From original very simplistic code: Shell POSIX OpenSSL file decryption script
I learned a lot both from the first follow-up review, and the second one as well, many thanks!
I just need one final review round, so that I can feel confident, there are no more blind spots.
I promise it is the last from this project, I don't expect you to upvote or anythig else than actually do the review of the script.
, notice thes
at the end, is now looping over given arguments.POSIX compliance, no long options or anything else.
Relatively small files (< 1GiB) are on an SSD en-/decrypted within seconds, so
got out completely on such files.In any case, the script newly works directly without the
, so no more a prerequisite.Not quoting variable assignments anymore.
strings in error handler.If the destination file exists, it no longer exits, and asks for if the user wants to overwrite the file.
File size < Free space check is done in KiloBytes now.
Various small changes I don't recall otherwise.
Decription script follows:
## OpenSSL file decryption POSIX shell script ##
## revision: 1.0 ##
## GitHub: ##
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
# disable shellcheck information SC2016 globally for the script
# link to wiki:
# reason: the script's main parts use constructs like that
# treat unset variables as an error when substituting
set -o nounset
# pipe will be considered successful only if all the commands involved are executed without errors
# ERROR: Illegal option -o pipefail. This likely works in Bash and alike only.
#set -o pipefail
command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1 && tput setaf 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
# expected arguments:
# $1 = exit code
# $2 = error origin (usually function name)
# $3 = error message
# redirect all output of this function to standard error stream
exec 1>&2
# check if exactly 3 arguments have been passed
# if not, print out an internal error without colors
if [ "${#}" -ne 3 ]
printf 'print_error_and_exit internal error\n\n\tWrong number of arguments has been passed: %b!\n\tExpected the following 3:\n\t\t$1 - exit code\n\t\t$2 - error origin\n\t\t$3 - error message\n\nexit code = 1\n' "${#}"
exit 1
# check if the first argument is a number
# if not, print out an internal error without colors
if ! [ "${1}" -eq "${1}" ] 2> /dev/null
printf 'print_error_and_exit internal error\n\n\tThe first argument is not a number: %b!\n\tExpected an exit code from the script.\n\nexit code = 1\n' "${1}"
exit 1
# check if we have color support
if colors_supported
# color definitions
readonly bold=$(tput bold)
readonly red=$(tput setaf 1)
readonly white=$(tput setaf 7)
readonly yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
readonly nocolor=$(tput sgr0)
# here we have color support, so we highlight everything in different color
printf '%b\n\n\t%b\n\n%b\n' \
"${bold}${yellow}${2}${nocolor}" \
"${bold}${white}${3}${nocolor}" \
"${bold}${red}Error occurred, see above.${nocolor}"
# here we do not have color support
printf '%b\n\n\t%b\n\n%b\n' \
"${2}" \
"${3}" \
"Error occurred, see above."
exit "${1}"
# in this function, the SC2120 warning is irrelevant and safe to ignore
# link to wiki:
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
# expected arguments: none
# check if no argument has been passed
[ "${#}" -eq 0 ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "am_i_root" "Some arguments have been passed to the function!\\n\\tNo arguments expected.\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"
# check if the user is root
# this will return an exit code of the command itself directly
[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
# check if the user had by any chance run the script with root privileges
# if you need to run it as root, feel free to comment out the line below
# in this function call, the SC2119 information is irrelevant and safe to ignore
# link to wiki:
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
am_i_root && print_error_and_exit 1 "am_i_root" "Running this script with root privileges is discouraged!\\n\\tQuiting to shell."
# expected arguments:
# any number of commands / program names
while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]
# check if the argument is a program which is installed
command -v "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || print_error_and_exit 1 "check_for_prerequisites" "This script requires '${1}' but it is not installed or available on this system!\\n\\tPlease install the corresponding package manually."
