
Lately I've had interest in an emulation. During my free time I worked in this chip 8 emulator.

I believe I have a good chip 8 implementation but my canvas use and draw functions may need a review.

Chip 8 Implementation:

var chip8 = function(){
    var version = "1.0.0";

    var chip8_fontset = new Uint8Array(
            0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, // 0
          0x20, 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x70, // 1
          0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, // 2
          0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 3
          0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x10, // 4
          0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 5
          0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, // 6
          0xF0, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, // 7
          0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, // 8
          0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 9
          0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, // A
          0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, // B
          0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xF0, // C
          0xE0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xE0, // D
          0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, // E
          0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80  // F

    var chip8 = {
        initialized: false,
        opcode :  0,
        memory :  0,
        V :  0,
        I :  0,
        pc :  0,
        gfx :  0,
        delay_timer :  0,
        sound_timer :  0,
        stack :  0,
        sp :  0,
        key :  0,
        romSize: 0,
        dFlags: {
            d: false,
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            w: 0,
            h: 0
        shouldRaisePC : true,
        version: version
    var self = chip8;

    chip8.initialize = function() {
        self.memory = new Uint8Array(4096);
        self.V = new Uint8Array(16);
        self.pc = 0x200;
        self.opcode = 0;
        self.I = 0;
        self.sp = 0;
        self.gfx = new Uint8Array(64 * 32);
        self.stack = new Uint16Array(16);
        self.key = new Uint8Array(16);

        // Clear display
        // Clear stack
        // clear register V0-VF
        // clear memory
        // all those are not needed since we create new arrays for them :)

        // load fontset
        for(var i = 0; i < 80; i++){
            self.memory[i] = chip8_fontset[i];

        self.initialized = true;

    chip8.emulateCycle = function() {
        var s = self;
        var opcode = s.memory[s.pc] << 8 | s.memory[s.pc + 1];
        var i;
        var X = (opcode & 0x0f00) >> 8;
        var Y = (opcode & 0x00f0) >> 4;
        var NNN = opcode & 0x0fff;
        var NN = opcode & 0x00ff;
        var N = opcode & 0x000f;
        var VX = s.V[X];
        var VY = s.V[Y];
        var keycode;
        var keystate;

        if(s.delay_timer > 0)

        if(s.sound_timer > 0)


        switch(opcode & 0xF000){
            case 0x0000: // multiple things can happen there
                switch(opcode & 0x000F){
                    case 0x0000: // 0x00e0: clears the screen
                        // do something there
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[sc]!!screen cleared!!");
                        for(i = 0; i < s.gfx.length; i++){
                            s.gfx[i] = 0;
                        s.dFlags.d = true;
                        s.dFlags.x = 0;
                        s.dFlags.y = 0;
                        s.dFlags.w = 64;
                        s.dFlags.h = 32;
                    case 0x000e: // 0x00ee: returns from subroutine
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[st]stack decrement!!");
                        console.log("[st]old sp: " + s.sp + " old pc: " + s.pc);

                        s.pc = s.stack[--s.sp];
                        // I've commented this to stop an infinite loop of stack incremente and decrement
                        //s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                        console.log("[st]new sp: " + s.sp + " new pc " + s.pc);
                        logUnknowOp(opcode, s.pc);

            // 1NNN: jumps to adress NNN
            case 0x1000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]goto");

                s.pc = NNN;
                s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                console.log("[cf]Jumped to: " + s.pc);

            //0x2NNN: call subroutine at address NNN
            case 0x2000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[st]stack increment!!");
                console.log("[st]Stack[" + s.sp +"] = " + s.pc);

                s.stack[s.sp++] = s.pc;
                s.pc = NNN;
                s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                console.log("[st]changed pc: " + s.pc);

            // 0x3XNN: skips next instruction if VX==NN
            case 0x3000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]skip VX==NN");
                console.log("[cf]VX: " + VX + " NN: "+ NN);

                if(VX === NN){
                    s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                    console.log("[cf]Skiped to pc: " + s.pc);

