Problem Statement
I want to be able to look at log files and figure out where the bottlenecks are in the code in an easy/visual way rather than trying to do the math every time I make some improvements. I want to be able to use a single instance of this throughout the target class rather than creating a new instance in every function within it. Hope that helps to clear some of the confusion.
Class Description
The ExecTimeLogger class has a simple interface of Start(), Stop() and Summary() and it stores that information in a map keyed off of a token and the function name
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <atomic>
#include <Logger.h>
Utility class which provides logging the function execution times and summarizing the results of all executed functions within a class
class ExecTimeLogger
std::map <std::string, ExecTimeData> _execMap;
std::atomic<int> _sectionNumber;
int const INSTANCE_TOKEN = 0;
std::string const INSTANCE_NAME = "Entire Instance";
Logger* _logger;
std::string GetKeyName(int token, std::string sectionName)
auto keyName = std::to_string(token) + "_" + sectionName;
return keyName;
void LogMessage(std::string message)
if (_logger != nullptr)
std::cout << message.c_str();
Instantiates the ExecTimeLogger class with an optional pointer to logger
If a logger is not provided, it logs everything to the console
ExecTimeLogger(Logger* logger = nullptr)
_sectionNumber = INSTANCE_TOKEN;
this->_logger = logger;
delete _logger;
this->_logger = nullptr;
Stops the timer for the given section name
int Start(std::string sectionName)
ExecTimeData newSection;
newSection.SectionName = sectionName;
newSection.TokenID = _sectionNumber++;
newSection.SectionStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto keyName = GetKeyName(newSection.TokenID, sectionName);
if (_execMap.count(sectionName) == 0)
_execMap.insert(std::make_pair(keyName, newSection));
_execMap[keyName] = newSection;
return newSection.TokenID;
Stops the timer for the given section name and token combination
void Stop(std::string sectionName, int tokenID)
auto keyName = GetKeyName(tokenID, sectionName);
if (_execMap.count(keyName) == 0)
LogMessage(sectionName + " or " + std::to_string(tokenID) + " does not exist.\n");
_execMap[keyName].SectionStopTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::stringstream summaryBuf;
summaryBuf << _execMap[keyName].TokenID << ") " << _execMap[keyName].SectionName.c_str() << " = " << _execMap[keyName].Elapsed() << "(ms)" << std::endl;
Prints the execution time summary either to the logger if available or to the console
void LogSummary()
this->Stop(INSTANCE_NAME, 0);
std::stringstream summaryBuf;
summaryBuf << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
summaryBuf << "------------------------------------Execution Times------------------------------------\n";
summaryBuf << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
<< std::setw(10)
<< "Token"
<< std::setw(20)
<< "Section Name"
<< std::setw(21)
<< "Exec. Time (ms)"
<< std::setw(14)
<< "% of total"
<< std::setw(22)
<< "Impact"
<< std::endl;
summaryBuf << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
auto instanceElapsed = _execMap[GetKeyName(INSTANCE_TOKEN, INSTANCE_NAME)].Elapsed();
long long totalExec = 0;
for (auto const& record : _execMap)
auto currentRecord = record.second;
// Don't print the full binary time
if (currentRecord.TokenID == INSTANCE_TOKEN)
auto currentRecordElapsed = currentRecord.Elapsed();
if (currentRecordElapsed > 0)
totalExec += currentRecordElapsed;
auto percentage = ((float)currentRecordElapsed / instanceElapsed) * 100.00;
int impact = percentage / 5;
std::string impactStr = "";
if (currentRecordElapsed < 0)
impactStr = "NA";
for (size_t i = 0; i <= impact; i++)
impactStr += "*";
<< std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(2)
<< std::setw(9)
<< std::to_string(currentRecord.TokenID)
<< ")"
<< std::setw(20)
<< currentRecord.SectionName
<< std::setw(21)
<< currentRecordElapsed
<< std::setw(14)
<< ((float)currentRecordElapsed / instanceElapsed) * 100.00
<< std::setw(22)
<< impactStr
<< std::endl;
summaryBuf << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
summaryBuf << "Total Execution Time of the Instance\t\t= " << std::to_string(instanceElapsed) << "(ms)\n";
summaryBuf << "Total Execution Time of all the functions\t= " << std::to_string(totalExec) << "(ms)\n";
summaryBuf << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
<< "% execution time of all the functions\t\t= " << (((float)totalExec / instanceElapsed) * 100.00) << "%\n";
summaryBuf << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
This is the class which holds the data:
Class which holds the execution time data
class ExecTimeData
int TokenID;
std::string SectionName;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point SectionStartTime;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point SectionStopTime;
Returns the total number of milliseconds that've elapsed to execute the section
long long Elapsed()
// The clock was never stopped
if (SectionStopTime.time_since_epoch().count() == 0)
return -1;
long long elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(SectionStopTime - SectionStartTime).count();
return elapsed;
And, here is an example use case:
class ClassToBeBenchmarked
ExecTimeLogger* exec;
void PrivateFunctionOne()
auto token = exec->Start(__FUNCTION__);
exec->Stop(__FUNCTION__, token);
void PrivateFunctionTwo()
auto token = exec->Start(__FUNCTION__);
exec->Stop(__FUNCTION__, token);
exec = new ExecTimeLogger();
void PublicEntryFunction()
auto token = exec->Start(__FUNCTION__);
exec->Stop(__FUNCTION__, token);
int main()
ClassToBeBenchmarked bench;
return 0;
One thing that I'm not a fan of here is to have to put
auto token = exec.Start(__FUNCTION__);
exec.Stop(__FUNCTION__, token);
in every function.
Please suggest if there is a clever way to handle that, otherwise general code improvement comments are appreciated. Thanks!
Sample Output:
2) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PrivateFunctionOne = 500(ms)
3) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PrivateFunctionTwo = 701(ms)
1) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PublicEntryFunction = 3224(ms)
0) Entire Instance = 3233(ms)
------------------------------------------------Execution Times-------------------------------------------------
Token Section Name Exec. Time (ms) % of total Impact
1) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PublicEntryFunction 3224 99.72 ********************
2) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PrivateFunctionOne 500 15.47 ****
3) ClassToBeBenchmarked::PrivateFunctionTwo 701 21.68 *****
Total Execution Time of the Instance = 3233(ms)
Total Execution Time of all the functions = 4425(ms)
% execution time of all the functions = 136.87%
they annotate the actual binary (so there is no need to add extra code). \$\endgroup\$