a new no should get printed by adding one to each of its digit. If you encounter a 9, insert a 10 (don't carry over, just shift things around).
For example, 998 becomes 10109.
This challenge is trivial to do if you map it to a string to iterate over the input, operate, and then cast it back. Instead, try doing it without casting it as a string at any point, keep it numeric (int, float if you need it) only.
private static int Challange(int number)
int digits = (int)Math.Log10(number); //this is number of digits -1
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; i <= digits; i++)
int tens = (int)(Math.Pow(10, digits - i));
int currentDigit = ((number / tens) % 10);
if (currentDigit == 9) result *= 10;
result += (currentDigit + 1) * tens;
return result;