Problem statement:
To find maximum length substring in an input string which could be arranged into a palindrome, only even length palindromes are expected.
Input is one line String which contains only integers.
Output is the length of the substring which could be arranged in palindrome.
can be rearranged to an even palindrome)
My approach (I am not sure if this is the most optimal way to do it, please point out any modifications):
- Find the integers which are occurring in pairs in the original input string
- For each possible length look for a possible palindrome by starting from each integer (which we listed earlier as possible palindrome members) and searching for the required length.
Although this approach and the code works, I don't think it is optimal at all (I am using multiple nested for
loops and the code doesn't look good at all). Should I use some other data structures? Can someone please help in optimising the solution?
public class Code2 {
public static int lengthofPalindrome(String input1)
/*Check if the input is valid
* return 0 : if length = 0 ,
* contains anything other than numbers
* */
if(input1.length() <= 0 )
return 0;
if (input1.matches("[0-9]+"))
return 0;
Integer[] input_array = new Integer[input1.length()]; // copy of the input string used to compare
List<Integer> input_array_2 = Arrays.asList(input_array); //copy of the input string in array list
List<Integer> tempString = new ArrayList(); // temp arrayList
List<Integer> sub1 = new ArrayList(); // contains unique digits getting repeated 2 times
List<Integer> sub2 = new ArrayList(); // contains all digits getting repeated 2 times
int flag_2 =0;
//copy the string into integer array
for (int i = 0 ; i < input1.length(); i ++) {
input_array[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(input1.charAt(i)));
//find the int which have even occurences in the input array and populate sub1 arrayList with the values
for(int i =0 ; i < input1.length(); i++) {
if(i==0) {
else {
for(int j = 0; j <tempString.size(); j++) {
if(input_array[i]==tempString.get(j)) {
tempString.add(j, -2);
flag_2 = 1;
if(flag_2 ==1) {
if(flag_2 ==1) {
else {
//Make a copy of sub1 and populate sub2
for(Integer a : sub1) {
//Remove duplicates from the sub1
for (int i =0 ; i < sub1.size(); i ++) {
for(int j =i+1 ; j <sub1.size();j++) {
if(sub1.get(i)==sub1.get(j)) {
/*Length of sub2: used to calculate the legths of possible pallindrome substrings
Eg. If the length of sub2(contains the ints which occur in pairs in the input string) = 3
Lengths of possible substrings : 6, 4, 2
int length = sub2.size();
int value =0;
// value is the length of the substring that can be rearranged as a palindrome
for (int i =length; i >= 1; i--) {
value = find_sub(i*2, sub1,input_array_2 );
if(value !=0) {
return value;
* length : Length of the substring to be found
* subString : Contains the int which could be part of the substring
* input1 : Original input string
* This function finds the length of the substring of given length inside the main String, if it exists otherwise returns 0
* */
public static int find_sub(int length, List<Integer> subString, List<Integer> input1) {
if(length ==0 || subString.size() == 0 || input1.size()==0) {
return 0;
int index = -2;
int sum = 0;
List<Integer> allIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int breakFlag =-2;
// List of all the indices of input1 string which are present in subString (occur in pair)
for(int j =0; j < subString.size();j++) {
for (int i =0; i < input1.size(); i ++) {
if (input1.get(i) == subString.get(j)) {
// Store the values of the integer elements and its occurence if the substring exists
Map<Integer, Integer> palin ;
int val, finalFlag =-2;
int bound;
List<Integer> subList= new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Main loop to chcek from each index value for the substring of desired length
for(int j =0; j < allIndex.size(); j++) {
//gets the first index of the substring
index = allIndex.get(j);
//check if the length to search doesnot fit in the main string break;
if(index+length-1 >= input1.size()) {
//make a sublist with the desired length
subList = input1.subList(index, index+length-1);
//check if the substring of given length contain anything other than the ints in the subString
for(int i =0; i < subList.size(); i++) {
for(int m =0 ; m < subString.size(); m++) {
if(subList.get(i)==subString.get(m)) {
breakFlag =0;
else {
breakFlag =1;
//subList contains other int
if(breakFlag ==1) {
//breakFlag : is set when the substring in input1 contains any other integer than what is expected (subString)
if(breakFlag ==0) {
//logic to check if the pallindrome can be formed from this index and this length
//add all the recuring values in the map with number of occurences
palin= new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(int n =index; n <= index+length-1; n++) {
if(palin.containsKey(input1.get(n))) {
val = palin.get(input1.get(n));
palin.put(input1.get(n), val+1); }
else {
palin.put(input1.get(n), 1);
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry: palin.entrySet()) {
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry: palin.entrySet()) {
if(entry.getValue() %2 !=0) {
finalFlag = 0;
else {
//string can be rearranged into a pallindrome
finalFlag =1;
sum = sum+entry.getValue();
if(finalFlag ==1) {
if(finalFlag ==1) {
return sum;
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int output = 0;
String ip1 = in.nextLine().trim();
output = lengthofPalindrome(ip1);