Your code works correctly, as far as I can see. A small simplification
would be
func removeDuplicates(_ nums: inout [Int]) -> Int {
nums = Set(nums).sorted()
return nums.count
because sorted()
can directly be applied to any collection of
comparable elements and returns an array.
However, your code does not take advantage of the fact that the
given array is already sorted. Two intermediate collections (a set
and an array) are created, and the new array is sorted.
That can be improved.
Since the array elements are sorted, you can traverse through all
elements and only keep those which are different to the previous
one. This leads to the following implementation:
func removeDuplicates(_ nums: inout [Int]) -> Int {
guard let first = nums.first else {
return 0 // Empty array
var current = first
var uniqueNums = [current] // Keep first element
for elem in nums.dropFirst() {
if elem != current {
uniqueNums.append(current) // Found a different element
current = elem
nums = uniqueNums
return uniqueNums.count
In addition, you can save memory by overwriting the elements
in the given array directly. If a different element is found then it
is copied directly to its new position. At the end of the loop,
surplus elements are removed:
func removeDuplicates(_ nums: inout [Int]) -> Int {
guard let first = nums.first else {
return 0 // Empty array
var current = first
var count = 1
for elem in nums.dropFirst() {
if elem != current {
nums[count] = elem
current = elem
count += 1
nums.removeLast(nums.count - count)
return count
In my tests, the last two methods were about a factor 10 faster
than yours.