My objective is to solve travelling salesman problem. Program input is 100 lines, each having three numbers: first of them is city ID, and the next two are x and y coordinates. Example line: 12 4.554 5.6765
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
class City;
bool distanceSort(City& _c1, City &_c2);
float calculateDistance(float _x1, float _y1, float _x2, float _y2);
return sqrt( pow(_x2 - _x1,2) + pow(_y2 - _y1,2) );
class City
int id;
float x,y;
std::map<float, City*> childNodes;
City* neighbourhoods[8];
float distances[8]; // starting from city placed to the left from this, going clockwise
// 123
// 0X4
// 765
float smallestDistance = 0;
int nearestCityDir = 10;
void exclude()
for ( int i = 0; i<8; ++i )
if ( neighbourhoods[i])
neighbourhoods[i]->distances[ (i+4)%8 ] = 0;
void recalculateDistances()
smallestDistance = 0;
nearestCityDir = 10;
for(int i =0; i<8; ++i)
if (distances[i] )
if (smallestDistance)
if (distances[i]<smallestDistance)
smallestDistance = distances[i];
nearestCityDir = i;
smallestDistance = distances[i];
nearestCityDir = i;
City * getCityWithShortestDistance()
return this;
City * cityWithShortestDistance = this;
for (auto & childCity : childNodes)
City * shortestCityInBranch = childCity.second->getCityWithShortestDistance();
if (shortestCityInBranch->smallestDistance)
if ( (cityWithShortestDistance->smallestDistance &&
shortestCityInBranch->smallestDistance < cityWithShortestDistance->smallestDistance) ||
cityWithShortestDistance->smallestDistance == 0)
cityWithShortestDistance = shortestCityInBranch;
return cityWithShortestDistance;
void organizeIntoMST()
for (int i =0; i<99; ++i)
City * cityToConnect = this->getCityWithShortestDistance();
cityToConnect->childNodes.insert( std::pair<float,City*>(cityToConnect->smallestDistance, cityToConnect->neighbourhoods[cityToConnect->nearestCityDir]) );
void preorderTraverseMST(std::vector<int> & cityOrder)
if (childNodes.empty())
return ;
for (auto const& childCity : childNodes)
return ;
City(int _id, float _x, float _y):id(_id),x(_x), y(_y){}
bool distanceSort(City& _c1, City &_c2)
return _c1.y<_c2.y;
bool IDsort(City& _c1, City &_c2)
return <;
float calculateDistance(City & _c1, City & _c2)
return sqrt( pow(_c2.x - _c1.x,2) + pow(_c2.y - _c1.y,2) );
bool horizontalSort(City &_c1, City& _c2 )
return _c1.x<_c2.x;
bool verticalSort(City& _c1, City& _c2)
return _c1.y<_c2.y;
float salesmanRoute(std::vector<int>& citiesOrder, std::vector<City>& citiesSortedByID)
float distance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
int startCityID = citiesOrder[i];
int targetCityID = citiesOrder[i+1];
distance += calculateDistance(citiesSortedByID[startCityID], citiesSortedByID[targetCityID]);
return distance ;
int main()
std::vector<City> cities;
std::ifstream file;"TSP.txt");
if (!file.good())
std::cout<<"Error, file cannot be opened"<<std::endl;
int cityID;
float cityX, cityY;
file >> cityID >> cityX >> cityY;
while (file.good())
cities.push_back(City(cityID, cityX, cityY));
file >> cityID >> cityX >> cityY;
std::sort(cities.begin(), cities.end()-1, horizontalSort);
for (int i =0; i<9; ++i)
std::sort(cities.begin() + i*10, cities.begin() +i*10 +10, verticalSort);
// below, I'm using cities array, as a 2d array, using formula:
//horizontalIndex * columnsAmmount + verticalIndex
// calculate distances in horizontal
for (int j =0; j<10; ++j) // in column
for (int i =0; i<9; ++i) // in row
City & c1 = cities[i*10 + j];
City &c2 = cities[(i+1)*10 + j];
c1.distances[4] = c2.distances[0] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[4] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[0] = &c1;
// calculate distances in vertical
for (int i =0; i<10; ++i)// in row
for (int j =0; j<9; ++j)// in column
City & c1 = cities[i*10 + j];
City &c2 = cities[i*10 + j+1];
c1.distances[6] = c2.distances[2] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[6] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[2] = &c1;
// next two loops connects nodes along the slants, from top left to bottom right corner
for (int j = 8, i = 0; j>0; --j) // i traverse row, j traverse column
for (int k=i, h =j; k<9 && h < 9 ; ++k, ++h)
City & c1 = cities[k*10 + h];
City &c2 = cities[(k+1)*10 + h+1];
c1.distances[5] = c2.distances[1] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[5] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[1] = &c1;
for (int j = 0, i =0; i<9; ++i) // i traverse row, j traverse column
for (int k=i, h =j; k<9 && h < 9 ; ++k, ++h)
City & c1 = cities[k*10 + h];
City &c2 = cities[(k+1)*10 + h+1];
