I've just made this class, which supports caching. I'd really appreciate any comments on how to make it better etc.
* PHP Validation Class
* The currency rates are fetched and cached for the whole day
* http://prash.me
* http://github.com/prashles
* Uses http://rate-exchange.appspot.com/currency currency API
* Returns JSON - based on Google's API
* @author Prash Somaiya
Class Convert {
* Constructor sets to TRUE if $cacheFolder is writable
* FALSE by default
private $cachable = FALSE;
* The folder where the cache files are stored
* Set in the constructor. //convert by default
private $cacheFolder;
* Length of cache in seconds
* Default is 1 day
private $cacheTimeout;
* Check if folder is writable for caching
* Set $cache to FALSE on call to disable caching
* $folder is where the cache files will be stored
* Set $folder to 'dcf' for the default folder
* Set $cacheTimeout for length of caching in seconds
public function __construct($cache = TRUE, $folder = 'dcf', $cacheTimeout = 86400)
$this->cacheFolder = ($folder == 'dcf') ? dirname(__FILE__).'/convert/' : $folder;
if (is_writable($this->cacheFolder) && $cache == TRUE) {
$this->cachable = TRUE;
$this->cacheTimeout = $cacheTimeout;
* Main function for converting
* Set $round to FALSE to return full amount
public function convert($amount = 1, $from = 'GBP', $to = 'USD', $round = TRUE)
# Check if cache file exists and pull rate
$rate = $this->get_cache($from.$to);
if ($rate !== FALSE) {
$return = $rate * $amount;
else {
if (!$this->validate_currency($to, $from)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid currency code - must be exactly 3 letters');
$response = $this->fetch($amount, $from, $to);
if (isset($response['err'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid input');
$return = $response['v'];
$this->new_cache($from.$to, $response['rate']);
return ($round) ? abs(round($return, 2)) : abs($return);
* Fetches data from external API
protected function fetch($amount, $from, $to)
$url = "http://rate-exchange.appspot.com/currency?q={$amount}&from={$from}&to={$to}";
$amount = (float) $amount;
if (in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://rate-exchange.appspot.com/currency?q={$amount}&from={$from}&to={$to}");
$response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
else {
$response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
# Caches the rate for future
$this->new_cache($from.$to, $response['rate']);
return $response;
* Checks if file is cached then returns rate
protected function get_cache($file) {
if ($this->cachable && file_exists($this->cacheFolder.strtoupper($file).'.convertcache')) {
$file = file($this->cacheFolder.$file.'.convertcache');
if ($file[0] < (time() - $this->cacheTimeout)) {
return FALSE;
return $file[1];
return FALSE;
* Calculates amount needed in currency to achieve finish currency
* Set $round to FALSE to get full value
public function amount_to($finalAmount, $from, $to, $round = TRUE)
$finalAmount = (float) $finalAmount;
if ($finalAmount == 0) {
return 0;
if (!$this->validate_currency($from, $to)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid currency code - must be exactly 3 letters');
# Gets the rate
$rate = $this->get_rate($from, $to);
# Work it out
$out = $finalAmount / $rate;
return ($round) ? round($out, 2) : $out;
* Returns rate of two currencies
public function get_rate($from = 'GBP', $to = 'USD')
# Check cache
$rate = $this->get_cache($from.$to);
if (!$rate) {
$rate = $this->fetch(1, $from, $to);
$rate = $rate['rate'];
return $rate;
* Deletes all .convertcache files in cache folder
public function clear_cache()
$files = glob($this->cacheFolder.'*.convertcache');
if (!empty($files)) {
array_map('unlink', $files);
* Validates the currency identifier
protected function validate_currency()
foreach (func_get_args() as $val) {
if (strlen($val) !== 3 || !ctype_alpha($val)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Checks if file is cacheable then creates new file
protected function new_cache($file, $rate)
if ($this->cachable) {
$file = strtoupper($file).'.convertcache';
$data = time().PHP_EOL.$rate;
file_put_contents($this->cacheFolder.$file, $data);
require_once 'classes/convert.php';
$convert = new Convert;
# Convert 15 USD to GBP
echo $convert->convert(10, 'USD', 'GBP');
echo '<br/>';
# Displays how much USD you need to get 100 INR - won't show the rounded value
echo $convert->amount_to(100, 'USD', 'INR', FALSE);