
I recently wrote this C++ Logger API code for a game engine. It needs to be as fast as possible so I tried to postpone everything to compile-time using different template meta-programming tricks (for instance, static_if). Any advice, bug fixes or suggestions are welcome.


// Copyright(c) Matyas Yves Constans 2016-2017

#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <sstream>

namespace cnd

    /** @brief Specifies the minimum log level.
     * Enumeration specifying the minimum
     * log level at which LogEntry will
     * write a message to a stream.
     * @see LogEntry
    enum class LogLevel
        FATAL, /// < Indicated that the application cannot go on (lowest log level)
        ERROR, /// < Indicates that an error has occured
        WARN, /// < Indicates that the application has issued a warning
        INFO, /// < Indicates that the corresponding message gives some kind of information to the end-user
        DEBUG, /// < Indicates that the corresponding message is targeted to developpers / modders / etc...

        DEBUG_1, /// < Indicates that this message must be differentiated from different debug levels
        DEBUG_2, /// < Indicates that this message must be differentiated from different debug levels
        DEBUG_3, /// < Indicates that this message must be differentiated from different debug levels
        DEBUG_4, /// < Indicates that this message must be differentiated from different debug levels (highest log level)

    /** @brief Represents a Log entry, that can be modified and written to different streams.
     * An entry will be written to a specific stream when
     * an instance is destroyed, if the entry's logging level is higher
     * the reporing level. The default reporting level is LogLevel::DEBUG
     * Note that you should use one of the log printing
     * functions/macros instead to print messages.
     * @tparam T specifies which io stream to use.
     * @see LogLevel
    template <typename T>
    class LogEntry
        /** @brief Constructor.

        /** @brief Prints current message.
         * Prints a formatted message based on the internal stream's content.
        virtual ~LogEntry();

        /** @brief Returns a reference to the instance's stream.
         * Returns a reference to the stream so a message can be printed using the
         * standard c++ stream syntax.
         * Shall be overridden when inheriting from LogEntry
         * @tparam Level Specifies the log level corresponding to the message
         * @return The stream corresponding to the log entry
        template <LogLevel level>
        std::ostringstream& GetMessageStream();

        /** @brief Returns the current logging level.
         * @return The Current logging level (The default log level is LogLevel::DEBUG).
         * @see LogLevel
        constexpr static LogLevel GetReportingLevel();

        /** @brief Converts an std::string to a LogLevel
         * @param level An std::string representing a LogLevel. it can be either "FATAL",
         * "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "DEBUG_1", "DEBUG_2", "DEBUG_3" or
         * "DEBUG_4".
         * @return The corresponding log level.
        static LogLevel StringToLogLevel(const std::string& level); // runtime

        /** @brief Converts a LogLevel to an std::string.
         * The return values can be either "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "DEBUG_1", "DEBUG_2", "DEBUG_3"
         * or "DEBUG_4".
         * @tparam Level LogLevel that needs to be converted
         * @return The Converted std::string
        template <LogLevel level>
        constexpr static std::string LogLevelToString(); // compile time

        template <LogLevel level>
        constexpr static unsigned int LogLevelToEnumIndex(); // compile time

        /** @brief Instances are non assignable! */
        LogEntry& operator=(const LogEntry& obj) = delete;
        /** @brief Instances are non assignable! */
        LogEntry(const LogEntry& obj) = delete;

        /** @brief String stream used to output the final message.
         * Should be used to output a custom message when inheriting
         * from LogEntry.
        std::ostringstream outputSStream_;


    //TODO add documentation!
    class LogStream_Generic
        static const FILE* GetStream();
        static void SetStream(FILE* stream);
        static void Output(const std::string& msg);
        static FILE* stream_;

    template <LogLevel level = LogLevel::DEBUG>
    void WriteLog_Generic(const std::string& msg);

    template <LogLevel level = LogLevel::DEBUG>
    void WriteLog(const std::string& msg);

    #define CIANADE_LOG_STREAM(logLevel)\
        if (cnd::LogEntry<cnd::LogStream_Generic>::LogLevelToEnumIndex<logLevel>() > /* (probably) compile time */\
        else cnd::LogEntry<cnd::LogStream_Generic>().GetMessageStream<logLevel>()

#include "Cianade/System/Details/Log_details.h"
#endif //CIANADE_LOG_H

Log_details.h: (implementation)

// Copyright(c) Matyas Yves Constans 2016-2017
// @file Log_details.h - 12/23/2016

#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include "../Time.h"
#include "../StaticIf.h"

template <typename T>
cnd::LogEntry<T>::LogEntry() = default;

template <typename T>
    outputSStream_ << "\n" << std::flush;

template <typename T>
template <cnd::LogLevel level>
constexpr std::string cnd::LogEntry<T>::LogLevelToString()
    return level == LogLevel::FATAL ? "FATAL" : // compile time
            ( level == LogLevel::ERROR ? "ERROR" :
            ( level == LogLevel::WARN ? "WARN" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::INFO ? "INFO" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::DEBUG ? "DEBUG" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::DEBUG_1 ? "DEBUG_1" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::DEBUG_2 ? "DEBUG_2" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::DEBUG_3 ? "DEBUG_3" : 
            ( level == LogLevel::DEBUG_4 ? "DEBUG_4" : 
            "" /* Should never happen, unless enum is extended*/

template <typename T>
template <cnd::LogLevel level>
constexpr unsigned int cnd::LogEntry<T>::LogLevelToEnumIndex()
    return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<cnd::LogLevel>>(level);

template <typename T>
cnd::LogLevel cnd::LogEntry<T>::StringToLogLevel(const std::string& level)
    switch (level)
        case "INFO":
            return LogLevel::INFO;
        case "WARN":
            return LogLevel::WARN;
        case "DEBUG":
            return LogLevel::DEBUG;
        case "ERROR":
            return LogLevel::ERROR;
        case "FATAL":
            return LogLevel::FATAL;
        case "DEBUG_1":
            return LogLevel::DEBUG_1;
        case "DEBUG_2":
            return LogLevel::DEBUG_2;
        case "DEBUG_3":
            return LogLevel::DEBUG_3;
        case "DEBUG_4":
            return LogLevel::DEBUG_4;
            return "";

template <typename T>
template <cnd::LogLevel level>
std::ostringstream& cnd::LogEntry<T>::GetMessageStream()
    outputSStream_ << "- " << time::GetCurrentTimestamp();
    outputSStream_ << " " << LogLevelToString<level>() << ": ";
    return outputSStream_;

template <typename T>
constexpr cnd::LogLevel cnd::LogEntry<T>::GetReportingLevel()
    return LogLevel::DEBUG;

FILE * cnd::LogStream_Generic::stream_ = stdout;

const FILE* cnd::LogStream_Generic::GetStream()
    return stream_;

void cnd::LogStream_Generic::SetStream(FILE* stream)
    stream_ = stream;

void cnd::LogStream_Generic::Output(const std::string &msg)
    if (!stream_)
    fprintf(stream_, "%s", msg.c_str());

template <cnd::LogLevel L>
void cnd::WriteLog_Generic(const std::string& msg)
    constexpr unsigned int current_level 
            = LogEntry<LogStream_Generic>::LogLevelToEnumIndex<L>();
    constexpr unsigned int max_level 
            = LogEntry<LogStream_Generic>::LogLevelToEnumIndex<LogEntry<LogStream_Generic>::GetReportingLevel()>();
    constexpr bool condition = current_level <= max_level;

    staticIf<condition>([&](auto f){ // compile time
        LogEntry<LogStream_Generic>().GetMessageStream<L>() << msg;

template <cnd::LogLevel level>
void cnd::WriteLog(const std::string& msg) { WriteLog_Generic<level>(msg); }

main.cpp (example)

#include <Cianade/System/Log.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    cnd::WriteLog<cnd::LogLevel::DEBUG>("Hello -.-"); // puts syntax
    CIANADE_LOG_STREAM(cnd::LogLevel::INFO) << "Hello ^-^"; // stream syntax

    cnd::WriteLog<cnd::LogLevel::DEBUG_2>("nope"); // not displayed
    return 0;

1 Answer 1


You missed the most obvious issue.

cnd::WriteLog<cnd::LogLevel::DEBUG>(getMessage("BLa", "Bla", 5));

If the log level DEBUG is not going to print anything. Then calling the function getMessage() is a complete waste of time. You need to defer the call of getMessage() and only call it when it will generate something useful.

Bad Code:

This is not even legal C++

cnd::LogLevel cnd::LogEntry<T>::StringToLogLevel(const std::string& level)
    switch (level)  // level must be an integer type
  • \$\begingroup\$ thanks, I didn't even notice that it was not valid code! It's weird that gcc/msvc didn't even complain or issue a warning. Also can you give me an example about deferring the call to "getMessage()" ? \$\endgroup\$
    – MattMatt
    Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 23:21
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @MattMatt templates are not actually compiled until they are instantiated. So this just means you don't use that part of the code. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 23:36

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