c1.distances[5] = c2.distances[1] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[5] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[1] = &c1;
// next two loops connects nodes along the slants, from bottom left to top right corner
for (int j = 1, i = 0; j<9; ++j) // i traverse row, j traverse column
for (int k=i, h =j; k<9&& h >0 ; ++k, --h)
City & c1 = cities[k*10 + h];
City &c2 = cities[(k+1)*10 + h-1];
c1.distances[3] = c2.distances[7] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[3] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[7] = &c1;
for (int j = 9, i =0; i<9; ++i) // i traverse row, j traverse column
for (int k=i, h =j; k<9 && h >0 ; ++k, --h)
City & c1 = cities[k*10 + h];
City &c2 = cities[(k+1)*10 + h-1];
c1.distances[3] = c2.distances[7] = calculateDistance(c1,c2);
c1.neighbourhoods[3] = &c2;
c2.neighbourhoods[7] = &c1;
// next two loops is to fill dead ends
for (int i=0; i< 10; ++i)
int j = 0 ;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[1]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[1]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[3]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[3]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[2]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[2]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[7]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[7]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[5]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[5]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[6]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[6]=nullptr;
for (int j=0; j< 10; ++j)
int i = 0 ;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[1]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[1]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[0]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[0]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[7]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[7]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[3]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[3]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[4]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[4]=nullptr;
cities[i*10 + j].distances[5]=0;
cities[i*10 + j].neighbourhoods[5]=nullptr;
// Calculating MST
for ( int i =0; i<100; ++i)
int start_x = 2, start_y = 8;
City * mstRoot = &cities[start_x*10 + start_y];
std::vector<int> cityOrder;
mstRoot->preorderTraverseMST(cityOrder );
std::cout<<"Print cities order? (y/n)"<<std::endl;
char answer;
if (answer == 'y')
std::cout<<"cityOrder Size : "<<cityOrder.size() <<std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i<cityOrder.size(); ++i)
std::cout<<"Order: "<<i<<" City ID: "<<cityOrder[i]<<std::endl;
std::sort(cities.begin(), cities.end()-1, IDsort);
std::cout<<"DISTANCE: "<<salesmanRoute(cityOrder,cities )<<std::endl;
return 0;
return 0;
Input file
1 16.218 64.432
2 79.428 37.861
3 31.122 81.158
4 52.853 53.283
5 16.565 35.073
6 60.198 93.9
7 26.297 87.594
8 65.408 55.016
9 68.921 62.248
10 74.815 58.704
11 45.054 20.774
12 8.3821 30.125
13 22.898 47.092
14 91.334 23.049
15 15.238 84.431
16 82.582 19.476
17 53.834 22.592
18 99.613 17.071
19 7.8176 22.766
20 44.268 43.57
21 10.665 31.11
22 96.19 92.338
23 0.46342 43.021
24 77.491 18.482
25 81.73 90.488
26 86.869 97.975
27 8.4436 43.887
28 39.978 11.112
29 25.987 25.806
30 80.007 40.872
31 43.141 59.49
32 91.065 26.221
33 18.185 60.284
34 26.38 71.122
35 14.554 22.175
36 13.607 11.742
37 86.929 29.668
38 57.97 31.878
39 54.986 42.417
40 14.495 50.786
41 85.303 8.5516
42 62.206 26.248
43 35.095 80.101
44 51.325 2.922
45 40.181 92.885
46 7.5967 73.033
47 23.992 48.861
48 12.332 57.853
49 18.391 23.728
50 23.995 45.885
51 41.727 96.309
52 4.9654 54.681
53 90.272 52.114
54 94.479 23.159
55 49.086 48.89
56 48.925 62.406
57 33.772 67.914
58 90.005 39.552
59 36.925 36.744
60 11.12 98.798
61 78.025 3.7739
62 38.974 88.517
63 24.169 91.329
64 40.391 79.618
65 9.6455 9.8712
66 13.197 26.187
67 94.205 33.536
68 95.613 67.973
69 57.521 13.655
70 5.978 72.123
71 23.478 10.676
72 35.316 65.376
73 82.119 49.417
74 1.5403 77.905
75 4.3024 71.504
76 16.899 90.372
77 64.912 89.092
78 73.172 33.416
79 64.775 69.875
80 45.092 19.781
81 54.701 3.0541
82 29.632 74.407
83 74.469 50.002
84 18.896 47.992
85 68.678 90.472
86 18.351 60.987
87 36.848 61.767
88 62.562 85.944
89 78.023 80.549
90 8.1126 57.672
91 92.939 18.292
92 77.571 23.993
93 48.679 88.651
94 43.586 2.8674
95 44.678 48.99
96 30.635 16.793
97 50.851 97.868
98 51.077 71.269
99 81.763 50.047
100 79.483 47.109