I have decided to rewrite what I did here, following the suggestions to use smart pointers. I will rewrite the other data structures as well using smart pointers where appropriate.
I just want to see how my code stands now, I am sure there are still areas I need to improve or fix. I again want to thank this community in their effort in evaluating my code, I really appreciate it and I believe it is slowly but surely taking my coding skills to the next level.
Here is my header file:
#ifndef Vector_h
#define Vector_h
template <class T>
class Vector {
static constexpr int initial_capacity = 100;
// Instance variables
int capacity = 0;
int size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<T[]> data = nullptr;
void deepCopy(const Vector<T> &source) {
capacity = source.size + initial_capacity;
data = std::make_unique<T[]>(capacity);
for (int i = 0; i < source.size; i++) {
data[i] = source.data[i];
size = source.size;
void expandCapacity() {
auto oldData = std::move(data);
capacity *= 2;
data = std::make_unique<T[]>(capacity);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = oldData[i];
// Constructors
Vector(); // empty constructor
Vector(int n, const T &value); // constructor
Vector(Vector<T> const &vec); // copy constructor
Vector<T>& operator=(Vector<T> const &rhs); // assignment operator
// Rule of 5
Vector(Vector<T> &&move) noexcept; // move constructor
Vector& operator=(Vector<T> &&move) noexcept; // move assignment operator
~Vector(); // destructor
// Overload operators
T& operator[](int index);
T const& operator[](int index) const;
bool operator==(const Vector<T>&) const;
Vector<T>& operator+=(const Vector<T> &other) {
Vector<T> newValue(size + other.size);
std::copy(this->data, this->data + this->size, newValue.data);
std::copy(other.data, other.data + other.size, newValue.data + this->size);
friend Vector<T>& operator+(Vector<T> &source1, Vector<T> &source2) {
int n = source1.getSize() + source2.getSize();
Vector<T> newSource(n,0);
for (int i = 0; i < source1.size; i++) {
newSource[i] = source1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < source2.size; i++) {
newSource[i + source1.getSize()] = source2[i];
return newSource;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &str, Vector<T> &data) {
return str;
// Member functions
void swap(Vector<T> &other) noexcept;
void display(std::ostream &str) const;
int getSize() const { return size; }
int getCapacity() const { return capacity; }
bool empty() const { return size == 0; }
void clear() { size = 0; }
T get(int index) const;
void set(int index, const T &value);
void set(int index, T &&value);
void insert(int index, const T &value);
void insert(int index, T &&value);
void remove(int index);
void push_back(const T &value);
void pop_back();
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector() : capacity(initial_capacity), size(0), data{ new T[capacity] } {}
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(int n, const T &value) {
capacity = (n > initial_capacity) ? n : initial_capacity;
data = std::make_unique<T[]>(capacity);
size = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
data[i] = value;
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(Vector<T> const &vec) {
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(Vector<T> &&move) noexcept {
template <class T>
Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(Vector<T> const &rhs) {
Vector<T> copy(rhs);
return *this;
template <class T>
Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(Vector<T> &&move) noexcept {
return *this;
template <class T>
Vector<T>::~Vector() {
while (!empty()) {
template <class T>
T& Vector<T>::operator[](int index) {
return data[index];
template <class T>
T const& Vector<T>::operator[](int index) const {
return data[index];
template <class T>
bool Vector<T>::operator==(const Vector<T> &rhs) const {
if (getSize() != rhs.getSize()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) {
if (data[i] != rhs[i]) {
return false;
return true;
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::swap(Vector<T> &other) noexcept {
using std::swap;
swap(capacity, other.capacity);
swap(size, other.size);
swap(data, other.data);
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::display(std::ostream &str) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
str << data[i] << "\t";
str << "\n";
template <class T>
T Vector<T>::get(int index) const {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::out_of_range("[]: index out of range.");
return data[index];
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::set(int index, const T& value) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::invalid_argument("set: index out of range");
data[index] = value;
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::set(int index, T&& value) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::invalid_argument("set: index out of range");
data[index] = std::move(value);
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::insert(int index, const T& value) {
if (size == capacity) {
for (int i = size; i > index; i--) {
data[i] = data[i - 1];
data[index] = value;
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::insert(int index, T&& value) {
if (size == capacity) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::invalid_argument("insert: index out of range");
for (int i = size; i > index; i--) {
data[i] = data[i - 1];
data[index] = std::move(value);
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::remove(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw std::invalid_argument("insert: index out of range");
for (int i = index; i < size - 1; i++) {
data[i] = data[i + 1];
template<class T>
void Vector<T>::push_back(const T& value) {
insert(size, value);
template<class T>
void Vector<T>::pop_back() {
remove(size - 1);
#endif /* Vector_h */
Here is the main.cpp file:
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <ostream>
#include "Vector.h"
int main() {
///////////////////////////// VECTOR //////////////////////////////////
Vector<int> nullVector; // Declare an empty Vector
assert(nullVector.getSize() == 0); // Make sure its size is 0
assert(nullVector.empty()); // Make sure the vector is empty
assert(nullVector.getCapacity() == 100); // Make sure its capacity is greater than 0
Vector<int> source(20, 0); // Declare a 20-element zero Vector
assert(source.getSize() == 20); // Make sure its size is 20
for (int i = 0; i < source.getSize(); i++) {
source.set(i, i);
assert(source.get(i) == i); // Make sure the i-th element has value i
source.remove(15); // Remove the 15th element
assert(source[15] == 16); // Make sure the 15th element has value 16
source.insert(15, 15); // Insert value 15 at the index 15
assert(source[15] == 15); // Make sure the 15th element has value 15
source.pop_back(); // Remove the last element
assert(source.getSize() == 19); // Make sure its size is 19
source.push_back(19); // Insert value 20 at the bottom
assert(source.getSize() == 20); // Make sure its size is 20
assert(source.get(19) == 19); // Make sure the 19th element has value 19
Vector<int> copyVector(source); // Declare a Vector equal to source
for (int i = 0; i < source.getSize(); i++) {
assert(copyVector[i] == source[i]); // Make sure copyVector equal to source
std::cout << "source: \n" << source; // Print out source
std::cout << "copyVector: \n" << copyVector; // Print out copyVector
//Vector<int> newSource = source + copyVector; // Concatenate source and copyVector
//std::cout << "newSource: \n" << newSource; // Print out source + copyVector
source.clear(); // Clear source
assert(source.getSize() == 0); // Make sure its size is 0
std::cout << "Vector unit test succeeded." << std::endl;