
For decoding binary data (in my case, delivered by a Bluetooth device), I've written this struct:

public struct ConsumableByteArray {
    private let bytes: [UInt8]
    private var idx = 0

    enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case notEnoughBytes

    init(data: Data) {
        bytes = [UInt8](data)

    init(bytes: [UInt8]) {
        self.bytes = bytes

    mutating func consume() throws -> UInt8 {
        guard idx < bytes.count else {
            throw Error.notEnoughBytes
        defer { idx += 1}
        return bytes[idx]

    mutating func consume() throws -> UInt16 {
        guard idx+1 < bytes.count else {
            throw Error.notEnoughBytes
        defer { idx += 2 }
        return UInt16(bytes[idx+1]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[idx])

    mutating func consume() throws -> Int16 {
        guard idx+1 < bytes.count else {
            throw Error.notEnoughBytes
        defer { idx += 2 }
        return Int16(bytes[idx+1]) << 8 + Int16(bytes[idx])

    mutating func consume() throws -> UInt32 {
        guard idx+3 < bytes.count else {
            throw Error.notEnoughBytes
        defer { idx += 4 }
        // Swift compiler insists on splitting this expression up
        let b3 = UInt32(bytes[idx+3]) << 24
        let b2 = UInt32(bytes[idx+2]) << 16
        let b1 = UInt32(bytes[idx+1]) << 8
        let b0 = UInt32(bytes[idx+0]) << 0

        return b3 + b2 + b1 + b0

Given some data buffer, likely containing ints of varying widths packed together, it allows those fields to be read out:

let buffer = ConsumableByteArray(data: someData)
let header:UInt8 = try buffer.consume()
let word1:UInt16 = try buffer.consume()
let word2:UInt16 = try buffer.consume()
let crc32:UInt32 = try buffer.consume()

Values in the early data may alter the structure of the later data (e.g. whether a feature is supported or not), hence the need for the flexibility to extract data progressively.

Would you write the implementation any differently, or change the API?


1 Answer 1


Instead of implementing consume() for each integer type separately, you can implement a single generic method:

mutating func consume<T: FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>() throws -> T {
    let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
    guard idx + size <= bytes.count else {
        throw Error.notEnoughBytes
    defer { idx += size }
    return bytes[idx..<idx + size].enumerated().reduce(0) {
        $0 + T($1.element) << (8 * $1.offset)

which can be used for all unsigned integer types UInt, UInt8, ..., UInt64, e.g.

let header: UInt8 = try buffer.consume()

and for the signed integer types via the bitPattern: initializer, e.g.

let word = try! Int16(bitPattern: buffer.consume())

Another option is to copy the bytes into a value of the desired type instead of bit shifting and adding:

mutating func consume<T: FixedWidthInteger>() throws -> T {
    let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
    guard idx + size <= bytes.count else {
        throw Error.notEnoughBytes
    var value: T = 0
    bytes.withUnsafeBytes { _ = memcpy(&value, $0.baseAddress! + idx, size) }
    idx += size
    return T(littleEndian: value)

Instead of letting the compiler infer the return type from the context, one can alternatively pass it as a parameter:

mutating func consume<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_: T.Type) throws -> T { ... }

which is then – for example – called as

let crc32 = try buffer.consume(UInt32.self)

I would probably call the method get() or read() instead of consume().

Defining a local enum Error type which conforms to the (global) Error protocol is possible, but might be confusing to the reader. I would use a different name for the concrete error type, for example:

enum ReadError: Error {
    case notEnoughBytes

Now let's have a look how an error would be reported. The caller does not know the actual error type, so a typical calling sequence is:

do {
    let someData = Data(bytes: [1])
    var buffer = ConsumableByteArray(data: someData)
    let crc32: UInt32 = try buffer.consume()
} catch {

This produces the output:

The operation couldn’t be completed. (MyProg.ConsumableByteArray.ReadError error 0.)

This can be improved by adopting the LocalizedError protocol (see for example How to provide a localized description with an Error type in Swift? on Stack Overflow):

enum ReadError: Error, LocalizedError {
    case notEnoughBytes

    public var errorDescription: String? {
        switch self {
        case .notEnoughBytes:
            return "Not enough bytes in buffer"

Now the error output of the above program becomes

Not enough bytes in buffer

You can even store additional information about the error in associated values:

enum ReadError: Error, LocalizedError {
    case notEnoughBytes(available: Int, needed: Int)

    public var errorDescription: String? {
        switch self {
        case .notEnoughBytes(let available, let needed):
            return "Not enough bytes in buffer (available: \(available), needed: \(needed))"

Then by throwing

 throw ReadError.notEnoughBytes(available: bytes.count - idx, needed: size)

an error message like

Not enough bytes in buffer (available: 1, needed: 4)

is produced.

Finally note that there is a ByteBuffer type as part of the SwiftNIO framework, which can do all this and more. Even if you decide not to use it, having a look at its documentation and interface might be instructive.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Some great suggestions in there - I particularly like the generic one-size-fits-all change. (As you may have noticed, I'd only implemented for the types I'd encountered so far). I think I picked the enum Error: Swift.Error up from swiftbysundell.com/posts/…, but I will rethink/revisit the whole error reporting aspect. \$\endgroup\$
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 13, 2018 at 20:33
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Your suggestions and the style in which you presented them are greatly appreciated - I've adopted the shift and add version. \$\endgroup\$
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 9:03
  • \$\begingroup\$ The .reduce(0) { $0 + T($1.element) << (8 * $1.offset) } version (my preference as it's more Swift-y) fails for signed Int8's with a value in the byte buffer > 127 as "Not enough bits to represent a signed value". If there's a neat way of resolving this, it's not apparent to me. \$\endgroup\$
    – Chris
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 13:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Chris: You are right, that generic method works properly only with unsigned integer types. I have updated the answer accordingly. \$\endgroup\$
    – Martin R
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 18:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the prompt update. It's a shame the caller has to do extra/different work in the signed case, but I can see no alternative. \$\endgroup\$
    – Chris
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 18:42

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