# move to the next argument
check_for_prerequisites openssl file grep df du tail awk
# expected arguments:
# $1 = variable or literal
# check if exactly one argument has been passed
[ "${#}" -eq 1 ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "is_number" "Exactly one argument has not been passed to the function!\\n\\tOne variable or literal to test expected.\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"
# check if the argument is an integer number
# this will return an exit code of the command itself directly
[ "${1}" -eq "${1}" ] 2> /dev/null
# check if exactly one argument has been passed
[ "${#}" -eq 1 ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "print_usage_and_exit" "Exactly one argument has not been passed to the function!\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"
# check if the argument is a number
is_number "${1}" || print_error_and_exit 1 "print_usage_and_exit" "The argument is not a number!\\n\\Expected an exit code from the script.\\n\\tPassed: ${1}"
# in case of non-zero exit code given, redirect all output to stderr
[ "${1}" -ne 0 ] && exec 1>&2
echo "Usage: ${0} [-o directory] file"
echo " -o directory: Write the output file into the given directory;"
echo " Optional and must be given before the file."
echo " file: Regular file to decrypt."
exit "${1}"
while getopts ":ho:" option
case "${option}" in
print_usage_and_exit 0
print_usage_and_exit 1
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[ "${#}" -eq 0 ] && print_usage_and_exit 1
[ "${#}" -gt 1 ] && print_error_and_exit 1 "[ ${#} -gt 1 ]" "You have passed ${#} arguments to the script!\\n\\tOnly one file expected.\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"
[ -f "${1}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ -f ${1} ]" "The given argument is not an existing regular file!\\n\\tPassed: ${1}"
[ -r "${input_file}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ -r ${input_file} ]" "Input file is not readable by you!\\n\\tPassed: ${input_file}"
# check if exactly one argument has been passed
[ "${#}" -eq 1 ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "is_file_encrypted_using_openssl" "Exactly one argument has not been passed to the function!\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"
# check if the argument is a file
[ -f "${1}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "is_file_encrypted_using_openssl" "The provided argument is not a regular file!\\n\\tPassed: ${1}"
# check if the provided file has been encrypted using openssl
# this will return an exit code of the command itself directly
file "${1}" | grep -i openssl > /dev/null 2>&1
is_file_encrypted_using_openssl "${input_file}" || print_error_and_exit 1 "is_file_encrypted_using_openssl" "Input file does not seem to have been encrypted using OpenSSL!\\n\\tPassed: ${input_file}"
# parameter substitution with - modifier will cause the output_directory
# variable to to get dirname ... in case given_output_directory is empty
output_directory=${given_output_directory:-$(dirname "${input_file}")}
[ -d "${output_directory}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ -d ${output_directory} ]" "Destination:\\n\\t\\t${output_directory}\\n\\tis not a directory!"
[ -w "${output_directory}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ -w ${output_directory} ]" "Destination directory:\\n\\t\\t${output_directory}\\n\\tis not writable by you!"
filename_extracted_from_path=$(basename "${input_file}")
if [ "${filename_extracted_from_path}" = "${filename_without_enc_extension}" ]
# the file has a different than .enc extension or no extension at all
# what we do now, is that we append .dec extention to the file name
# the file has the .enc extension
# what we do now, is that we use the file name without .enc extension
# -e FILE: True if file exists. Any type of file!
if [ -e "${output_file}" ]
printf '%s' "Do you want to overwrite the file ${output_file}? [y/.]"
read -r overwrite
[ "${overwrite}" = "y" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ ${overwrite} = y ]" "You have decided not to overwrite the file ${output_file}. Aborting."
file_size=$(du -k "${input_file}" | awk '{ print $1 }')
free_space=$(df -k "${output_directory}" | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }')
[ "${free_space}" -gt "${file_size}" ] || print_error_and_exit 1 "[ ${free_space} -gt ${file_size} ]" "There is not enough free space in the destination directory!\\n\\t\\tFile size: ${file_size}\\n\\t\\tFree space: ${free_space}"
# here comes the core part - decryption of the given file
# we shall use 'pv' for files larger than 1GiB if available
[ "${file_size}" -gt $(( 1024 * 1024 )) ] && use_pv_if_available=0 || use_pv_if_available=1
if [ "${use_pv_if_available}" -eq 0 ] && command -v pv > /dev/null 2>&1
pv -W -p -t -e -r -a -b "${input_file}" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -out "${output_file}" -d
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -in "${input_file}" -out "${output_file}" -d
# in this test, the SC2181 information is safe to ignore
# link to wiki:
# shellcheck disable=SC2181
if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]
colors_supported && ( tput bold; tput setaf 2 )
echo "Decryption successful."
colors_supported && tput sgr0
[ -f "${output_file}" ] && rm "${output_file}"
print_error_and_exit 1 "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha256 -salt -in ${input_file} -out ${output_file} -d" "Decryption failed."
As always I do not attach the encryption script, as it is almost the same piece of code.
Uploaded on GitHub: