The problem will take more than 2 minutes, so if you don't have much time I wouldn't recommend you to deal with the problem.
I found this paper on how to program "a new efficient ellipse detection method", so I thought why not just try it. I programmed it in Python but my implementation is - in contrast to the title of the paper - really slow and needs for an 325x325 image (with 6000 black pixels), like this one here, with multiple circles/ellipses on the order of 30 minutes...
Please read through my code and tell me where I can optimize things (and I think, that there are a lot of things to optimize).
I'll briefly explain the 15 steps, which are listed in the paper (if I explained one step unclear then just take a quick look at the paper):
The steps: (how I understood them)
Store all edge-pixels (pixels in black) in an array
clear the accumulator-array (you'll see the use of it later)
Loop through each array-entry in the "edge-pixels-array"
Loop through each array-entry again, check if the distance between the two coordinates (from step 3+4) is in between the min-radius and max-radius of my ellipse (min-radius and max-radius are just function parameters)
If this is true, then proceed with steps 5-14.
Calculate the center, orientation and the assumed length of the major axis (you can see the equations on the paper, but I don't think that they are necessary)
Loop through each array-entry a third time, check if the distance between this coordinate and the assumed center of the point is between the min-radius and the max-radius. It this is true, then proceed with steps 7.-9.
Calculate the length of minor axis using equations (if you need to look them up on the paper)
Add the assumed parameters of the ellipse to the accumulator-array (center, x-Width, y-Width, orientation)
Wait for the inner (3.)
loop to finishAverage all values in the accumulator-array to find the average parameters for the investigated ellipse
Save the average ellipse parameters
Remove the pixels within the detected ellipse (so you don't check the pixels twice...)
Clear accumulator-array
Wait for the outer two
loops to finishOutput the found ellipses
I would be glad if someone could help me speed up the process because it takes a really long time.
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import math
def detectEllipse(filePath, minR, maxR, minAmountOfEdges):
image = cv2.imread(outfile) # proceed with lower res.
w, h = len(image[0]), len(image)
# Ellipse Detection
output = image.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
EdgePixel = []
# Step 1 - Save all Edge-Pixels in an array
for x in range(gray.shape[0]):
for y in range(gray.shape[1]):
if gray[x, y] == 0:
# Step 2 - Initialize AccumulatorArray and EllipsesFound-Array
AccumulatorArray = []
EllipsesFound = []
# Step 3 - Loop through all pixels
ignore_indices = set()
for i in range(len(EdgePixel)):
if i in ignore_indices:
# Step 4 - Loop through all pixels a second time
for j in range(len(EdgePixel)):
if j in ignore_indices:
if i != j:
xAverage, yAverage, aAverage, bAverage, orientationAverage = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
# (Step 12, clear Accumulator-Array)
AccumulatorArray = []
tmp = math.sqrt(abs(math.pow(EdgePixel[i][0]-EdgePixel[j][0], 2)) +
abs(math.pow(EdgePixel[i][1]-EdgePixel[j][1], 2)))
distance = int(tmp)
# Step 4.1 - Check if the distance is "ok"
if(distance / 2 > minR and distance / 2 < maxR):
# Step 5 - Calculate 4 parameters of the ellipse
xMiddle = (EdgePixel[i][0] + EdgePixel[j][0]) / 2
yMiddle = (EdgePixel[i][1] + EdgePixel[j][1]) / 2
a = tmp / 2
if(EdgePixel[j][0] != EdgePixel[i][0]): # To prevent division by 0
orientation = math.atan((EdgePixel[j][1]-EdgePixel[i][1])/
orientation = 0
# Step 6 - Lop through all pixels a third time
for k in range(len(EdgePixel)):
if k in ignore_indices:
if len(AccumulatorArray) > minAmoutOfEdges:
if k != i and k != j:
# Distance from x,y to the middlepoint
innerDistance = math.sqrt(abs(math.pow((xMiddle - EdgePixel[k][0]),2)) +
abs(math.pow((yMiddle - EdgePixel[k][1]),2)))
# Distance from x,y to x2,y2
tmp2 = math.sqrt(abs(math.pow((EdgePixel[i][0] - EdgePixel[j][0]),2)) +
abs(math.pow((EdgePixel[i][1] - EdgePixel[j][1]),2)))
# Distance from x,y and x0,y0 has to be smaller then the distance from x1,y1 to x0,y0
if(innerDistance < a and innerDistance > minR and innerDistance < maxR):
# Step 7 - Calculate length of minor axis
# calculate cos^2(tau):
tau = math.pow(((math.pow(a,2)+math.pow(innerDistance,2)-math.pow(tmp2,2))/(2*a*innerDistance)),2)
bSquared = (math.pow(a, 2)*math.pow(innerDistance, 2)*(1-tau))/(math.pow(a, 2)-math.pow(innerDistance, 2)*tau)
# It follows:
b = math.sqrt(bSquared) # this is the minor axis length
# Step 8 - Add the parameters to the AccumulatorArray
Data = [xMiddle, yMiddle, a, b, orientation]
# Step 9 (repeat from Step 6 till here)
# Step 10 - Check if the algorithm has detected enough Edge-Points and then average the results
if len(AccumulatorArray) > minAmoutOfEdges:
# Averageing
for k in range(len(AccumulatorArray)):
tmpData = AccumulatorArray[k]
xAverage += tmpData[0]
yAverage += tmpData[1]
aAverage += tmpData[2]
bAverage += tmpData[3]
orientationAverage += tmpData[4]
xAverage = int(xAverage / len(AccumulatorArray))
yAverage = int(yAverage / len(AccumulatorArray))
aAverage = int(aAverage / len(AccumulatorArray))
bAverage = int(bAverage / len(AccumulatorArray))
orientationAverage = int(orientationAverage / len(AccumulatorArray))
# Step 11 - Save the found Ellipse-Parameters
EllipsesFound.append([xAverage, yAverage, aAverage, bAverage, orientationAverage])
# Step 12 - Remove the Pixels on the detected ellipse from the Edge-Array
for k in range(len(EdgePixel)):
if ((math.pow(EdgePixel[k][0] - xAverage, 2) / math.pow((aAverage+5), 2)) +
((math.pow(EdgePixel[k][1] - yAverage, 2) / math.pow((bAverage+5), 2)))) <= 1:
detectEllipses("LinkToImage", 5, 15, 100)
Here is a Profile of the program, with most time is spent in pow2
(simply multiplies 2 values) and math.sqrt
65082750 function calls (65080245 primitive calls) in 22.924 seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 1 17.666 17.666 22.724 22.724 34239900 2.410 0.000 2.410 0.000 15660662 1.806 0.000 1.806 0.000 {built-in method math.sqrt} 14612430/14612383 0.699 0.000 0.699 0.000 {built-in method builtins.len} 488000 0.062 0.000 0.062 0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
python -m cProfile
to see where most of the time is being spent. Maybe you could also add a sample image/way to generate one? \$\endgroup\$for
s. That's 6000^3=216000000000 operations and you have no caching for all the divisions and power operations you're doing. \$\endgroup\$