            // 0x4XNN: skips next instruction if VX!=NN
            case 0x4000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]skip !=");
                console.log("[cf]VX: " + VX + " NN: "+ NN);

                if(VX !== NN){
                    s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                    console.log("[cf]Skiped to pc: " + s.pc);

            // 0x5XY0: skips instruction if VX==VY
            case 0x5000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]skip VX==VY");
                console.log("[cf]VX: " + VX + " VY: "+ VY);

                if(VX === VY){
                    s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                    console.log("[cf]Skiped to pc: " + s.pc);

            // 6XNN: sets VX to NN
            case 0x6000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[va]vx=nn" );

                s.V[X] = NN;

                console.log("[va]V["+ X+"]="+ NN);

            // 7XNN: adds to VX NN
            case 0x7000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[va]vx+=nn" );

                console.log("[va]V["+X+"]="+s.V[X]+" + " + NN);

                s.V[X] += NN;

            case 0x8000: // multiple thing there
                switch(opcode & 0x000f){

                    // 0x8XY0: assing vx to the value of vy
                    case 0x0000:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mt]VX=VY");

                        s.V[X] = VY;

                        console.log("[mt]V["+ X +"]="+ VY);

                    // 0x8XY1: sets VX to (VX or VY)
                    case 0x0001:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[bo]VX=VX|VY");

                        var OR = VX | VY;
                        s.V[X] = OR;

                        console.log("[bo]" + VX.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + VY.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + OR.toString(2));

                    // 0x8XY2: VX = (VX and VY)
                    case 0x0002:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[bo]VX=VX&VY");

                        var AND = VX & VY;
                        s.V[X] = AND;

                        console.log("[bo]" + VX.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + VY.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + AND.toString(2));

                    // 0x8XY2: VX = (VX xor VY)
                    case 0x0003:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[bo]VX=VX^VY");

                        var XOR = VX ^ VY;
                        s.V[X] = XOR;

                        console.log("[bo]" + VX.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + VY.toString(2));
                        console.log("[bo]" + XOR.toString(2));

                    // 0x8XY4: vx += vy, sets vf to 1 if carry, 0 if not
                    case 0x0004:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mt]VX+=VY");
                        if(VY > (0xff - VX)){
                            s.V[0xf] = 1;
                        } else {
                            s.V[0xf] = 0;
                        s.V[X] += s.V[Y];

                    // 0x8XY5: vx -= vy, sets vf to 0 if borrow, 1 if not
                    case 0x0005:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mt]VX-=VY");

                        s.V[0xf] = 1;
                        if(VY > VX)
                            s.V[0xf] = 0;

                        s.V[X] -= VY;
                        console.log("[mt]VX: " + VX + " VY: " + VY);

                    //8XY6: VF = lsb, vx = vx >> 1
                    case 0x0006:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[bo]VX = VX>>1");

                        var lsb = VY & 1;

                        s.V[X] = VY >> 1;

                        console.log("[bo]VX:" + VY + ">>1: " + (VY >> 1).toString(2) + " lsb: " + lsb );

                    // 0x8XY7: vx=vy - vx, sets vf to 0 if borrow, 1 if not
                    case 0x0007:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mt]VX=VY-VX");

                        s.V[0xf] = 1;
                            s.V[0xf] = 0;

                        s.V[X] = VY - VX;
                        console.log("[mt]VY: " + VY + " VX: " + VX);

                        //8XYE: VF = msb, vx = VX << 1
                        // GOTTA add a simulation for the quirksss
                    case 0x000E:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[bo]VX = VX<<1");

                        var msb = VX & 128;

                        s.V[X] = VX << 1;
                        s.V[0xf] = msb;

                        console.log("[bo]VX:" + VX + "<<1: " + (VX << 1).toString(2) + " msb: " + msb );

                        logUnknowOp(opcode, s.pc);

            // 9XY0: skips iv VX!=VY
            case 0x9000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]skip VX!=VY");

                VX = s.V[X];
                VY = s.V[Y];

                if(VX !== VY){
                    s.pc += 4;
                    s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                    console.log("[cf] pc skipped to: " + s.pc);

