
The goal is to solve an ODE numerically with forward Euler method. The programs works well (numerical solution really near analytical one). The problem I see is that the Euler scheme don't jump to eyes, probably because of push_back() functions. This approach is the only one I found to let the time of simulation (number of steps) be variable (change only the t_max constant). Do you have any idea to improve the clarity of the program?

/*  R. M.
    Exercice 1.2 of Computational Physics, N. Giordano and H. Nakanishi
        Euler method to solve: dv/dt = a - bv

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

void calculate(std::vector<double>& time, std::vector<double>& velocity, const double t_max, const double dt, const double a, const double b)
    const int iterations(t_max / dt);

    for(int i(1); i < iterations; i++)
        time.push_back( time[i-1] + dt );
        velocity.push_back( a * dt + (1 - b*dt) * velocity[i-1] );      

void save(const std::vector<double>& time, const std::vector<double>& velocity, const std::string& filename)
    std::ofstream file_out(filename);

    for(int i(0); i < time.size(); i++)
        file_out << time[i] << ' ' << velocity[i] << std::endl;


int main()
    // Constants
    constexpr double t_max(8);          // Time to end simulation
    constexpr double dt(0.01);          // Time step
    constexpr double a(10.);            // Acceleration
    constexpr double b(1.);             // Air friction

    std::vector<double> time({0});      // Initial time (t = 0)
    std::vector<double> velocity({0});  // Initial velocity (v = 0)

    calculate(time, velocity, t_max, dt, a, b);
    save(time, velocity, "veocity.dat");

    return 0;

1 Answer 1


The smallest change that might make it more readable is to resize the vectors first, so you can index the elements rather than calling push_back.

It's generally a good idea to reserve vectors before a loop anyway if you know how big they're going to end up, and resize will handle that too.

void calculate(std::vector<double>& time, std::vector<double>& velocity,
               const double t_max, const double dt, const double a, const double b)
    const int iterations(t_max / dt);
    time.resize(iterations, 0.);
    velocity.resize(iterations, 0.);

    for(int i(1); i < iterations; i++)
        time[i] = time[i-1] + dt;
        velocity[i] = a * dt + (1 - b*dt) * velocity[i-1];      

if you're keeping two vectors synchronized like this, it's sometimes nicer to replace them with a single vector whose elements have two fields:

struct step {
    double time;
    double velocity;

void calculate(std::vector<step>& steps,
               const double t_max, const double dt, const double a, const double b)
    const int iterations(t_max / dt);

    for(int i(1); i < iterations; i++)
        steps[i].time = steps[i-1].time + dt;
        steps[i].velocity = a*dt + (1 - b*dt) * steps[i-1].velocity;

this is more of an aesthetic preference though, and it isn't clearly better in your case.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I like very much your solution. Euler scheme is easier to read! Thank you! \$\endgroup\$
    – user15816
    Commented Aug 21, 2012 at 10:47

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