
This is a function I wrote which has the intention of extracting bits of the URL.
For the latest version visit my GitHub.

function getPage($options = "", $page = "")
     *   - return the string untouched
     * a - return the page name, extension, and get variables
     * b - no extension, no get variable
     * c - url up to extension, no get variable
     * d - all get variables (everything after "?" excludes the "?") (if no "?" then sets to "")
     * e - domain name e.g. google
     * f - full domain without any page information e.g. http://www.google.com
     * g - full domain e.g. http://www.google.com/search?q=query (overwrites all other options)
    if (empty($options)) return $self;

    $options = str_split($options);
    $page = ($page !== "") ? $page : $self;

    if (in_array("a", $options)) $page = substr($page, strrpos($page, "/") + 1);
    if (in_array("b", $options)) $page = substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, ".php"));
    if (in_array("c", $options)) $page = substr($page, 0, strrpos($page, "?"));
    if (in_array("d", $options)) $page = (strpos($page, "?")) ? substr($page, strrpos($page, "?") + 1) : "";
    if (in_array("e", $options)) $page = (strpos($page, "www.")) ? substr($page, strpos($page, "www.") + 4, strpos($page, ".", strpos($page, "www.")) + 4) : ((strpos($page, "/localhost/")) ? substr($page, strpos($page, "://") + 3, strpos($page, "localhost/") + 2) : (strpos($page, "www") ? substr($page, strpos($page, "://") + 3, strlen($page) - strpos($page, "www.") + 5) : substr($page, strpos($page, "://") + 3, strpos($page, ".") - strpos($page, "://") - 3)));
    if (in_array("f", $options)) if (preg_match("/^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/\n]+)/", $page, $matches)) $page = $matches[0];
    if (in_array("g", $options)) return $self;

    return $page;

I'm not sure if I am creating this in the best way (there are lots of substrings).

One of my current examples of using this code is to determine which page is selected.

<ul id="nav">
    <li class="button <?php echo getPage("ab") == "page1" ? "active" : "inactive"; ?>"><a href="page1.php">Page 1</a></li>
    <li class="button <?php echo getPage("ab") == "page2" ? "active" : "inactive"; ?>"><a href="page2.php">Page 2</a></li>

Assuming the URL is "http://www.example.com/page1.php?myVar=myVal"
getPage("ab") would find the page name.
a Would return the page name (e.g. "page1.php")
b Would return "http://www.example.com/page1"
Combining the two returns "page1".

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Please do not update the code in your question to incorporate feedback from answers, doing so goes against the Question + Answer style of Code Review. This is not a forum where you should keep the most updated version in your question. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers. \$\endgroup\$
    – Mast
    Commented May 21, 2018 at 13:04
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Mast My apologies, I was not aware of the etiquette on this Exchange. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 21, 2018 at 14:17

1 Answer 1


Have you tried using this function before? It does a fair bit of what you are trying to accomplish.


Failing that, I would try learning regular expressions, as they can make a lot of your strpos more concise. Its a handy skill to have in the toolbox.


I also find the a,b,c thing incredibly cryptic You could use constants

const NO_EXT_NO_GET_VARS = 'b';
  • \$\begingroup\$ That function you'd linked is something I've not seen before. I create these functions just to expand my knowledge. I did try RegEx in one of the examples at the end. Regards to the letters, I agree, I'll change this. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 11:19

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