            // ANNN: sets I to the address NNN
            case 0xa000:
                // Execute opcode
                logOpCode(opcode, "[mem]I=NNN");
                s.I = opcode & 0x0FFF;
                console.log("[mem]New I: " + s.I);

            // BNNN: jumps to NNN + V0
            case 0xb000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[cf]pc=NNN + v0");

                s.pc =  s.V[0x0] + NNN;
                s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                console.log("[cf]new pc: " + s.pc);

            // CXNN: VX = rand & NN
            case 0xc000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[rnd]VX = rand & NN");

                var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) & NN;
                s.V[X] = rnd;

                console.log("V[" + X +"] = " +rnd);

            // DXYN draws sprite
            case 0xd000:
                logOpCode(opcode, "[gfx]!!!Fucking draw!!!");
                var xStart = s.V[X];
                var yStart = s.V[Y];
                console.log("[gfx]I: "+ s.I +" x: " + xStart + " y: " + yStart + " h: " + N);
                var pixel;

                s.V[0xF] = 0;
                for(var yline = 0; yline < N; yline++){
                    pixel = s.memory[s.I + yline];

                    for(var xline = 0; xline < 8; xline++){
                        if((pixel & (128 >> xline)) !== 0) {
                            var gfxOffset = xStart + xline +((yStart + yline) * 64);
                            s.gfx[gfxOffset] ^= 1;
                            if(s.gfx[gfxOffset] === 0) s.V[0xf] = 1;

                s.dFlags.d = true;
                s.dFlags.x = xStart;
                s.dFlags.y = yStart;
                s.dFlags.w = 8;
                s.dFlags.h = N;


            // keyboard things
            case 0xe000:
                switch(opcode & 0x00ff){
                    // EX9E: Skips the next instruction
                    // if the key stored in VX is pressed
                    case 0x009e:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[kb]skip if vx pressed");
                        keycode = s.V[X];
                        keystate = s.key[keycode];

                        console.log("[kb]we are at pc: " + s.pc);
                        console.log("[kb]key["+ keycode +"] : " + keystate);
                        console.log("[kb]we should skip to:" + (s.pc+4));

                            s.pc += 4;
                            s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                            console.log("[kb]so we skiped to pc: " + s.pc);

                    // EXA1: Skips the next instruction
                    // if the key stored in VX is not pressed
                    case 0x00a1:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[kb]skip if vx not pressed");
                        keycode = s.V[X];
                        keystate = s.key[keycode];

                        console.log("[kb]key["+ keycode +"] : " + keystate);

                            s.pc += 4;
                            s.shouldRaisePC = false;

                            console.log("[kb]so we skiped to pc: " + s.pc);

                        logUnknowOp(opcode, s.pc);

            // multiple things
            case 0xf000:
                switch(opcode & 0x00ff){
                    // FX07: VX = delay timer
                    case 0x0007:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[tm]VX = delay");

                        s.V[X] = s.delay_timer;

                        console.log("[tm]V["+X+"] = " +s.delay_timer);

                    // FX0A: wait for key press (blocking)
                    case 0x000a:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[kb]wait for keypress");

                        s.shouldRaisePC = false;
                        for(i = 0; i < s.key.length; i++){
                            if(s.key[i] === 1){
                                s.shouldRaisePC = true;
                                s.V[X] = i;

                                console.log("[kb]found at: " + s.key[i]);

                    // FX15: delay = VX
                    case 0x0015:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[tm]delay = VX");

                        VX = s.V[X];
                        s.delay_timer = VX;

                        console.log("[tm]delay = " + VX);

                    // FX18: sound = VX
                    case 0x0018:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[tm]sound = VX");

                        VX = s.V[X];
                        s.sound_timer = VX;

                        console.log("[tm]sound = " + VX);

                    // FX1E: I += VX
                    case 0x001e:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mem]I += VX");

                        VX = s.V[X];
                        s.I += VX;
                        s.V[0xf] = 0;
                        if(s.I > 0xfff)
                            s.V[0xf] = 1;

                        console.log("[mem]now I = " + s.I);

