Style Comments:
Whenever you find yourself wanting to do a loop by initializing a variable with a while
while y < foo.length
for more idiomatic Ruby, you generally replace it with the following:
foo.each do |y|
If you need the index, add .with_index
foo.each.with_index do |y,i|
One thing I recommend for new Rubyists is to try to memorize the methods on Array
and Enumerable
. That's one of the biggest bangs for the buck if you want to exploit Ruby power.
Performance Comments
As @200_success pointed out, you have two nested loops. Each of which is scanning the entire array, which is essentially a brute force method because you're going to check every combination. In fact, because you didn't start the inner loop at the outer loop's index, you're checking each pair twice (the second time in reverse).
There are several techniques you can employ to speed things up:
- Keep track of the index of the second item in the pair. You can stop iterating when you get there because there will be no smaller indexes, and the smallest index of the pair "wins."
- When looking for the second item in the pair, you can whittle down the number of elements you need to check. Start right after the first item, and there's no need to look further than the last index of the pair.
- Utilize methods such as
to find the index of a particular value. Ruby built-ins are generally your fastest option.
This is more of a from scratch implementation. Let's start by initializing our tracking variables for the last index of the pair's value and the overall "winning" pair (because you can't necessarily stop looking the first time you find a pair).
def sum_pairs(numbers, sum)
last_index = numbers.length - 1
winning_pair = nil
Now we iterate over all the numbers array, with the index. Also, let's include the optimization where we immediately stop when we get to the last index.
numbers.each.with_index do |n,i|
break if i >= last_index
Now let's find the matching pairs. Rather than iterate again, we'll use the Ruby builtin index
which will either return an index if there is a match, or nil
. Another optimization is to minimize the size of the array we need to find the pair in, by starting after the index of the first pair, and not going any further than the last pair's index (this provides a small improvement, according to the benchmarks below).
offset = i + 1
pair = numbers[offset..last_index].index(sum-n)
next if pair.nil? #no match, move on
pair += offset #index is relative to the offset, so add it back in
So at this point we've found a match. Check to see if it is a new "winner" by comparing the last pair's index:
if pair <= last_index
winning_pair = [n,numbers[pair]]
last_index = pair
And finally return the winning pair's value. The lack of an explicit return
may look weird to you, but it is a common Ruby convention. Ruby returns the value of the last executed statement.
Let's add in the given tests:
puts [3,7] == sum_pairs([11, 3, 7, 5], 10)
puts [4,2] == sum_pairs([4, 3, 2, 3, 4], 6)
puts nil == sum_pairs([0, 0, -2, 3], 2)
puts [3,7] == sum_pairs([10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5], 10)
And when we run it:
it works!
I've benchmarked the original with my two variations and also the answer from @200_success:
pairs = [10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5, 10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5, 10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5, 10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5,
11, 7, 4, 1000, 4, 99, 55, 46, 23, 76, 75, 49, 60, 41, 92, 16, 20, 21, 0, -1]
sum = 21
require 'benchmark'
n = 500000 do |x|"SrdjaNo1:") {n.times do; sum_pairs(pairs, sum); end}"Mark-1:") {n.times do; sum_pairs_mark1(pairs, sum); end}"Mark-2:") {n.times do; sum_pairs_mark2(pairs, sum); end}"200_success:") {require 'set';n.times do; sum_pairs_200_success(pairs, sum); end}
The results:
$ sum_pairs.rb
user system total real
SrdjaNo1: 110.953000 0.016000 110.969000 (110.966885)
Mark-1: 7.281000 0.000000 7.281000 ( 7.280735)
Mark-2: 7.766000 0.000000 7.766000 ( 7.764450)
200_success: 4.156000 0.000000 4.156000 ( 4.151558)