
I have some code that is loading passwords from AWS SSM and then using them through the script. I am really concerned that some funky password character is going to be used that is going to get interpreted/escaped/munged by bash. The code in question is below. Are there any obvious problems here? Can I improve this so that no password can trip this up?

updateEnvFile() {
    local user=$1
    local pass=$2
    local host=$3

    cat "${bin}/../environments/development.properties" |
    sed "s;url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql;url=jdbc:mysql://$host/mysql;" |
    sed "s/username=root/username=$user/" | sed "s/password=my-secret-pw/password=$pass/"

updateConfig() {
    local dbs=$1
    for db in ${dbs}; do
        local user=${params["/databases/migrate/${env}/${db}.user"]}
        local pass=${params["/databases/migrate/${env}/${db}.password"]}
        local host=${params["/databases/migrate/${env}/${db}.host"]}
        updateEnvFile "${user}" "${pass}" "${host}" > "${bin}/../environments/${db}.properties"

2 Answers 2


Do you really pass a single argument with space-separated names to updateConfig like this?:

updateConfig "db1 db2 db3"

It would be simpler to let the function accept any number of arguments, then the loop becomes simply

for db

(in "$@" is inferred)

I'm not a fan of the repetition of /databases/migrate/${env}/${db} - consider a local variable for that:

local basepath="/databases/migrate/$env/$db"
for db; do
    local user=${params["$basepath.user"]}
    local pass=${params["$basepath.password"]}
    local host=${params["$basepath.host"]}
    updateEnvFile "$user" "$pass" "$host" >"$bin/../environments/$db.properties"

When substituting shell variables using sed s command, be sure to transform the replacement to quote any backslashes or separators in the substitution:

updateEnvFile() {
    local user=${1//\\/\\\\}
    local pass=${2//\\/\\\\}
    local host=${3//\\/\\\\}

    sed -e "/^url=/s;localhost;${host//;/\\;};" \
        -e  "/^username=/s;=.*;=${user//;/\\;};" \
        -e "/^password=/s;=.*;=${pass//;/\\;};" \

I've also combined your long pipeline into a singled sed invocation, and simplified each replacement to separate the matching and replacement parts.

  • \$\begingroup\$ The number of databases in question is discovered from the SSM params. So, it looks for anything with $basePath/(db[0-9]+) - literal code for that: echo "${!params[@]}" | tr " " "\n" | sed 's;.*\(db[0-9]\).*;\1;' | sort| uniq I am going to see about what you have and apply it \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 26, 2018 at 1:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ I tried your example: The syntax for declaring user/pass/host isn't right. I am using bash v4 \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 12, 2018 at 21:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ If I've made an error, please go ahead and propose a correction. Thanks. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 13, 2018 at 7:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ I would if I was sure exactly how it worked! :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 13, 2018 at 19:32

That cat is entirely unnecessary. Also, multiple pipes to sed are redundant.

sed by design can take a single long expression and process the data.

As for your delimiters, I'd suggest using non-printable characters when in sed:

SED_DELIM=$(echo -en "\001")

and then:

sed "s${SED_DELIM}url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql${SED_DELIM}url=jdbc:mysql://$host/mysql${SED_DELIM}; s${SED_DELIM}username=root${SED_DELIM}username=$user${SED_DELIM}; s${SED_DELIM}password=my-secret-pw${SED_DELIM}password=$pass${SED_DELIM}" $file_name

Now, that looks quite long. You can evaluate individual expressions:

sed -e "s${SED_DELIM}url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql${SED_DELIM}url=jdbc:mysql://$host/mysql${SED_DELIM};" \
-e "s${SED_DELIM}username=root${SED_DELIM}username=$user${SED_DELIM};" \
-e "s${SED_DELIM}password=my-secret-pw${SED_DELIM}password=$pass${SED_DELIM}" \

I'll go ahead and also use back-references:

sed -e "s${SED_DELIM}\(url=jdbc:mysql://\)localhost\(/mysql\)${SED_DELIM}\1$host\2${SED_DELIM};" \
-e "s${SED_DELIM}\(username=\)root${SED_DELIM}\1$user${SED_DELIM};" \
-e "s${SED_DELIM}\(password=\)my-secret-pw${SED_DELIM}\1$pass${SED_DELIM}" \
  • \$\begingroup\$ It didn't even occur to me that sed might choke on something but a slash is entirely within the realm of password chars that might be chosen. Thanks! I was thinking more like bash and "" doing weird things \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 2:55
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Portable sed command lines have exactly one command per -e argument (writing ; in place of the newline is a common, but not universal, extension to POSIX). Also, given this is Bash, $'\001' is simpler than your echo command (but I don't agree with your recommendation not to simply use distinct characters for the delimiters; I like ! or # when / is unsuitable, others choose , - instead, make the variables safe for interpolation, e.g. s!pattern!${replacement//!/\!}!) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 25, 2018 at 7:45

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