                    // FX29: I = to font char of VX 0-f
                    case 0x0029:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mem]I = font char");

                        VX = s.V[X];
                        s.I = VX * 5;

                        console.log("[mem]now I = " + s.I);

                    // FX33: too long to be described there check the chip8
                    // instruction set.
                    case 0x0033:
                        VX = s.V[X];
                        s.memory[s.I] = Math.floor(VX / 100);
                        s.memory[s.I+1] = Math.floor(VX / 10) % 10;
                        s.memory[s.I+2] = (VX % 100) % 10;

                    // FX55: starting at I = from V0 to VX
                    case 0x0055:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mem]starting at I = V0 to VX");

                        for(i = 0; i<=X; i++){
                            s.memory[s.I + i] = s.V[i];

                        s.I += VX + 1;

                    // FX65: starting at I = from V0 to VX
                    case 0x0065:
                        logOpCode(opcode, "[mem]V0 to VX = starting at I");

                        for(i = 0; i<=X; i++){
                            s.V[i] = s.memory[s.I + i];

                        s.I += VX + 1;

                        logUnknowOp(opcode, s.pc);

                logUnknowOp(opcode, s.pc);

        console.log("old pc:" + s.pc);
            s.pc += 2;
        s.shouldRaisePC = true;
        console.log("new pc:" + s.pc);

    chip8.loadRom = function() {
        s = self;
        if(!s.initialized) {
            alert("first initialize the instace of chip8");
        var file = document.getElementById("rom").files;
        console.log("Rom name: " + file[0].name);
        var view;
        if(file.length < 1) {
            alert("Please select a rom file");

        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function(e){
            view = new DataView(e.target.result);
            s.romSize = view.byteLength;
            for(var i = 0; i < view.byteLength; i++){
                s.memory[0x200 + i] = view.getUint8(i);
            console.log("finished rom load to memory, loaded: "+ view.byteLength + " bytes");

    var logOpCode = function(opcode, extra ){
        extra = (typeof extra !== 'undefined') ? extra : "";
        console.log("pc: " + self.pc + " know opcode: " + opcode.toString(16).toUpperCase() + extra);

    var logUnknowOp = function(opcode, pc){
        console.log("Unknown opcode: " + opcode.toString(16).toUpperCase() + " at pc: "+ pc);

    logOpCode = function() {};

    logUnknowOp = function(){};

    return chip8;


Main loop, canvas draw and keystrokes:

// some setup
var c8 = chip8();
var ctx;
var control = {
    fps : 120,
    intervalId: 0

// key map
// Keypad                   Keyboard
// +-+-+-+-+                +-+-+-+-+
// |1|2|3|C|                |1|2|3|4|
// +-+-+-+-+                +-+-+-+-+
// |4|5|6|D|                |Q|W|E|R|
// +-+-+-+-+       =>       +-+-+-+-+
// |7|8|9|E|                |A|S|D|F|
// +-+-+-+-+                +-+-+-+-+
// |A|0|B|F|                |Z|X|C|V|
// +-+-+-+-+                +-+-+-+-+
var keyMap = {
    49:0x1, 50:0x2, 51:0x3, 52:0xc,
    81:0x4, 87:0x5, 69:0x6, 82:0xd,
    65:0x7, 83:0x8, 68:0x9, 70:0xe,
    90:0xa, 88:0x0, 67:0xb, 86:0xf

var keyDown = function(e){
    var keycode = keyMap[e.keyCode];
    if (typeof keycode !== 'undefined') {
        c8.key[keycode] = 1;


var keyUp = function(e){
    var keycode = keyMap[e.keyCode];
    if (typeof keycode !== 'undefined') {
        c8.key[keycode] = 0;


window.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown, false);
window.addEventListener("keyup", keyUp, false);

// our callback function that handles the udpates
var tick = function(){
    // the keys are event bounded so no need for special code there
    // look for window.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown, false);



    if(c8.pc > (c8.romSize + 0x200)){
        console.log("exiting execution since theres no thing to be accesed outside of rom memory");

// load the room and starts the emulation
document.getElementById("load").onclick = function(){
    //Set up render system and register input callbacks

