This is another Brainfuck interpreter in Python. I personaly think this is better than most of the other once you find online, because it keeps a bracket_map
, which makes both [
and ]
instant actions. The data array is a simple defaultdict(int)
, so it is infinite is size in both directions (which maybe a bad decision?) I am open to all critics and hope that somebody can tell if this is realy as efficient as I think.
from collections import defaultdict
from msvcrt import getch
program = "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."
def evaluate(sourcecode):
bracket_map = {}
stack = []
for i, c in enumerate(sourcecode):
if c == "[":
elif c == "]":
s = stack.pop()
bracket_map[s], bracket_map[i] = i, s
assert not stack
del stack
data = defaultdict(int)
data_index = 0
program_index = 0
while program_index < len(sourcecode):
c = sourcecode[program_index]
if c == "+":
v = data[data_index] + 1
if v > 255:
v = 0
data[data_index] = v
elif c == "-":
v = data[data_index] - 1
if v < 0:
v = 255
data[data_index] = v
elif c == ">":
data_index += 1
elif c == "<":
data_index -= 1
elif c == ".":
print(chr(data[data_index]), end="")
elif c == ",":
data[data_index] = getch()[0]
elif c == "[":
if not data[data_index]:
program_index = bracket_map[program_index]
elif c == "]":
if data[data_index]:
program_index = bracket_map[program_index]
program_index += 1
(if you are not on windows, you need an alternative for the getch