The following code is part of my practice in implementing algorithms in Haskell. I'm aware that bubble sort is a bad choice for sorting sequences in real applications.
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List (sort)
-- Going from left to right, swaps two adjacent elements if they are not in order.
-- After the first go, the largest element in the list has bubbled up to the end
-- of the list. In the next go, we start swapping from the first element to the
-- penultimate element and so forth.
bubbleSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
bubbleSort xs = go xs (length xs -1)
where go xs limit | limit > 0 = let swapped = swapTill xs limit in
go swapped (limit -1)
| otherwise = xs
-- Swaps adjacent elements in a list if they are not in order, until a limit.
-- After this, the largest elements, from limit to (length xs),
-- are sorted at the list's end.
swapTill :: (Ord a, Num p) => [a] -> p -> [a]
swapTill xs limit = go xs 0
where go xs count | count < limit = swap xs
| otherwise = xs
where swap [x] = [x]
swap (x:y:xs) | x < y = x : (go (y:xs) (count +1))
| otherwise = y : (go (x:xs) (count +1))
-- Tests
bubbleSortWorks :: [Int] -> Bool
bubbleSortWorks xs = bubbleSort xs == sort xs
runQuickCheck = quickCheck bubbleSortWorks
I'd very much appreciate hints on how to make this implementation shorter (maybe using a fold) and/or more readable.
and other weird stuff i don't know about. I first learn to operate from its basic primitives this language is so different that importing libraries will only dilute the learning process into chaotic descent \$\endgroup\$Data.List
. This is used inrunQuickCheck
to make sure that mybubbleSort
produces correct output. The testing code stands apart from the code that I wanted to have reviewed. \$\endgroup\$