The really stupid way to evaluate bezier curves is with recursion, which is \$O(2^n)\$, which can be lowered to \$O(n^2)\$ with memoization. De Casteljau's algorithm improves on this, and is still \$O(n^2)\$ but faster.
I misinterpreted De Casteljau's and thought it was the Bernstein form:
$$\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{\binom{n}{i}p_i (1-t)^{n-i-1} t^i}$$
Where there are \$n\$ control points including the start and end named \$p_0, p_1,p_2, \dots, p_{n-1}\$.
Calculating the combination is normally \$O(n)\$ which would make this algorithm as a whole \$O(n^2)\$ since there are \$n\$ terms to sum, however, there is a cheat:
We can store the result after each iteration, resulting in the entire sequence calculated in \$O(n)\$ time, making the algorithm as a whole \$O(n)\$.
\$2\leq n\leq 5\$ is the general use case (2 and 4 probably actually), so it's hardcoded. For \$n\geq 6\$, which uses this algorithm, I've done a ridiculous number of optimizations.
The smallest double
increment (one mantissa bit) is \$2.2E{-16}\$, and based on some quick benchmarks with random data it never was more inaccurate than \$1E{-14}\$, so the inaccuracy is acceptable.
For very large \$n\$ (hundreds, 1200 was where I first saw it) the combination function exceeded the max value for double
s, causing the algorithm to return NaN
, whereas De Casteljau's, though much slower, returned what was more or less the correct value.
The final code:
public static double bezier2(double a,double b,double t){
//Total of 3 floating point operations
// 1 2 3
return a+t*(b-a);
public static double bezier(double t,double... ds){
return bezier(ds,t);
public static double bezier(double[] ds,double t){
int count = ds.length;
case 0:throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have at least two items to interpolate between");
case 1:return ds[0];
case 2:return bezier2(ds[0],ds[1],t);
case 3:{
double a = ds[0];
double b = ds[1];
double c = ds[2];
double t1 = 1d - t;
* Hardcoded for n=3
* Total of 8+1=9 floating point operations
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
return (a*t1+2d*b*t)*t1+c*t*t;
case 4:{
double a = ds[0];
double b = ds[1];
double c = ds[2];
double d = ds[3];
double t1 = 1d - t;
* Hardcoded for n=4
* Total of 13+1=9 floating point operations
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
return (a*t1+3d*b*t)*t1*t1+(3d*c*t1+d*t)*t*t;
case 5:{
double a = ds[0];
double b = ds[1];
double c = ds[2];
double d = ds[3];
double e = ds[4];
double t1 = 1d - t;
double i = t1*t1;
double j = t*t;
double k = t1*t;
double l = 4d*k;
* Hardcoded for n=5
* Total of 12+5=17 floating point operations
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
return (a*i + b*l + 6d*c*j) * i + (d*l + e*j) * j;
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:return decasteljauBezier(ds,t);
double t1 = 1d - t;
int n1 = count - 1;
int halfn = (n1>>1)+1;
int halfn1 = halfn+1;
double[] choose;
choose = new double[halfn1];
int[] chooseInt = chooseIntRange(n1,halfn);
for(int i=0;i<halfn1;i++){
}else if(count<60){
choose = new double[halfn1];
long[] chooseLong = chooseLongRange(n1,halfn);
for(int i=0;i<halfn1;i++){
choose = chooseDoubleRange(n1,halfn);
double[] terms = new double[count];
double power = 1d;
for(int i=0;i<halfn;i++){
terms[i] = ds[i] * choose[i] * power;
power *= t;
for(int i=halfn;i<count;i++){
terms[i] = ds[i] * choose[n1-i] * power;
power *= t;
power = t1;
for(int i=1;i<count;i++){
terms[n1-i] *= power;
power *= t1;
double sum = 0d;
for(double v:terms){
sum += v;
return sum;
public static double decasteljauBezier(double[] ds,double t){
int n = ds.length;
double[] result = Arrays.copyOf(ds, n);
for(int i=n-1;i>0;i--){
for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
return result[0];
public static int[] chooseIntRange(int n,int k){
int n1 = n+1;
int product = 1;
int[] result = new int[k+1];
result[0] = 1;
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){
product = product*(n1-i)/i;
result[i] = product;
return result;
public static long[] chooseLongRange(int n,int k){
int n1 = n+1;
int product = 1;
long[] result = new long[k+1];
result[0] = 1;
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){
product = product*(n1-i)/i;
result[i] = product;
return result;
public static double[] chooseDoubleRange(int n,int k){
int n1 = n+1;
double product = 1d;
double[] result = new double[k+1];
result[0] = 1;
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){
product = (product * (n1-i)) / i;
result[i] = product;
return result;
This was optimized by hand by me, and likely again by the compiler. It would explain how \$2\leq n\leq 5\$ was all roughly the same speed but \$n=6\$ then suddenly was \$\frac{1}{3}\$ of the speed.
These numbers aren't randomly chosen. They're based on the max values for
s andlong
s. It might be possible to increase these a bit (and therefore improve the algorithm ever so slightly) but I like safety.Semi-in-place De Casteljau's with all the optimizations I could think of. It's pretty fast but still \$O(n^2)\$.
De Casteljau's was faster for \$6\leq n\leq 11\$, so I thought of redirecting. But as it turns out, the extra cost of that single if
statement and a redirect call meant that it was only worth redirecting for \$6\leq n\leq 9\$. Even that redirect might be gone in the future with more optimizing. It's not like the time isn't comparable for such a small \$n\$.
Beating \$O(n)\$ is definitely impossible, but I'm certain there is a better algorithm out there, or if not, a better way to implement this one. If not even that, surely there are optimizations I've missed.