Background: I need to use mutation observers to watch for nodes being added/removed under a specific element.
The code below is an attempt to implement something re-usable that uses MutationObserver
s where available and falls back to mutation events where not available, providing a simple unified interface to both. The aim is to have the behaviour as predictable as possible regardless if the mechanism that is powering it behind.
You will notice it only implements a very part of the functionality that is available through these methods, but that is intentional, as it only implements the parts I need to use. I may look to extend it in the future.
/*jslint plusplus: true, white: true, browser: true */
* DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory definition
function DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory() {'use strict';}
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MOFactory = {
isSupported: function() {
// Determines whether the environment supports MutationObservers and caches a
// reference to the constructor if it does
'use strict';
if (this.MOConstructor === undefined) {
this.MOConstructor = null;
if (window.MutationObserver !== undefined) { // Mozilla/standard
this.MOConstructor = window.MutationObserver;
} else if (window.WebKitMutationObserver !== undefined) { // Webkit
this.MOConstructor = window.WebKitMutationObserver;
return this.MOConstructor !== null;
getObserver: function(callback) {
// Gets a MutationObserver instance
'use strict';
return new this.MOConstructor(callback);
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.getListener = function(element) {
// Determines which wrapper constructor to use, caches the result and gets an instance
'use strict';
if (this.WrapperInUse === undefined) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.WrapperInUse = null;
if (this.MOFactory.isSupported()) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.WrapperInUse = this.MutationObserverWrapper;
} else if (window.addEventListener) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.WrapperInUse = this.MutationEventWrapper;
if (this.WrapperInUse === null) {
throw new Error('Your browser does not support Child List mutation listeners');
return new this.WrapperInUse(this, element);
* MutationObserverWrapper definition
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper = function(parent, element) {
// Constructor for MutationObserver wrapper
'use strict';
this.parent = parent;
this.element = element;
this.callbacks = {
nodeadded: [],
noderemoved: []
this.mutationObserver = parent.MOFactory.getObserver(this.observerCallback.bind(this));
// Whether the observer is currently active (boolean flag)
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper.prototype.observing = false;
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper.prototype.observerCallback = function(mutations) {
// Iterate over all nodes in mutation and fire event callbacks
'use strict';
var i, j, k, l, m, n;
for (i = 0, l = mutations.length; i < l; i++) {
for (j = 0, m = mutations[i].removedNodes.length; j < m; j++) {
for (k = 0, n = this.callbacks.noderemoved.length; k < n; k++) {
for (j = 0, m = mutations[i].addedNodes.length; j < m; j++) {
for (k = 0, n = this.callbacks.nodeadded.length; k < n; k++) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
// Register an event callback and start the observer if required
'use strict';
eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
if (this.callbacks[eventName] !== undefined && typeof callback === 'function' && this.callbacks[eventName].indexOf(callback) < 0) {
if (!this.observing) {
this.mutationObserver.observe(this.element, { childList: true, subtree: true });
this.observing = true;
}; = function(eventName, callback) {
// De-register an event callback and stop the observer if no callbacks left
'use strict';
var i;
eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
if (this.callbacks[eventName] !== undefined) {
i = this.callbacks[eventName].indexOf(callback);
if (i > -1) {
this.callbacks[eventName].splice(i, 1);
if (this.observing && !this.callbacks.nodeadded.length && !this.callbacks.noderemoved.length) {
this.observing = false;
* MutationEventWrapper definition
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationEventWrapper = function(parent, element) {
// Constructor for Mutation Events wrapper
'use strict';
this.parent = parent;
this.element = element;
this.callbacks = {
nodeadded: [],
noderemoved: []
// Whether the observer is currently active (boolean flag)
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper.prototype.insertObserving = false;
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationObserverWrapper.prototype.removeObserving = false;
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationEventWrapper.prototype.nodeInsertedListener = function(event) {
// Fire insert callbacks
'use strict';
var i, l, node = || event.srcElement;
for (i = 0, l = this.callbacks.nodeadded.length; i < l; i++) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationEventWrapper.prototype.nodeRemovedListener = function(event) {
// Fire remove callbacks
'use strict';
var i, l, node = || event.srcElement;
for (i = 0, l = this.callbacks.noderemoved.length; i < l; i++) {
DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory.prototype.MutationEventWrapper.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback) {
// Register an event callback and add the event listeners if required
'use strict';
eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
if (this.callbacks[eventName] !== undefined && typeof callback === 'function' && this.callbacks[eventName].indexOf(callback) < 0) {
if (!this.insertObserving && this.callbacks.nodeadded.length) {
this.nodeInsertedListener = this.nodeInsertedListener.bind(this);
this.element.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this.nodeInsertedListener);
this.insertObserving = true;
if (!this.removeObserving && this.callbacks.noderemoved.length) {
this.nodeRemovedListener = this.nodeRemovedListener.bind(this);
this.element.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', this.nodeRemovedListener);
this.removeObserving = true;
}; = function(eventName, callback) {
// De-register an event callback and remove the event listeners if no callbacks left
'use strict';
var i;
eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
if (this.callbacks[eventName] !== undefined) {
i = this.callbacks[eventName].indexOf(callback);
if (i > -1) {
this.callbacks[eventName].splice(i, 1);
if (this.insertObserving && !this.callbacks.nodeadded.length) {
this.element.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this.nodeInsertedListener);
this.insertObserving = false;
if (this.removeObserving && !this.callbacks.noderemoved.length) {
this.element.removeEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', this.nodeRemovedListener);
this.removeObserving = false;
* Example Usage
var factory = new DOMChildListMutationListenerFactory();
var listener = factory.getListener(document.getElementById('some-element'));
listener.on('NodeAdded', function(addedNode) {
// Do stuff here
'use strict'
globally? \$\endgroup\$