I'm trying to create an example of a custom collection with an API meeting the requirements of STL iterator templates, as a learning experience.
The collection used here, a ring buffer, is merely a toy in order to help me learn the concepts involved. Once I have a better understanding of those concepts, I intend to retro-fit a similar API to a series of custom collection classes in an existing large body of code.
* Name : RingQueue.cpp
* Author : Some Guy
* Version :
* Copyright : Copyleft 2018 Some Guy. No rights reserved.
* Description : A ring buffer with STL iterators in C++.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <cassert>
template <typename T, int capacity> class RingIter;
template <typename T, int capacity> class RingIterConst;
template <typename T, int capacity> class RingQueue {
friend class RingIter<T, capacity>;
friend class RingIterConst<T, capacity>;
typedef RingIter<T, capacity> iterator;
typedef RingIterConst<T, capacity> const_iterator;
T buf[capacity];
int begin_idx;
int siz;
int end_idx() { return (begin_idx + siz) % capacity; }
RingQueue() : begin_idx(0), siz(0) {}
~RingQueue() {}
int size() const { return siz; }
T &front() {
if (siz) {
return buf[begin_idx];
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("RingQueue is empty");
const T &front() const {
if (siz) {
return buf[begin_idx];
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("RingQueue is empty");
T &back() {
if (siz) {
return buf[end_idx()];
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("RingQueue is empty");
const T &back() const {
if (siz) {
return buf[end_idx()];
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("RingQueue is empty");
T &pop_front() {
if (!siz) {
throw std::invalid_argument("RingQueue is empty");
T &ret = buf[begin_idx];
begin_idx %= capacity;
return ret;
void push_back(T val) {
buf[end_idx()] = val;
if (siz < capacity) {
} else {
begin_idx %= capacity;
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this, 0); }
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, siz); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(*this, 0); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(*this, siz); }
iterator rbegin() { return iterator(*this, siz - 1, -1); }
iterator rend() { return iterator(*this, -1, -1); }
const_iterator crbegin() const { return const_iterator(*this, siz - 1, -1); }
const_iterator crend() const { return const_iterator(*this, -1, -1); }
template <typename T, int capacity> class RingIterConst {
typedef RingIterConst<T, capacity> thisclass;
const RingQueue<T, capacity> &rq;
int off;
int inc;
inline const T& deref() { return rq.buf[(rq.begin_idx + off) % capacity]; }
RingIterConst(const RingQueue<T, capacity> &iterateOver, int offset, int increment = 1) : rq(iterateOver), off(offset), inc(increment) {}
~RingIterConst() {}
bool operator==(const RingIterConst &i) {
return &i.rq == &rq && i.off == off;
bool operator!=(const RingIterConst &i) {
return !(*this == i);
thisclass & operator++() { off += inc; return *this; }
thisclass & operator++(int) { off += inc; return *this; }
thisclass & operator--() { off -= inc; return *this; }
thisclass & operator--(int) { off -= inc; return *this; }
typename std::iterator_traits<thisclass>::difference_type operator-(thisclass &sibling) const { return (off - sibling.off) / inc; }
thisclass & operator+=(int amount) { off += (amount * inc); return *this; }
thisclass & operator-=(int amount) { off -= (amount * inc); return *this; }
thisclass & operator-() { return thisclass(rq, off, -inc); }
bool operator<(thisclass &sibling) const { return (inc < 0) != (off < sibling.off);}
bool operator<=(thisclass &sibling) const { return (inc < 0) != (off <= sibling.off); }
bool operator>(thisclass &sibling) const { return (inc < 0) != (off > sibling.off); }
bool operator>=(thisclass &sibling) const { return (inc < 0) != (off >= sibling.off); }
const T& operator[](int index) {
assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < rq.siz);
return rq.buf[(rq.begin_idx + off + (index * inc)) % capacity];
const T& operator*() { return deref(); }
template <typename T, int capacity> class RingIter : public RingIterConst<T, capacity> {
RingIter(RingQueue<T, capacity> &iterateOver, int offset) : RingIterConst<T, capacity>(iterateOver, offset) {}
~RingIter() {}
T& operator[](int index) { return this->rq.buf[(this->rq.begin_idx + this->off + (index * this->inc)) % this->capacity]; }
T &operator*() { return this->deref(); }
// FIXME: Do not pollute namespace 'std'.
namespace std {
template<typename T, int capacity> class iterator_traits<RingIterConst<T, capacity> > {
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
template<typename T, int capacity> class iterator_traits<RingIter<T, capacity> > : public iterator_traits<RingIterConst<T, capacity> > {
typedef const T value_type;
typedef const T* pointer;
typedef const T& reference;
int main(void) {
RingQueue<int, 4> rq;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rq.push_back(i * i);
assert(rq.size() == 4);
std::ostringstream s;
std::copy(rq.cbegin(), rq.cend(), std::ostream_iterator<const int>(s, " "));
assert(s.str() == "36 49 64 81 ");
std::copy(rq.crbegin(), rq.crend(), std::ostream_iterator<const int>(s, " "));
assert(s.str() == "81 64 49 36 ");
return 0;