I wrote some code in Flask for site menu:
def menu(parent_id=0, menutree=None):
menutree = menutree or []
cur = g.db.execute('select id, parent, alias, title, ord from static where parent="'+ str(parent_id) +'" and ord>0 order by ord')
fetch = cur.fetchall()
if not fetch:
return None
return [{'id':raw[0], 'parent':raw[1], 'alias':raw[2], 'title':raw[3], 'sub':menu(raw[0])} for raw in fetch]
The data is taken from the sqlite3 table:
create table static (
id integer primary key autoincrement,
parent integer,
alias string not null,
title string not null,
text string not null,
ord integer
Variable (menu_list) is transmitted to template in each route:
def index():
menu_list = menu()
return render_template('index.tpl', **locals())
Despite the fact that the code is more or less normal (except for prepared statements in a query to the database), the template is not very good:
<nav role="navigation">
{% for menu in menu_list %}
<a{% if page_id == menu.id %} class="active"{% endif %} href="/{{ menu.alias }}">{{ menu.title }}</a>
{% if menu.sub %}
{% for sub in menu.sub %}
<li><a href="/{{ menu.alias }}/{{ sub.alias }}">{{ sub.title }}</a>
{% if sub.sub %}
{% for subsub in sub.sub %}
<li><a href="/{{ menu.alias }}/{{ sub.alias }}/{{ subsub.alias }}">{{ subsub.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Is it possible to improve the existing code / output / logic?