I've spent the best part of a day on this question. It is marked as Expert level. There are about fifteen submission test cases and my solution manages to satisfy the first four. However, from there on in it hits timeouts due to performance issues.
There doesn't seem to be much information or solutions for this question around, so I would appreciate if anyone had any suggestion on how I can improve the performance. Maybe I need to go back to the drawing board with my approach.
- N = number of elements in the array
- K = The height difference allowed
- H = Array of heights
- queries = 2D array of ranges within which you must find the number of matching pairs (i.e. how many fighters in this range meet the height requirements to fight each other)
My approach is to copy the subset (I know this is slow and would like to get around it somehow)and then run a quicksort over this new subset.
With this we can now quickly figure out what heights are within range of each other (i.e. if we get height = 1 and we know k = 2, then the maximum height he can fight against is going to be 3).
static int[] solve(int n, int k, int[] h, int[][] queries) {
// N = no. heights
// K = Difference
// L & R = First and Last fighters
int[] results = new int[queries.length];
int count = 1;
int pairs = 0;
int l, r =0;
for(int j=0; j<queries.length; j++) {
l = queries[j][0];
r = queries[j][1];
int[] range = Arrays.copyOfRange(h, l, r+1);
int[] sortedSubset = sort(range);
for(int i=0; i<sortedSubset.length-1; i++) {
count = i+1;
while((count != sortedSubset.length) && sortedSubset[count] <= (sortedSubset[i]+k)) {
// While the current number is still in range of the number we are checking i.e. (number + k)
results[j] = pairs;
pairs = 0;
return results;
A Sumo wrestling championship is scheduled to be held this winter in the HackerCity where N wrestlers from different parts of the world are going to participate.
The rules state that two wrestlers can fight against each other if and only if the difference in their height is less than or equal to K, (i.e.)
wrestler A and wrestler B can fight if and only if |height(A)-height(B)|≤K.Given an array H[], where H[i] represents the height of the ith fighter, for a given l, r where
0 <= l <= r < N
, can you count the number of pairs of fighters between l and r (both inclusive) who qualify to play a game?Input Format
The first line contains an integer N and K separated by a single space representing the number of Sumo wrestlers who are going to participate and the height difference K.
The second line contains N integers separated by a single space, representing their heights H[0] H[1] ... H[N - 1].
The third line contains Q, the number of queries. This is followed by Q lines each having two integers l and r separated by a space.Output Format
For each query Q, output the corresponding value of the number of pairs of fighters for whom the absolute difference of height is not greater that K.Constraints
1 <= N <= 100000
0 <= K <= 109
0 <= H[i] <= 109
1 <= Q <= 100000
0 <= l <= r < NSample Input
5 2 1 3 4 3 0 3 0 1 1 3 0 4
Sample Output
1 3 6
Query #0: Between 0 and 1 we have i,j as (0,1) and |H[0]-H[1]|=2 therefore output is 1.
Query #1: The pairs (H[1],H[2]) (H[1],H[3]) and (H[2],H[3]) are the pairs such that |H[i]-H[j]| <=2. Hence output is 3.
Query #2: Apart from those in Query #1, we have (H[0],H[1]), (H[0], H[3]), (H[0], H[4]), hence 6.Timelimits
Timelimits are given here
defined? \$\endgroup\$