I have been staring at what I have produced for almost 5 hours and I still cannot see how and where to improve my implementation. I am implementing an Orthogonal sampling method according to the description of Orthogonal Sampling.
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
import random
def Orthogonal(n):
assert(np.sqrt(n) % 1 == 0),"Please insert an even number of samples"
step = int(np.sqrt(n))
row_constraints = [ False for i in range(n) ]
column_constraints = [ False for i in range(n) ]
subbox_constraints = [ False for i in range(n)]
result = []
append = result.append
def map_coord_to_box(x:int, y:int, step:int)->int:
horz = int(np.floor(x/step))
vert = int(np.floor(y/step))
return vert * step + horz
def remap_value(value:float, olb:int, oub:int, nlb:int, nub:int)->int:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1969240/mapping-a-range-of-values-to-another
delta_old = abs(oub - olb)
delta_new = abs(nub - nlb)
ratio = (value - olb) / delta_old
return ratio * delta_new + nlb
while(all(subbox_constraints) == False):
value = np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=2, size=2)
x = int(np.floor(remap_value(value[0], -2, 2, 0, n)))
y = int(np.floor(remap_value(value[1], -2, 2, 0, n)))
if not (row_constraints[y] or column_constraints[x] or subbox_constraints[map_coord_to_box(x, y, step)]): #check_constraints(row_constraints, column_constraints, subbox_constraints, x, y, step):
row_constraints[y] = True
column_constraints[x] = True
subbox_constraints[map_coord_to_box(x, y, step)] = True
return result
The problem is obvious when generating 100 samples it takes on average 300 ms, and I need something faster as I need to generate at least 10.000 samples. So I have not sat still. I tried to use jit for the sub-functions but it does not make it faster, but slower. I am aware that these function calls in python have a higher overhead. And so far on my own I thought using these functions are a way to approach the sampling method I want to implement. I have also asked a friend and he came up with a different approach which is on average a factor 100 faster than the above code. So he only prunes every row and columns and after randomly choosing those and stores the indices in to a list which later fills randomly.
def orthogonal_l(n):
bs = int(np.sqrt(n))
result = [0 for i in range(n)]
columns = [[i for i in range(bs)] for j in range(bs)]
c = 0
for h in range(bs):
rows = [i for i in range(bs)]
for z in range(bs):
w = random.choice(rows)
x = random.choice(columns[w])
x += w * bs
result[x] = c
c += 1
return result, bs
How can I make use of pruning with my own code and is it wise to do so? If not, how can I improve the code, if so, where?