About this code
This Matlab function takes in the handle of a figure and exports a PDF containing a vector image of the plot.
- The caller of this function can opt to even remove the axes if he or she really just wants the plot area (this also removes text like the plot title, units, etc.)
Any feedback is welcome but I am particularly looking for the following things:
- Ways to improve readability.
- Built in methods that I may have missed to make this function simpler or easier to follow.
- Habits that I may have inherited from C or C# that I should avoid.
- Corner cases for figures I missed that cause bugs (this works on every figure I have thrown at it, to the best of my knowledge this is working).
The function's code:
function SaveFigureAsVectorPDF(InputFigureHandle, OutFileName, ShouldPrintAxes)
%% Check input parameters
[NumberOfFigures, ~] = size(InputFigureHandle);
if(NumberOfFigures ~= 1)
error('This function only supports one figure handle.');
error('No file path provided to save the figure to.');
cUnit = 'centimeters';
%% Copy the input figure so we can mess with it
%Make a copy of the figure so we don't modify the properties of the
FigureHandleCopy = copy(InputFigureHandle);
%NOTE: Do not set this figure to be invisible, for some bizarre reason
% it must be visible otherwise Matlab will just ignore attempts
% to set its properties.
% I would prefer it if the figure did not briefly flicker into
% view but I am not sure how to prevent that.
%% Find the axis handle
ChildAxisHandles = get(FigureHandleCopy, 'Children');
NumberOfChildFigures = length(ChildAxisHandles);
if(NumberOfChildFigures ~= 1)
%note that every plot has at least one child figure
error('This function currently only supports plots with one child figure.');
AxisHandle = ChildAxisHandles(1);
%% Set Units
% It doesn't matter what unit you choose as long as it's the same for
% the figure, axis, and paper. Note that 'PaperUnits' unfortunately
% does not support 'pixels' units.
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'PaperUnits', cUnit);
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'Unit', cUnit);
set(AxisHandle, 'Unit', cUnit);
%% Get old axis position and inset offsets
%Note that the axes and title are contained in the inset
OldAxisPosition = get(AxisHandle, 'Position');
OldAxisInset = get(AxisHandle, 'TightInset');
OldAxisWidth = OldAxisPosition(3);
OldAxisHeight = OldAxisPosition(4);
OldAxisInsetLeft = OldAxisInset(1);
OldAxisInsetBottom = OldAxisInset(2);
OldAxisInsetRight = OldAxisInset(3);
OldAxisInsetTop = OldAxisInset(4);
%% Set positions and size of the figure and the Axis
FigurePosition = [0.0, 0.0, OldAxisWidth, OldAxisHeight];
PaperSize = [OldAxisWidth, OldAxisHeight];
AxisPosition = FigurePosition;
WidthWithInset = OldAxisWidth + OldAxisInsetLeft + OldAxisInsetRight;
HeightWithInset = OldAxisHeight + OldAxisInsetTop + OldAxisInsetBottom;
FigurePosition = [0.0, 0.0, WidthWithInset, HeightWithInset];
PaperSize = [WidthWithInset, HeightWithInset];
AxisPosition = [OldAxisInsetLeft, OldAxisInsetBottom, OldAxisWidth, OldAxisHeight];
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'Position', FigurePosition);
set(AxisHandle, 'Position', AxisPosition);
%Note: these properties do not effect the preview but they are
% absolutely necessary for the pdf!!
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'PaperSize', PaperSize);
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'PaperPosition', FigurePosition);
%% Write the figure to the PDF file
print('-dpdf', OutFileName);
set(FigureHandleCopy, 'name', 'PDF Figure Preview', 'numbertitle', 'off');
%If you want to see the figure (e.g., for debugging purposes), comment
%the line below out.
Usage / Testing Script:
%% Generates a graph and saves it to pdf
FigureHandle = figure;
%with axes
SaveFigureAsVectorPDF(FigureHandle, 'withaxes.pdf', true);
%without axes
SaveFigureAsVectorPDF(FigureHandle, 'withoutaxes.pdf', false);
Sample images:
With axes:
Without axes: