
This is my second attempt to create a strongly typed builder for the Dependency Property. I've improved the two main weaknesses of the previous version which were:

  • Can specify only PropertyMatadata but not FrameworkPropertyMetadata
  • Can coerce value but not cancel the operation with DependencyProperty.UnsetValue

The PropertyMatadata can now be created with its own builder.

class PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> where T : DependencyObject
    private readonly PropertyMetadata _propertyMetadata;

    internal PropertyMetadataBuilder()
        _propertyMetadata = new PropertyMetadata();

    public PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> DefaultValue(
        TValue defaultValue
        _propertyMetadata.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
        return this;

    public PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> PropertyChanged(
        Action<T, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs<TValue>> propertyChangedCallback
        _propertyMetadata.PropertyChangedCallback = new PropertyChangedCallback(
            (sender, e) =>
                new DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs<TValue>(e)
        return this;

    public PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> PropertyChanging(
        Action<T, PropertyChangingEventArgs<TValue>> coerceValueCallback
        _propertyMetadata.CoerceValueCallback = new CoerceValueCallback(
            (d, baseValue) =>
                var e = new PropertyChangingEventArgs<TValue>((TValue)baseValue);
                coerceValueCallback((T)d, e);
                    ? DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
                    : e.CoercedValue;
        return this;

    public static implicit operator PropertyMetadata(
        PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> builder
        return builder._propertyMetadata;

I initialize it via an extension for the DependencyPropertyBuilder.

static class DependencyPropertyBuilderExtensions
    public static DependencyPropertyBuilder<T, TValue> PropertyMetadata<T, TValue>(
        this DependencyPropertyBuilder<T, TValue> builder,
        Action<PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue>> build
    ) where T : DependencyObject
        var metadataBuilder = new PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue>();
        return builder.Metadata(metadataBuilder);

Another extension can be added to support the creation of a FrameworkPropertyMetadata.

The DependencyPropertyBuilder has lost the PropertyMetadata related APIs and got instead one for setting metadata:

public DependencyPropertyBuilder<T, TValue> Metadata(
    PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata
    _propertyMetadata = propertyMetadata;
    return this;

The missing option DependencyProperty.UnsetValue to cancel CoerceValue is now available via the PropertyChangingEventArgs.

This should unify the the property value changing/changed behavior. The CoerceValue API is a weird one. It actually handles the property-changing event but in a completely unconventional way.

class PropertyChangingEventArgs<TValue> : EventArgs
    internal PropertyChangingEventArgs(TValue baseValue)
        NewValue = baseValue;
        CoercedValue = baseValue;
    public TValue NewValue { get; }
    public TValue CoercedValue { get; set; }
    public bool Canceled { get; set; }

This does not require to use the UnsetValue directly as it is determined by the Canceled property:

public PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> PropertyChanging(
    Action<T, PropertyChangingEventArgs<TValue>> coerceValueCallback
    _propertyMetadata.CoerceValueCallback = new CoerceValueCallback(
        (d, baseValue) =>
            var e = new PropertyChangingEventArgs<TValue>((TValue)baseValue);
            coerceValueCallback((T)d, e);
                ? DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
                : e.CoercedValue;
    return this;


The new implementation can be used like this

class TestObject : DependencyObject
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CountProperty =
        .Register<TestObject, int>(nameof(TestObject.Count))
        .PropertyMetadata(b => b
            .PropertyChanged((testObject, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"{e.Property.Name} = {e.OldValue} --> {e.NewValue}");
            .PropertyChanging((testObject, e) =>
                if (e.NewValue > 20)
                    e.CoercedValue = 15;

                if (e.NewValue < 1)
                    e.Canceled = true;
        ).ValidateValue(value => value >= 0);

    public int Count
        get { return CountProperty.GetValue<int>(this); }
        set { CountProperty.SetValue(this, value); }

Changing Count value:

var testObject = new TestObject();

testObject.Count2 = 8;

testObject.Count = 22;
testObject.Count.Dump("Coerced to max");

testObject.Count = 0;
testObject.Count.Dump("Property change canceled");

testObject.Count = -2; // bam!


Count = 5 --> 8    

Count = 8 --> 15

Coerced to max    

Property change canceled    

'-2' is not a valid value for property 'Count'. 

1 Answer 1


I have combined this builder with the declarative one.

Now the Build resolves the DefaultValue and Validation attributes on the property:

public DependencyProperty Build()

    return DependencyProperty.Register(

private void BuildDefaultValue()
    var property = _ownerType.GetProperty(_name);

    // Use the default value specified by the user or try to use the attribute.
    _propertyMetadata.DefaultValue =
        _propertyMetadata.DefaultValue ??
        new Func<object>(() =>
            // Get the defualt value from the attribute...
            property.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>()?.Value ??
            // or use the default value for the type.
                ? Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType)
                : null

private void BuildValidateValueCallback()
    var property = _ownerType.GetProperty(_name);

    // Use the callback specified by the user or try to use the attributes.
    _validateValueCallback =
        _validateValueCallback ??
        (value =>
            new Func<bool>(() => (
                property.GetCustomAttributes<ValidationAttribute>() ??
            ).All(x => x.IsValid(value)))()

I changed the PropertyChanging API back to CoerceValue. The main one works like the WPF implementation:

public PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> CoerceValue(
    Func<T, TValue, object> coerceValueCallback
    _propertyMetadata.CoerceValueCallback = (d, baseValue) => 
        coerceValueCallback((T) d, (TValue)baseValue);
    return this;

and I extended it via an extension to work with EventArgs.

public static PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> CoerceValue<T, TValue>(
    this PropertyMetadataBuilder<T, TValue> builder,
    Action<T, CoerceValueEventArgs<TValue>> coerceValueCallback
) where T : DependencyObject
    builder.CoerceValue((d, baseValue) =>
        var e = new CoerceValueEventArgs<TValue>(baseValue);
        coerceValueCallback(d, e);
                ? DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
                : e.CoercedValue;
    return builder;

The custom EventArgs

public class CoerceValueEventArgs<TValue> : EventArgs
    internal CoerceValueEventArgs(TValue baseValue)
        NewValue = baseValue;
        CoercedValue = baseValue;
    public TValue NewValue { get; }
    public TValue CoercedValue { get; set; }
    public bool Canceled { get; set; }

This is the new TestObject

internal class TestObject : DependencyObject
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CountProperty =
        .Register<TestObject, int>(nameof(Count))
        .PropertyMetadata(b => b
            .PropertyChanged((testObject, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"{e.Property.Name} = {e.OldValue} --> {e.NewValue}");
            .CoerceValue((testObject, e) =>
                if (e.NewValue > 20)
                    e.CoercedValue = 15;

                if (e.NewValue < 1)
                    e.Canceled = true;

    [Range(0, 15)]
    public int Count
        get { return CountProperty.GetValue<int>(this); }
        set { CountProperty.SetValue(this, value); }

and the tests

public void Count_DefaultValue()
    var testObject = new TestObject();
    Assert.AreEqual(5, testObject.Count, "Default value.");

public void Count_ChangeValue()
    var testObject = new TestObject
        Count = 8
    Assert.AreEqual(8, testObject.Count, "Changed value");

public void Count_ValueOutOfRange()
    new TestObject
        Count = 22

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