A certain bathroom has N + 2 stalls in a single row; the stalls on the left and right ends are permanently occupied by the bathroom guards. The other N stalls are for users.
Whenever someone enters the bathroom, they try to choose a stall that is as far from other people as possible. To avoid confusion, they follow deterministic rules: For each empty stall S, they compute two values LS and RS, each of which is the number of empty stalls between S and the closest occupied stall to the left or right, respectively. Then they consider the set of stalls with the farthest closest neighbor, that is, those S for which min(LS, RS) is maximal. If there is only one such stall, they choose it; otherwise, they choose the one among those where max(LS, RS) is maximal. If there are still multiple tied stalls, they choose the leftmost stall among those.
K people are about to enter the bathroom; each one will choose their stall before the next arrives. Nobody will ever leave.
When the last person chooses their stall S, what will the values of max(LS, RS) and min(LS, RS) be?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T lines follow. Each line describes a test case with two integers N and K, as described above.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y z, where x is the test case number (starting from 1), y is max(LS, RS), and z is min(LS, RS) as calculated by the last person to enter the bathroom for their chosen stall S.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100. 1 ≤ K ≤ N. 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^18.
Input Output 5 4 2 Case #1: 1 0 5 2 Case #2: 1 0 6 2 Case #3: 1 1 1000 1000 Case #4: 0 0 1000 1 Case #5: 500 499
Description of my algorithm
I attached a little graphic to show how the algorithm is supposed to work. That's maybe quicker to understand than reading through the algorithm.
Group = A number of consecutive free stalls, in the beginning there is only one group.
Layer = A new layer is started when all groups of the previous layer are split up.
Each layer holds therefore 2^(layer - 1) customers
e.g. 1st layer: 1 customer
2nd layer: 2 customers
3rd layer: 4 customers
nth layer: 2^(n-1) customers
With the above definitions it can be calculated how many layers are necessary.
(Eq. 1) lastLayer = ceil(log(numberCustomers)/log(2))
To calculate the size of the group, the last customer will be assigned to, the size of the
groups in the last layer must be calculated. To do so, we need the following:
- number of stalls in the last layer
(Eq. 2) custPrevLayers = 2^(lastLayer - 1) - 1
(Eq. 3) stallsLastLayer = totalStalls - custPrevLayers
- the number of groups
(Eq. 4) nbrGroupsLastLayer = 2^(lastLayer - 1)
- and the number of customers in the last layer
(Eq. 5) custLastLayer = totalCustomers - custPrevLayers
Thus, the average group size is
(Eq. 6) avgGroupSizeLastLayer = stallsLastLayer / nbrGroupsLastLayer
Since avgGroupSizeLastLayer will in most cases not be an integer, we end up with two different
group sizes:
(Eq. 7) largeGroupSize = ceil(avgGroupSizeLastLayer)
(Eq. 8) smallGroupSize = largeGroupSize - 1
The last step is to figure out how many large groups are present in the last layer. This can
be calculated by means of (Eq. 9) and (Eq. 10):
(Eq. 9) stallsLastLayer = largeGroupSize * nbrLargeGroups + smallGroupSize * nbrSmallGroups
(Eq. 10) nbrGroupsLastLayer = nbrLargeGroups + nbrSmallGroups
Solving (Eq. 9) for nbrSmallGroups and inserting it into (Eq. 10) leaves us with
(Eq. 11) nbrLargeGroups = (stallsLastLayer - (nbrGroupsLastLayer * smallGroupSize))/(largeGroupSize - smallGroupSize);
If custLastLayer is smaller than the nbrLargeGroups min and max is to be calculated
with the largeGroupSize, otherwise with the smallGroupSize.*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#define MIN(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
#define MAX(X,Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH (80)
Structs and typedefs
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef struct TestCase_s
uint64 stalls;
uint64 customers;
uint64 max;
uint64 min;
} TestCase_t;
Forward declarations
static void getTestCases(FILE *fp, TestCase_t testCases[], int nbrOfTestcases);
static int getNumberOfTestCases(FILE *fp);
static uint64 getNumberOfStalls(char line[]);
static uint64 getNumberOfCustomers(char line[]);
static int getLine(char line[], size_t buflen, FILE *stream);
