This class exists to ensure actions created from other threads are executed in a synchronous manner. Additionally, it provides functionality to add actions that run after a delay.
Code: (Note that the comments may be inconsistent and inaccurate in places.)
class ActionQueue
// We don't lock on the actual objects, just in case (for whatever bad reason) we ever pass references or expose them publicly.
private readonly object _actionsLock = new object();
private readonly object _scheduledActionsLock = new object();
private List<Action> actions;
private List<ScheduledAction> scheduledActions;
private ManualResetEvent hasActions;
public ActionQueue()
this.actions = new List<Action>();
this.scheduledActions = new List<ScheduledAction>();
this.hasActions = new ManualResetEvent(true);
/// <summary>
/// Adds an action to the queue.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The action to be executed.</param>
/// <param name="immediate">If true, this action will be pushed to the front of the queue.</param>
public void Enqueue(System.Action action, bool immediate = false)
lock (this._actionsLock)
if (immediate)
this.actions.Insert(0, new Tasking.Action(action));
this.actions.Add(new Tasking.Action(action));
this.hasActions.Set(); // The actions queue was previously empty, so we must signal that it is no longer.
/// <summary>
/// Schedule an action to be added to the task queue after a specified delay.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delay">The delay after which this action will be added to the queue.</param>
/// <param name="action">The action to will be executed.</param>
/// <param name="immediate">Optional. If true, this action will be added to the front of the queue instead of the back.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ScheduledAction Schedule(int delay, System.Action action, bool immediate = false)
ScheduledAction scheduledAction = new ScheduledAction(delay, action, immediate);
lock (this._scheduledActionsLock)
if (this.scheduledActions.Count == 0)
foreach (ScheduledAction scheduled in this.scheduledActions)
if (scheduled.TimeUntilReady > scheduledAction.TimeUntilReady)
this.scheduledActions.Insert(this.scheduledActions.IndexOf(scheduled), scheduledAction);
break; // Break out of the loop. Also because we don't want shouted at for modifying the collection. Which would be kinda redundant anyway.
return scheduledAction;
/// <summary>
/// Processes the queue and executes all ready actions sequentially.
/// </summary>
public void Process()
int waitFor = 0;
bool timedWait = false;
// There's potential for deadlock here if you're not careful. This should be the only point in which both of these objs are simultaneously locked.
lock (this._actionsLock) lock (this._scheduledActionsLock)
if (this.actions.Count == 0 && this.scheduledActions.Count == 0)
// We have no actions at all so we wait until we have some.
else if (this.actions.Count == 0 && this.scheduledActions.Count > 0)
timedWait = true;
waitFor = this.scheduledActions[0].TimeUntilReady;
// Wait outside to prevent deadlock.
if (timedWait)
lock (this._scheduledActionsLock)
// Iterate through scheduled actions and shift ready ones into the action queue.
if (this.scheduledActions.Count > 0)
if (this.scheduledActions[0].Ready)
// Go through ready ones.
foreach (ScheduledAction action in this.scheduledActions.ToList())
if (action.Ready)
lock (this._actionsLock) // Hmm. Could be moved to somewhere more sensible?
if (action.IsImmedate)
this.actions.Insert(0, action);
Action toExecute = null;
lock (this._actionsLock)
if (this.actions.Count > 0)
toExecute = this.actions[0];
lock (this._scheduledActionsLock) // I do not like this extra lock...
if (this.scheduledActions.Count == 0) // Update: Sync issue resolved. See above lock. -_-
this.hasActions.Reset(); // Reset so we block on next iteration. We have nothing to do.
if (toExecute != null) // Run this outside of the lock to prevent other threads blocking.
/// <summary>
/// Starts a loop that continually processes tasks. Testing only!
/// </summary>
public void Run()
while (true)
Things I'd like advice on changing:
- Naming of classes - Within my project, this code lies in the namespace
. MyTasking.Action
conflicts withSystem.Action
. While this isn't really a problem problem, it doesn't feel sane.
Potential concerns:
- Deadlocks - I'm fairly new to concurrent programming, so I'm probably not aware of any obvious pitfalls that will trip me up.
- Performance - This code will be used in a real-time game server. I've already taken measures to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays within lock blocks (therefore preventing the blocking of threads that would be adding actions to the queue), but am unsure if anything else could be a potential problem.