I am diving into Data Analysis with pandas, and I have just written this Python script to calculate the average of hotel review scores of each country. The dataset contains an individual average score for each customer review, like: 8.86 or 7.95. My goal was to average all these individual scores for a particular country.
For example, if the hotels in United Kingdom got the following hotel review scores: 8.65, 7.89, 4.35, and 6.98, I would average these four scores and create a dataframe where the first column is "Country" and the second column is the "Overall Average Score" for that country.
I tried to write a concise code as much as I could. Would you mind giving your opinions and recommendations about it? I'll be adding this to my portfolio. What should be kept and/or avoided in a professional and real-world setting?
# Average all scores that belong to a particular country.
import pandas as pd
# Reading original hotel reviews dataset.
df = pd.read_csv(DATASET_PATH)
# Getting a dataframe with two columns: 'Hotel_Address' and 'Average_Score'.
df = df.loc[:, ["Hotel_Address", "Average_Score"]]
# List of tuples.
countries_w_avg_list = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
address = row[0].split()
country_name = address[len(address) - 1]
countries_w_avg_list.append( (country_name, row[1]) )
# Getting the sum of all 'Average_Score' values for each country.
d = {} # Empty dictionary. It will be a dictionary with list values, like: {"Netherlands": [sum, counter]}
counter = 0
for country, individual_average in countries_w_avg_list:
if country not in d:
d[country] = [0, 0]
d[country][0] += individual_average
d[country][1] += 1
# Getting the average of all 'Average_Score' values for each country.
for key, value in d.items():
d[key] = round((d[key][0] / d[key][1]), 2)
# print(d)
# Now, I believe there are two ways to transform this dictionary in the df I want.
# 1 - Transform d in a df, and then transpose it. Then rename the columns.
# 2 - Create a dataframe with the column names "Country" and "Overall Average Score"
# and their values as d's keys as the value for the first column and d's values as the
# values for the second column.
df = pd.DataFrame({"Country": list(d.keys()), "Overall Average Score": list(d.values())})