static uint64 getNumberOfLargeGroups(uint64 sizeLargeGroup, uint64 sizeSmallGroup, uint64 stallsFree, uint64 totalGroups);
static uint64 getLayers(uint64 customers);
static void calcStallsLeftRight(uint64 stalls, uint64 *stallsLeft, uint64 *stallsRight);
static void outputToFile(TestCase_t testCases[], int entries, char *outputFile);
Public functions
int main (void)
FILE *fp;
int nbrTestCases = 0;
char input[] = "Debug/";
char output[] = "Debug/output.txt";
fp = fopen(input, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
perror("Error while opening the file.\n");
nbrTestCases = getNumberOfTestCases(fp);
TestCase_t *testCases = calloc(nbrTestCases, sizeof(*testCases));
getTestCases(fp, testCases, nbrTestCases);
int currentCase = 0;
while (currentCase < nbrTestCases)
uint64 stallsToLeft;
uint64 stallsToRight;
TestCase_t *curTC = &testCases[currentCase];
uint64 lastLayer = getLayers(curTC->customers);
uint64 custPrevLayers = pow(2, lastLayer - 1) - 1;
uint64 stallsLastLayer = curTC->stalls - custPrevLayers;
uint64 nbrGroupsLastLayer = pow(2, lastLayer - 1);
uint64 sizeLargeGroup = stallsLastLayer/nbrGroupsLastLayer + (stallsLastLayer % nbrGroupsLastLayer != 0); // ciel
if (sizeLargeGroup == 1)
stallsToLeft = 0;
stallsToRight = 0;
uint64 customersLastLayer = curTC->customers - custPrevLayers;
uint64 sizeSmallGroup = sizeLargeGroup - 1; // size of small group is always one less than number of big group
uint64 largeGroups = getNumberOfLargeGroups(sizeLargeGroup, sizeSmallGroup, stallsLastLayer, nbrGroupsLastLayer);
if (largeGroups >= customersLastLayer)
calcStallsLeftRight(sizeLargeGroup, &stallsToLeft, &stallsToRight);
calcStallsLeftRight(sizeSmallGroup, &stallsToLeft, &stallsToRight);
curTC->max = MAX(stallsToLeft, stallsToRight);
curTC->min = MIN(stallsToLeft, stallsToRight);
outputToFile(testCases, nbrTestCases, output);
return 0;
Private functions
* Calculates the number of layers needed for a number of customers.
static uint64 getLayers(uint64 customers)
uint64 layers = 1;
uint64 possibleCustomers = 1;
while (customers > possibleCustomers)
possibleCustomers = possibleCustomers << 1;
possibleCustomers = possibleCustomers | 1;
return layers;
* Calculate the number of large groups
static uint64 getNumberOfLargeGroups(uint64 sizeLargeGroup, uint64 sizeSmallGroup, uint64 stallsFree, uint64 totalGroups)
return (stallsFree - (totalGroups * sizeSmallGroup))/(sizeLargeGroup - sizeSmallGroup);
* Calculates the max number of stalls to the left and right of the stall in the middle.
* If stalls is an even number the stall to the left is chosen to base the calculation on.
static void calcStallsLeftRight(uint64 stalls, uint64 *stallsLeft, uint64 *stallsRight)
*stallsLeft = (stalls - 1)/2;
*stallsRight = stalls/2;
* Reads test cases from file and fills them into the preallocated memory
static void getTestCases(FILE *fp, TestCase_t testCases[], int nbrOfTestcases)
char *line = malloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
int i = 0;
while((getLine(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp) != -1) && (i < nbrOfTestcases))
testCases[i].stalls = getNumberOfStalls(line);
testCases[i].customers = getNumberOfCustomers(line);
line = malloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
* Number of stalls is the first number in a line
static uint64 getNumberOfStalls(char line[])
return atoll(line);
* Number of customers is the second number in a line
static uint64 getNumberOfCustomers(char line[])
int i = 0;
while(line[i] != ' ')
return atoll(&line[i]);
* Number of test cases is the first line in a file.
static int getNumberOfTestCases(FILE *fp)
char *line = malloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
getLine(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp);
return atoi(line);
static int getLine(char line[], size_t buflen, FILE *stream)
int i = 0;
char c = getc(stream);
if (c == EOF)
return EOF;
while(c != EOF && c != '\n' && i < buflen)
line[i++] = c;
c = getc(stream);
line[i] = '\0';
return 0;
* Writes the test results to an output file
static void outputToFile(TestCase_t testCases[], int entries, char *outputFile)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(outputFile,"wb"); // read mode
if (fp == NULL)
perror("Error while opening the file.\n");
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++)
fprintf(fp, "Case #%d: %I64d %I64d\n", i + 1, testCases[i].max, testCases[i].min);