    // initialize things

    control.intervalId = setInterval(tick, 1000 / control.fps);


// stops emulation
document.getElementById("stop").onclick = function(){

// Canvas creation
var initGFX = function() {
    var c = document.getElementById("screen");
    ctx = c.getContext("2d");

// Canvas abstraction
var draw = {};
// draws a point
draw.point = function(x, y, color){
    var scaleFactor = 4;

    ctx.fillStyle = color;
    // in this case 4 cuz ive set the scale of the screen to 4x
    ctx.fillRect(x * scaleFactor,y * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

// clear the screen
draw.clearScren = function() {
    var scaleFactor = 4;
    ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 64 * scaleFactor, 32 * scaleFactor)

// this is run everytime the draw flag is activated
draw.draw = function() {
    var x = s.dFlags.x;
    var y = s.dFlags.y;
    var w = s.dFlags.w;
    var h = s.dFlags.h;
    var color;
    for(var i = 0; i < w; i++){
        for(var j = 0; j < h; j++){
            var offset = x + i +((y + j) * 64);
            if(c8.gfx[offset] === 1){
                color = "#000";
            } else {
                color = "#fff";
            draw.point(x + i, y + j, color);
    s.dFlags.d = false;

//translates to uint into an opcode number
var t2Uint = function(a, b){
    return (a << 8) | b;

//checks the opcode at certain memory spot
var g2mUint = function(start){
    return t2Uint(c8.memory[start], c8.memory[start + 1]);

//gets the uint at certain memoery spot
var g1mUint = function(start){
    return c8.memory[start];

//checks the sprite at certain memory spot
var gsprite = function(start, height){
    for(var i = 0; i < height; i++){
        console.log( g1mUint(start + (i*2) ).toString(2) );


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <input type="file" id="rom" name="rom" />
        <a id="load" href="#">Load Rom</a>
        <a id="stop" href="#">Stop</a>
        <br />
        <canvas id="screen" width="256" height="128" style="border: 1px solid black;"></canvas>

        <script src="chip8.js"></script>
        <script src="main.js"></script>
  • \$\begingroup\$ It is hard to give a review when there is no runnable example. If you could provide a basic OS ROM and the front end HTML \$\endgroup\$
    – Blindman67
    Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 13:57
  • \$\begingroup\$ I've added the HTML and a link to some ROM files \$\endgroup\$
    – Angel
    Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 17:13

1 Answer 1


The first thing that I noticed was that your (default) tick rate seems extremely low and I think one of the things that caused this (due to possible confusion more than anything) was the fact that your variable affecting it was called fps:

var control = {
    fps : 120,     // <---
    intervalId: 0

The tick rate of the CHIP-8 doesn't directly affect framerate, indeed frames act slightly differently than normal in that not all games will necessarily clear and redraw the entire screen. Perhaps a better name for this would be oprate or tickrate and it may be worth increasing it to get a more playable experience.

Something I'm less sure about as I haven't implemented a CHIP-8 emulator in some time is that it doesn't appear to be functioning 100% correctly, although some games are certainly playable.

As far as it running is concerned, I picked of a few games to see how they ran, I had no problems with:

  • 15PUZZLE

The following didn't work as expected:

  • CONNECT4 (Tokens wouldn't land on top of each other, only the bottom row was ever used)
  • HIDDEN (most of the tiles generated appeared as X's resulting in some strange gameplay and in the end it wasn't completable as the 2 remaining tiles didn't match when flipped) enter image description here

However the following I had no luck running:

  • BLINKY (Occasional heart would draw in top left but nothing more)

This indicates that a few of your opcodes may be functioning incorrectly (although it could be a deeper issue), it might be worth running your emulator alongside another to see how they compare.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I had to look for opcodes definitions in another sources and I noticed that the definition I took for the shift and unshift operators were bad, after updating the code those games ran well, as a exception connect 4 that has some visual glitches, You may check the git repo I'd like to get more insights in my use of the canvas to draw and my draw functions, that may be the cause of the last visual artifacts. \$\endgroup\$
    – Angel
    Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 2:28

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