This is a simple TicTacToe game which allows 2 human players to play together. This involves no AI.
I am fairly new to programming and have only been learning python for 20 days. I need to know if the code which I have written is efficient in terms of approach, variable naming, commenting practices, typical conventions and new practices. Any suggestions for improvement are most welcome.
import random
#list ----> prints
#displays the moves_list in the form of a tic tac toe board
def displaygrid(moves_list):
#no parameter ----> returns nothing
#keeps asking till the player gets ready
def are_you_ready():
is_ready = 'n'
while is_ready.lower() != 'y':
is_ready = input("\nAre you ready to begin playing? (Y/N): ")
if is_ready.lower() != 'y':
print("No Problem! I will wait :)\n")
#no parameter ----> list
#asks the first player for the symbol [X/O] it wants to use
#and then returns a list with player 1 symbol at list[0]
def receive_signs():
sign = input("Player 1: Will you play with 'X' or 'O'?: ")
if sign.lower() == 'x':
return ['X', 'O']
elif sign.lower() == 'o':
return ['O', 'X']
#int, list, string ----> int
#takes in the player no. [0/1], the moves_list and player symbol
#and returns the position where it wants to place the symbol.
#Note: Keeps asking for position till the player chooses an empty slot.
def take_input(player, moves_list, sign):
while True:
pos = int(input("Player {}: Choose an empty slot for your '{}' [1-9]: ".format(player, sign)))
if 1 <= pos <= 9 and moves_list[pos-1] == '':
return pos
#list ----> boolean
#takes in the moves list and determines if
#any of the player has won the game or not.
def somebody_wins(moves_list):
if moves_list[0] == moves_list[1] == moves_list[2] and moves_list[0] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[3] == moves_list[4] == moves_list[5] and moves_list[3] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[6] == moves_list[7] == moves_list[8] and moves_list[6] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[0] == moves_list[3] == moves_list[6] and moves_list[0] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[1] == moves_list[4] == moves_list[7] and moves_list[1] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[2] == moves_list[5] == moves_list[8] and moves_list[2] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[0] == moves_list[4] == moves_list[8] and moves_list[0] != '':
return True
elif moves_list[2] == moves_list[4] == moves_list[6] and moves_list[2] != '':
return True
return False
#list, int ----> boolean
#determines a draw in the game
def draw(moves_list, turn_no):
for item in moves_list:
if item == '':
return False
return True
#int, string, list ----> list
#takes the desired position, symbol and the moves_list
#and places the players symbol on that position in the
#list and finnaly returns the new list
def modify_grid(pos, sign, moves_list):
moves_list[pos-1] = sign
return moves_list
#int ----> int
#determines the winner
def who_wins(turn_no):
if turn_no % 2 == 0:
return 1
return 2
#flow of game
def mainFunction():
play_more = 'y'
while play_more.lower() == 'y':
print("*Welcome to Tic Tac Toe*")
#contains the status of moves
moves_list = ['']*9
#sign_list[0] will contain the symbol chosen by player 1
#sign_list[1] will contain the symbol given to player 2
sign_list = receive_signs()
turn_no = random.randint(0,1)
print('Congratulations Player {}, You get to make the first turn'.format(turn_no+1))
while not somebody_wins(moves_list) and not draw(moves_list, turn_no) :
if(turn_no % 2 == 0):
pos = take_input(1,moves_list, sign_list[0])
moves_list = modify_grid(pos, sign_list[0], moves_list)
pos = take_input(2,moves_list, sign_list[1])
moves_list = modify_grid(pos, sign_list[1], moves_list)
turn_no += 1
print("\n" *100)
if somebody_wins(moves_list):
wins = who_wins(turn_no-1)
print("Congratulations! Player {} wins the game !".format(wins))
print("Match Tied!")
print("Well played both the players!")
play_more = input(("Do you guys want to play again? [Y/N]: "))