I'm processing strings using regexes in a bunch of files in a directory. To each line in a file, I apply a series of try-statements to match a pattern and if they do, then I transform the input. After I have analyzed each line, I write it to a new file. I have a lot of these try-else followed by if-statements (I only included two here as an illustration). My issue here is that after processing a few files, the script slows down so much that it almost stalls the process completely. I don't know what in my code is causing the slowing down but I have a feeling it is the combination of try-else + if-statements. How can I streamline the transformations so that the data is processed at a reasonable speed?
Or is it that I need a more efficient iterator that does not tax memory to the same extent?
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
import re
import glob
fileCounter = 0
for infile in glob.iglob(r'\input-files\*.txt'):
fileCounter += 1
outfile = r'\output-files\output_%s.txt' % fileCounter
with open(infile, "rb") as inList, open(outfile, "wb") as outlist:
for inline in inlist:
inword = inline.strip('\r\n')
#apply some text transformations
#Transformation #1
try: result = re.match('^[AEIOUYaeiouy]([bcćdfghjklłmnńprsśtwzżź]|rz|sz|cz|dz|dż|dź|ch)[aąeęioóuy](.*\[=\].*)*', inword).group()
except: result = None
if result == inword:
inword = re.sub('(?<=^[AEIOUYaeiouy])(?=([bcćdfghjklłmnńprsśtwzżź]|rz|sz|cz|dz|dż|dź|ch)[aąeęioóuy])', '[=]', wbWord)
#Transformation #2 etc.
try: result = re.match('(.*\[=\].*)*(\w?\w?)[AEIOUYaąeęioóuy]\[=\][ćsśz][ptkbdg][aąeęioóuyrfw](.*\[=\].*)*', inword).group()
except: result = None
if result == inword:
inword = re.sub('(?<=[AEIOUYaąeęioóuy])\[=\](?=[ćsśz][ptkbdg][aąeęioóuyrfw])', '', inword)
inword = re.sub('(?<=[AEIOUYaąeęioóuy][ćsśz])(?=[ptkbdg][aąeęioóuyrfw])', '[=]', inword)
outline = inword + "\n"
print "Processed file number %s" % fileCounter
print "*** Processing completed ***"